"Dad, mom, you can't be polite when dealing with this kind of person, otherwise he will have to go further and test your bottom line again and again."

Seeing Su Xiang and Su Yuan leave, Su Xun turns to his parents and says.


All of a sudden, he felt a pain in his ear and quickly bowed down to beg for mercy: "pain, mom, what are you doing? Let me go."

"Son of a bitch, tell me the truth. What's the matter? You'll scare me and your father to death as soon as you come back." Zhang Yan grabbed his ear, lifted him to the chair and sat down, looking at him with a scanning face.

Su Xun could only give an excuse he had already thought of, that is, he was accepted by Zhao Chengming as his son. Zhao Chengming had no descendants, so he gave Qingyun international to him.

After hearing this, Zhang Yan and Su Li both looked solemn. Looking at Su Xun, Zhang Yan said solemnly, "you can't forget the great kindness. You should be worthy of the trust of others, and you can't lose the company."

"Mom, haven't I always been the pride of you and Dad, just don't believe in my ability?" Su Xun turned his eyes in silence_ →。

Zhang Yan said: "nonsense, can it be the same? Every child is the pride of his parents, but it may be the waste in the eyes of others. "

Su Xun

Well, it's a real hammer. It must be my mother_ ←。

He can only look at his father, who is the only one in the world.

"Cough, cough." Su Li coughed twice, half a sound, and then choked out a sentence: "your mother's words are rough, but not rough."

Son, don't blame me, your father. I really don't want to hit the floor tonight.

Su Xun

Su Li, Lao Tong, Zhi, I didn't expect you to rebel when I was away from home! In her son's unbelievable eyes, Su Li twisted her head with a guilty heart.

I can't help it, son. In the long-term struggle between you and my father son alliance and your mother, you go to school and are not at home. I've suffered all the crimes by myself.

I really can't carry on!

"Hum!" Looking at her clever husband, Zhang Yan snorted and said to Su Xun, "don't look. Your father is on my side now."

"Traitor." Su Xun spit out two words of disdain.

Su Li eyebrows a pick, took out the father's dignity: "you son of a rabbit say again!"

"Say it Is he a bully? "Dad, I'm wrong," he said

When family members meet, they are happy.


Sujia village is boiling.

"Did you hear that? Su Xun, who was admitted to university, made a lot of money in the company in the city. "

"I've known for a long time. I grew up watching that doll. I've known since I was a child that he will be promising in the future."

"It seems that only by studying can I make a fortune. When I go back, I'll hang up my son and have a fight."

The whole village knows that the son of Su's family at the end of the village has made a fortune and become a big boss with a fortune of several trillion.

Why does it expand from hundreds of billions to trillions?

It's all about the transmission.

When it comes to the second person, it's worth hundreds of billions. When it comes to the second person, it's worth hundreds of billions.

It has been spread all the time. When the last person in the village came, it has become the present worth of several trillion.

Su Xun, I'm afraid he didn't expect that he made so much money when he took a bath and changed his clothes.

Therefore, it is impossible to pass on false information.

But no matter what the rumor is, Su Xun's money can't be fake.

So Su Xiang and Su Yuan's stupid behavior before became a joke in people's eyes.

"Su Qing and Lao Zi are not even afraid to go home this day."

"Ha ha ha, I can't stand the arrogance of boss su. It's amazing to have a son who works as a boss."

"Yes, when Su Xun came to the village in the afternoon, he took the initiative to say hello. He didn't have any airs. This is the man who made a lot of money"

the whole village left his fellow to squeeze into Su Xun's house, hoping to witness the style of the billionaire with their own eyes.

Seeing that there were more and more people in the yard, the scene was as noisy as a fly. Su Xun had to stand up and speak:

"OK, all uncles and aunts, don't squeeze. If you squeeze into my yard, it will crush. I have nothing to look at. Like you, I have two eyes, one mouth and no three heads and six arms."

Hearing this, all the people in the yard burst into laughter. After watching it, they were really a little disappointed because they thought it was different from what they imagined.

"While everyone is here, I'll give you a boost. I've already discussed with the county. I'll pay for a road leading to the county from our village. It will be convenient for you to enter the city in the future."When they heard this, they all laughed. They knew what a road meant. It was not just a road.

It can be imagined that with this road, their living conditions in Sujia village will be greatly changed in the future.

For a moment, all the people praised him very much. They almost praised him as a flower, which made him blush (◔◡◔)

it took more than half an hour to invite all the people to leave. After that, he jumped down from the stone table in the yard and was covered with sweat. His bath was white again.

In the evening, Zhang Yan made a large table of dishes, all of which were Su Xun's favorite. The meat was his own pig, and the dishes were planted in his own field, green and pollution-free.

Su Xun felt that the food at home was better than what he ate in the five-star hotel outside.

A lovely rabbit at home was killed and burned. He ate three big bowls with tears in his eyes.

"Come on, you eat slowly, no one will fight with you." Looking at Su Xun's delicious food, Zhang Yan showed a satisfied smile on her face.

Su Xun planed two mouthfuls of rice and said to his parents, "Dad, mom, I can't stay here for two days this time. Why don't you go to the city with me?"

Zhang Yan and Su Li were stunned when they heard this. For a long time, Su Li Cai said, "no, I'm used to it. I can't go to the city at leisure. Now you don't have to worry about it. Your mother and I grow our own dishes. It's very good to be self-sufficient."

When he said this, his expression was a little complicated, some happy and some lonely.

I'm glad that my son has grown up and finally doesn't need to worry about himself.

Lonely is also because the son does not need to worry about himself, he seems to suddenly useless, can not help his son.

"Yes, you have time to find us a daughter-in-law." With that, Zhang Yan began to urge her marriage, which is the eternal theme of her parents.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll bring my girlfriend back to see you anyway." After that, Su Xun added to himself that I not only looked for them, but also found two at a time.

I didn't dare to say the last sentence. I was afraid that I would be killed by my parents in mixed doubles.

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