The investment in Yutian County, Su Xun all to the company's special person in charge, he will not come forward.

Li Chaoyuan invited him to speak at Yutian high school, but Su Xun also refused. He didn't want to expose himself to the public.

Because in that case, he will become a real public figure and will be watched by netizens in the future. How inconvenient that is.

As long as he does not take the initiative to participate in the interview, no media in such a big Jiangzhou province dares to write his news, let alone put his photos on the Internet.

Not because these media are afraid of him, but because there is no need to offend him.

Two days before the May Day festival, Su Xun helped with some farm work at home during the day. In the evening, he made a video with an Zijin and Liao Yu.

Playing video one by one, he had to chat for an hour or two every time, so that he didn't sleep well for two consecutive nights.

So he thought of a Sao operation, built a group, pulled an Zijin and Liao Yu in, and directly played group video in the evening (ฅ > ω < * ฅ).

This kind of behavior of dog comparison perfectly explains what is called the preferred Party's confidence.

That is an Zi Jin and Liao Yu are used to him, if change a woman, estimate to be able to climb out along the net line to castrate him.

Is this horse riding done by people? ʘᴗʘ

throughout the world, this kind of thing is something he can do.

On May 3, there are still two days left before the end of the May Day holiday. For the first time, Su Xun didn't have a group video with two beauties tonight.

Because he got a call from Tony.

"God, happy may day."

Tony's opening speech is still the lousy Longguo dialect, but it sounds different.

Su Xun sat on the stone bench in the yard, blowing the night wind, and said carelessly, "since I know it's may day, do you still call to bother me?"

Generally, Tony won't call him. As long as he calls, it means that there's a big business coming to him, so we have to find him.

"This time the employer is your old friend, this time the target is also your old friend, I don't think you will refuse this order."

Tony's tone was light, with a bit of banter and fun, and a bit of schadenfreude.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows and was intrigued: "tell me carefully who the target is."

"The new principal of the Wilson family, he came to Longguo for investigation and personally sent him back to the embrace of the Lord. I don't think it's difficult for you. After all, you are God."

"I took the order." Hearing a few words from the Wilson family, Su Xun planned to end his May Day holiday ahead of schedule.

After sending John and George to heaven yesterday, he didn't receive the tone of identity task completion, which shows that the trouble has not been solved.

He estimated that this task would not be completed in a short time, because in his career as a killer, he killed countless big men, and the names of his enemies could circle the earth like xiangpiaopiao milk tea.

Therefore, in order to warn those foreign fish not to disturb themselves in the future, and to express his sincere thanks to the Wilson family for yesterday's killing, he decided to take this order.

After all, a person should be grateful. Who let him be as kind as God (* ❛ Omega ❛ *)

"OK, God, that's why I like you, clean and decisive."

Su Xun sneered: "the reason why you like me, I think, is because you can make more money."

Killers in the world have the highest value. It takes a lot of money to ask them to do it by themselves. Naturally, Tony gets more bonus.

“………” Tony silent half ring, some helpless said: "you succeed in the day chat dead, I will send the information to your email, I wish you success."

With that, he hung up.

"Du ~ Du ~"

listening to the busy tone from the mobile phone, Su Xun closed the call interface and opened the mailbox with the Black Ghost icon.

Inside lay a quiet record of the target's age, appearance, and recent activity.

It can be said that Tony has prepared all the information for him. All he needs to do is to send him back to heaven.

Karen Wilson, 45 years old, 185 in height and 95kg in weight, is the direct blood of the Wilson family and the current chief executive of the Wilson family group.

He arrived in Yunling city of Longguo one day ago. His purpose is to explore the market of Longguo and prepare for the family business to enter Longguo

Su Xun read all the information without missing a word, which was a necessary caution, because sometimes neglecting one or two words might make the whole thing out of control.

After reading it, Su Xun deleted his email, yawned, and went back to his room to sleep with a little song humming in his flip flop.

Karen Wilson, in Su Xun's eyes, was already a dead man.


On the morning of the fourth of May.

Su Xun's family was having breakfast. Three people had seven dishes, which was very rich.Breakfast in the countryside is real, just like lunch.

Because farmers have to work in the fields after breakfast, it takes a lot of energy to do farm work, so breakfast can't be perfunctory.

"Don't you have another day off? Why do you have to go back in such a hurry? "

Zhang Yan said that her son would not come back for two days.

Suli said: "what are you muttering about? Don't you mind if you don't go back and stare at a company as big as your son? You women have long hair and short sense! "

Su Li feels that he has reached the peak of his life. He hasn't been so hard at home for a long time. This is the head of the family!

"What did you say?" Zhang Yanmei first pick, and then endure: "son at home, let you go today, really want to rebel, right?"

Su Xun gave Su Li a sympathetic look. Dad, please pray for your own happiness.

After breakfast, Su Xun went to the village to see his parents off.

The three Mercedes Benz big G's were all parked there to pick up Su Xun. At this time, many villagers were surrounded.

"Xiaoxun is going away. I just came back two days ago."

"Xiaoxun is a busy man. Haven't he watched TV? Big boss is busy all day."

"That's two or three hundred thousand."

"Two or three hundred thousand? You're stupid. This is Mercedes Benz. Do you understand big G? I don't know how to start a million. "

"It's true or not. Xiaoxun should drive slowly on the road. It's heartbreaking if he touches it..."

All the people said hello to Su Xun one after another. Su Xiang and Su Yuan's family were also in the crowd. They all had complicated expressions and could not tell whether they were envious or envious.

It's a pity that Huang Teng Su had been playing with him, but now he was able to take off his legs.

"OK, mom and Dad, you go back. Now the transportation is so convenient, I can come back at any time."

Let the bodyguard put a pile of local products into the car. Su Xun looked back at his parents and said.

"What are you doing back here?" Su Li said with a serious face: "a man should develop his career outside. It's like running home every two or three days."

"Well, it's up to you." Su Xun just laughed at this and thought that it was really interesting for him to pretend to be serious.

Zhang Yan rolled a white eye, not polite to expose Su Li: "what's the suit, which time Xiaoxun left, are you talking to me at home every day?"

"What are you talking about?" Su Li's face was red, and she looked at Su Su and said, "don't listen to your mother's nonsense. Do you think your father is such a person?"

"You are."

Su Xun gave a serious answer, and then got into the car. With the roar of the engine, the tires rolled up a burst of dust.

Su Li and Zhang yanmu sent the motorcade away. They almost sighed at the same time. No parents don't want their son around.

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