The living room was a mess.

The crumpled skirt, silk, socks, torn short sleeves, and the faint breath of life in the air have all become evidence of crime.

Su Xun was lying on the sofa with a cigarette in his mouth. His eyes were a little at a loss.

I'm obsessed and raped.

Although he was feeling better physically, he suffered a serious psychological trauma.

Fortunately, it was a woman who drugged him.

If you're a man, you want to die.

Similarly, Yao Yao reached out and took the cigarette out of his mouth. He took a puff and patted his handsome face with a red face and satisfaction: "don't worry, I will be responsible for you."

Voice down, a mouthful of smoke from the delicate red lips.

Then Xiumei frowned and put the cigarette on the ground: "it's so hard to smoke."

A woman from a military family is valiant.

Even if you dare to take the medicine, you have just broken your body, and the blood on the sofa is not dry, just like a nobody.

"Cao Yao." Su Xun called her full name for the first time.

Yao Yao narrowed her eyes and looked at him with a smile: "you've just fucked, you've already fucked."

"Don't drive." The corner of Su Xun's mouth twitched, trying to be serious: "do you know what you just did?"

"Fuck you." Yao Yao blinked and arched in his arms.

Su Xun couldn't stand it: "I said, don't drive, and don't touch your hands. If your brother knew, he would kill me."

"If you really want to be afraid of him, just put the blame on me, and he can't beat you." Yao Yao is very afraid of Cao Tian, but she wants to protect her lover and is desperate for love.

Su Xun's idea is "what's your absolute responsibility?"

"There's a surprise I want to tell you." Yao Yao suddenly digs off the topic.

Su Xun breathed out: "what?"

Yao Yao got close to his ear and breathed out: "today I'm not safe, and the women in our family are easy to conceive. Basically, they can be pregnant at one time. I'm not surprised."

"I'm so surprised." Su Xun really wanted to break off her head to see if it was full of tofu: "can't you wear a contraceptive? You've just turned 18 and you can't think of having a baby? "

"If I take contraceptive measures, what will you do if you don't admit it?" With the guidance of her sister-in-law, Yao Yao's IQ soared.

Su Xun gritted his teeth: "it's you who clean me up."

"You're not going to get pregnant." Yao Yao was very happy and touched her stomach: "anyway, I don't care. I'm sure I'll be pregnant. You can do it by yourself."

"Silly beep." Su Xun was speechless. He thought the woman was really stupid, but he was a little moved.

Yao Yao's two long white legs are easy to shake, humming xiaoqu'er, with a sweet smile on her face. The more she looks, the more she looks like a fool.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Su Xun's mobile phone rang.

Su Xun took a look, his face changed, and looked at Yao Yao: "your brother's, don't make a sound."

"Yes, yes." Yao Yao nodded like a chicken pecking rice and behaved very cleverly.

Su Xun took a deep breath. He felt that he had been caught and raped. He connected the phone: "hello..."

"Is Yao Yao with you?" Cao Tian directly interrupted Su Xun's words, and his anger was suppressed by his voice.

Anger at Yao Yao.

Su Xun pursed his lips: "I said no, do you believe it?"

"Don't talk nonsense with me. Let her answer the phone. This girl dares to blackmail me. She's so bold." Cao Tian said angrily.

After going back, he learned that Yao Yao had gone to Tianjing to find Su Xun. He was so angry that he reprimanded Ye Qianqian, saying that she didn't think much of Yao Yao.

But where can he think that ye Qianqian helped Yao Yao escape.

Yao Yao snatched the mobile phone directly: "brother, you shouldn't force me to follow the road you planned for me. I don't like Liu Xuan, but I like Su Xun."

"If you like a fart, go back immediately, or go home." Cao Tian was furious.

Yao Yao plucked up her courage: "it's too late. I've drugged susian and put him to sleep. You know the constitution of our women. I've had a big stomach since I was 18. Do you think there will be anyone else who wants me besides susian in the future?"

"What are you talking about?" Cao Tian's voice was raised and several points. Su Xun could hear it even if he didn't turn on the speakerphone.

Cao Tian didn't doubt the truth of the incident for the first time.

But shock and anger, because with his understanding of his sister, she can really do this kind of thing.

"I said, I gave him medicine, raw rice cooked mature rice." Yao Yao has broken the jar.

Cao Tian yelled: "how can you do such a thing when you step on a horse? You're a girl. You've just grown up and you have a big stomach. What would you do if Su Xun didn't want you?"The women in their Cao family have a special physique. They are all hit at once.

Cao Tian is not afraid of Yao Yao and insists on following Su Xun. He begins to be afraid that Su Xun doesn't want Yao Yao.

At that time, they will lose their face.

It's said that there are a lot of troubles in the rich family, but they are also the most important people.

"If he doesn't want me, I'll die." Yao Yao took a look at Su Xun. This was for him.

Su Ming is the victim.

Yao Bai Nen's little foot kicked Su Xun.

Su Xun nodded to show that Lao Tzu knew the pit.

Yao Yao was more happy with her smile. Her little feet were sliding gently on Su Xun's legs, and her eyes were full of spring.

Cao Tian took a deep breath: "cell phone for Su Xun."

"No, your brother-in-law wants to talk to you." Yao Yao's face is slightly red, and she is a little excited because she feels that her brother's voice is loose.

Su Xun mobile phone: "Hello, brother-in-law, no, brother Cao."

"You'd better call me brother-in-law. I'll be at ease. That girl is fooling around. You..." Cao Tianyi didn't know what to say for a while.

His younger sister, who had just grown up, was asleep by Su Xun. As a elder brother, he must have a fire in his heart.

But it happened that his sister had given the medicine. Strictly speaking, Su Xun was the passive side, and he was also the victim, which made him helpless.

It's unfortunate to have such a sister.

Su Xun took a look at all over the place, then looked at Yao Yao, who was smiling like a fool, and said, "Yao Yao is very good."

This sentence contains a lot.

"Thank you, brother." Cao Tian was relieved. If Su Xun didn't want Yao Yao, it would be really bad.

He felt a little fucked. Yesterday, he still warned Su Xun not to touch his sister. It was impossible for them.

But today, he had to pray for susian to be with his sister. It was embarrassing.

"That's it, brother Cao." In order to take care of Cao Tian's mood, Su Xun interrupted the call.

Yao Yao climbed into his arms, Jiao didi said: "husband, people also want."

"I want you to get up and clean up." Su Xun hit her on the head with a violent chestnut.

"Ah." Yao Yao pain tears are coming out, covering his forehead dry should be a: "Oh."

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