Su Xun stayed in the military camp all night.

The next day he went to the city to rent a house.

Because the barracks is too boring, usually he has no work to deal with, stay in the barracks are moldy.

I was woken up by the wake-up call in the morning.

At the same time, after a day and a night of fermentation, that video has been completely spread out, news, print media are competing to report.

Su Xun's name spread all over the seven districts and the eight districts at the same time.

Because the eighth district is using it to stir up people's emotions and make Su Xun an enemy who killed their patron saint of the eighth district.

However, the eighth District helped Su Xun instead.

Now his influence has been divided into two regions. If there is another one, the identity task will be completed.

Although the other five districts also have his deeds, they are too far away after all, and their influence is not so wide.

So we have to make a big news that will shock the whole world.

Just as he was thinking about how to improve his influence, two people came outside.

One is Tang Yumeng, the other is Yao Yao.

They met at the door of Su Xun's house.

"Are you looking for Su Xun?"

Yao Yao's eyes are full of vigilance. She studied in the four districts before, so she didn't know Tang Yumeng.

But seeing such a beautiful woman come to find Su Xun, Yao Yao has a sense of crisis.

Tang Yumeng looked at Yao Yao's suitcase: "are you Su Xun's girlfriend?"

"No Yao Yao's momentum weakened.

Tang Yumeng let out a sound and then rang the doorbell directly.

She still wants Sushen to give her a child.

"Ding Dong ~ Ding Dong ~"

a moment later, Su Xun opened the door.

Seeing Tang Yumeng, Su Xun's face sank: "what are you doing here?"

Seeing Su Xun's attitude towards Tang Yumeng, Yao Yao was relieved.

"At least I've refined the crystal nucleus for you, so don't you invite me in?" Tang Yumeng changed her strategy.

Su Xun ignored her and looked at Yao Yao: "what about you?"

"I I'm going home. When I found out that you live here, I wanted to visit you Yao Yao said with a smile, eyes dodging, some guilty.

Su Xun invited them into the room.

"Just moved in, only white water."

Su Xun poured a glass of water for each of them.

Tang Yumeng took a sip, then said faintly, "it's still that thing. I want you to give me a child."

"Puyi --" the water in Yao Yao's mouth spurted out directly and looked at Tang Yumeng inconceivably: "what did you say?"

"It's none of your business." Tang Yumeng said perfunctorily, staring at Su Xun's gloomy face: "I hope you think about it carefully, I think..."

"I don't think you deserve to die." Yao Yao directly interrupted her, the universe burst out: "a woman asked a man to have a child, you are too hungry, thirsty, you mean?"

"Does that have anything to do with you? You're not his girlfriend Tang Yumeng frowned and looked at Yao Yao.

Yao Yao was so angry that she turned pale. She rushed to Su Xun and hugged him: "I am now. I just came to live with him. Don't you see that I have my luggage with me?"

Su Xun:

"I don't want to be a wife or a quarter of a century. It doesn't matter if I want to be a wife."

Tang Yumeng cocked her legs, and her voice was calm, as if she had nothing to do with herself.

"You..." Yao Yao was so angry that she was full of ups and downs: "you are so shameless, Su Xun, let her get out of here."

Yao Yao arched around in his arms. Su Xun was afraid that she would fall down, so he could only hold her with his hand. Looking at Tang Yumeng, he said in a blunt voice:

"please, Professor Tang, I can't promise you what you said. I don't allow my child to be reduced to a tool for research. That syringe of blood is a thank-you fee for refining the crystal nucleus for me."

"I'm doing it for all mankind. Do you know..." Tang Yumeng tries to suppress him with great righteousness.

Su Xun impatiently interrupted her: "I'm not so great. I'm selfish. Can I go away?"

"Su Xun, you can't do that." Tang Yumeng is still unwilling.


Su Xun slapped his hand on the table. The table broke up and collapsed.

Tang Yumeng was startled.

Su Xun looked at her coldly: "am I too polite to you? Go away

Tang Yumeng's pretty face turns white because she feels the breath of death and does not hesitate to believe that the other party really dares to kill her.

Relying on her own mind, she had a special position in the seventh district, and Su Xun was the first to dare to threaten her like this.

In fact, in a way, she was spoiled and unscrupulous."Gulu."

Hard to swallow a mouthful of saliva, Tang Yu starts to leave tremblingly.

Seeing her go away, Su Xun's face finally eased down.

"Well, well, don't be angry." Yao Yao comforted him, and his grand mind was inadvertently pressing on his face.

Su Xun felt a little dizzy.

Yao Yao also realized this, blushed slightly, and quickly came down from him.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Xun asked.

Yao Yao summoned up the courage to look at him: "I like you."

"We don't fit in." Su Xun said that Yao Yao was very good, but he didn't want to disappoint Cao Tian.

Yao Yao reached for his face and blushed and said, "you lied to me. When you just sat in your arms, you knocked me. You have a reaction to me."

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough Su Xun was so serious that he bent down and went to the bathroom.

Why bend down?

Is that a man?

Looking at Su Xun's back, Yao Yao poured a glass of water, then took out a bag of powder and poured it in, shaking evenly, and then drank two mouthfuls.

Hum, it's up to you to say that we are not suitable for cooked rice.

Women who have stayed in school are very open-minded and courageous even when they are in school.

A moment later, Su Xun came out of the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, and finally calmed down.

"Have a drink." Yao Yao is a little uneasy and passes the water cup to her.

Other girls are so active and gentle. How can Su Xun refuse? He took the cup and drank it clean.

Then she sat on the sofa ready to dispel her desire for her body: "Yao Yao, we can't just think about feelings, we have to think about reality, me and your brother..."

Yao Yao is more and more charming in his eyes. She is hot and has a strong impulse. Her mouth is dry.

Looking up at Yao Yao, Yao Yao is looking at herself with red face and shortness of breath. Her eyes are like silk.

He thought of the glass of water he had just had.

"You give me the medicine?" Su Xun was a little unbelievable. He was fascinated and raped by women!

Yao Yao got up and sat in his arms, hugged his head, blushed and said, "it's the first time for me. I'm not very good at it, so I took two drinks. Come on."

Feeling the warm fragrant nephrite in his arms, Su Xun felt that he was going to die.

If his divine power and mana are not sealed, he can force out the medicine directly.

Yao Yao's medicine strength attack, is not the slightest resistance to speak of, soon stripped himself.

But Su Xun can't help it That's bullshit.

In the living room, there will soon be harmony.

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