Koizumi's face turned pale.

Xiang Hongfei arrived, and his goal was basically lost.

Because of their equal strength, he couldn't rush into the research institute to get the crystal nucleus under the obstruction of Xiang Hongfei.

Su Xun took a long breath, lost his grenade and sat on the ground. Ma, the Savior finally came.

He just scares Junichiro Koizumi with two grenades, but he doesn't really want to die together.

After all, Koizumi's two lives can't be compared with his.

"Koizumi, kill me. Today you have to pay for it."

Xiang Hongfei rushed to Koizumi, holding the neck of one of the eight area warriors in his two hands and twisting it directly. Then he pulled out a military dagger and went straight to Koizumi Zhonger.


Koizumi also choked a stomach fire, looking at the oncoming Xiang Hongfei, fearlessly rushed up with a knife.

Two people fight into a regiment, you come and I go, knife collision sparks.

There is no fancy trick, is the most primitive strength and speed competition.

"Are you ok?"

Cao Tianqian helped Su Xun up.

Sue shook his head and said, "who is the leader of the crowd?"

"Koizumi's adjutant is also a member of the Koizumi family. Koizumi 56 is an intermediate fortifier." Cao Tian knows the information like the back of his hand.

Su Xun's face was strange. He thought of a cross talk on earth.

Seeing this, Cao Tian was puzzled: "what's the matter?"

Su Xun said: "I thought of something happy. Two predecessors said that the island people have a particular name. The children born by the river are named Watanabe. The children born by the well are named Jingshang. The children born by the spring are named Koizumi."

"And then the baby that Pa Pa Pa once conceived is called taro, such as Koizumi taro, and the baby that Pa Pa Pa twice conceived is called Jiro, such as Koizumi, Koizumi 56 Hey, hey. "

Susian showed a smile that all men knew.

Cao Tian was silent for a long time, then he said: "brother, you are really coquettish."

Then he added: "however, I'm very curious about how to snap in the well. It's a bit difficult. One should hold the well side with both hands, and the other should output at the back. That should be called the well side, not the well top."

"Brother, you are the real one." For this kind of person with strong learning ability, Su Xun was willing to give up.

"Baga road!"

At this time, Koizumi left the battlefield and rushed to Su Xun and Cao Tian with a samurai sword.

Two people have been pointing at him, although he did not know what they were saying, but certainly not good words.

Besides, these two people seem to be more dignified. Xiang Hongfei is now restrained by the marshal. Let's kill them first.

Before, Su Xun had no resistance in front of the marshal. He was just an ordinary man. How could he use the marshal to fight?

You can solve him by yourself!

Koizumi, I can do it now!

Looking at Koizumi coming.

Su Xun grinned silently.

I can't beat No.2, can't I beat No.56?

The intermediate fortifier is much weaker than the advanced fortifier.

Cao Tian also laughed and looked at Koizumi with sympathy.

"Go ahead." Cao Tian handed his dagger to Su Xun, and then stepped back two steps.

Seeing Cao Tian's backward movement, Koizumi's eyes flashed a touch of disdain. He was really a coward.

Then I'll kill him and then I'll kill you.

As his mind turned, he had come to Su Xun.


With a roar, the samurai sword stabbed Su Xun in the stomach.

Su Xun hid on his side, and the sharp samurai sword was near his waist.

Su and Koizumi held the knife face to face in a blink of an eye.

Koizumi is a little confused. Why is this different from what he imagined?

This is just an ordinary person.


The next second, he uttered a shrill scream.

Because when he was confused, the dagger in susian's hand had already cut off his fingers holding the knife, and several fingers had been cut off, dripping with blood.

Koizumi's sword fell to the ground in pain.


When he heard Koizumi's scream, Koizumi's face changed and he rushed to save him.

However, Xiang Hongfei certainly won't give him this opportunity to push him back.

"I have time to be distracted when I'm fighting. It's too hard to pay attention to me."

Unable to save the aide, Koizumi was aroused in the heart of anger, the offensive more fierce three points.Koizumi resisted the pain in his hands and raised his foot to kick Su Xun.

Su Xun's hand fell.

"Puchi -"

the blade pierced his leg, blood pouring, and directly stabbed him in the opposite direction.


Koizumi screamed again, losing his center of gravity and kneeling on the ground with a dagger.

Then he looked at Su Xun in horror and realized the gap between them clearly.

Ignoring the dagger in his leg, he got up and limped away, shouting to the guard who was fighting with the soldiers in the seventh district: "guard, guard, cover me!"

Su Xun lifted the samurai sword on the ground, and then kicked it on the handle.

"Stab -"

with the sound of breaking the air, the samurai sword roared away.

Feeling the strong wind coming from behind, Koizumi looked back, then his pupils suddenly shrank, and in his sight, the blade was approaching.

"Puff -"

Bushido flew through his throat and nailed it to the tree trunk.

Koizumi raised his left hand difficultly, as if trying to block the throat wound, but the blood kept coming out, and soon dyed his hand red.

He wanted to speak, but because the throat was cut through, the wind kept pouring in. When he opened his mouth, he could only make a ha ha sound.

"I Oh Ha ha... "


A moment later, he fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, completely lost his breath.

He couldn't figure it out until he died.

Why is an ordinary person so strong?

Just now the marshal didn't kill the other side. It turned out that he was not playing cat and mouse. It was the other side who really had the strength to deal with the senior reinforcement.

Unfortunately, it's too late for him to figure this out. There's no time for him to regret it. He's not willing to.


The noise of the propeller came into my ears, and five armed helicopters flew over.

Then the guards of the Institute left the battlefield one after another, leaving only eight people in the same place.

"Dada dada..."

Five helicopters surrounded the soldiers in the eighth District in the air. The machine guns on them sprayed wildly, shooting fire dragons to ravage the land and reap lives.

The soldiers who came with Koizumi in the eighth District fell to the ground one by one, dead and clean.

That's the advantage of playing at home.

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