After having a couple with Yao Yao, the girl is especially attached to Su Xun. In the final analysis, she is just an 18-year-old girl, and she is very playful.

Especially in the evening, playing heart is heavier, every day to unlock Su Xun's new posture.

The relationship between them has also been announced. Yao Yao takes Su Xun back to Cao's home.

Of course, Cao supported their association.

After all, from the point of view of the family, the Cao family can have such a powerful son-in-law as Su Xun. Even after the death of Mr. Cao, no one dares to move the Cao family.

Before that group of people who wanted to rob Su Xun's crystal nucleus were very warm and polite to Su Xun. They didn't give him less red envelopes.

Thus, strength is very important.

If he doesn't have the strength, I'm afraid that this visit to Cao's home will not be so peaceful and beautiful.

Two days later, Su's home was not found.

Two, to be exact.

Two white people.

Su Xun sat on the sofa and looked at the two middle-aged white people on the opposite side: "what's the matter with you

Two white people, one male and one female, are middle-aged people. It's hard to tell the age of foreigners from their faces.

"Mr. Su, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is John. I'm from district four."

The middle-aged man first introduced himself, then pointed to the middle-aged woman beside him and said, "this is Taylor, also from the Fourth District, Miss Cao's teacher."

His Chinese language is very standard, and it has become one of the world's must learn languages before the era, so this situation is not surprising.

"Oh?" Su Xun looked at a middle-aged woman named Taylor differently.

Taylor smiles and asks in Chinese, "why didn't you see Yao Yao?"

"She's home." Su Xun's attitude towards Yao Yao's teacher was more polite.

I have been wondering what these two people are doing.

Tyler shook his head. "This is really disappointing news. I thought I could see her today."

"She'll be back soon." Su Xun laughed, and then looked at John: "Mr. John, you are not here to see Yao Yao today."

"Yes, Mr. Su, we are here for you." John acknowledged and nodded.

Su Xun browed: "for me?"

"Not bad." John first answered Su Xun's doubt, and then asked, "I don't know what Mr. Su thinks of District 7 compared with District 4?"

Hearing this, Su Xun thought that he knew the purpose of the two men coming to see him today.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "although the seven districts are developing rapidly and have a large population, there is still a gap between them economically and militarily. There is no doubt about this, but I believe that the seven districts will catch up soon."

The serial number of each region is arranged according to the ranking of the established regions.

The fourth district was built earlier than the seventh district. In addition, the population there is less, so there are fewer zombies. The degree of disaster is much lighter than the seventh district. A lot of pre era industrial equipment has been preserved.

This has also led to two, three and four districts, which are the best developed. In particular, the four districts are the first in economy and the first in military among the seven districts.

"Mr. Su, I don't doubt what you said. At this speed, the seven districts can catch up with us as they did before the era, but how long will it take, ten years? Twenty years? But District 6783 is the place with the most zombies. Will zombies give you this time? " John looked at Su Xun with a smile on his face.

Su Xun asked, "tell me your purpose directly."

"Mr. Su deserves to be a Shuangkuai person, so I'll be frank. In your Chinese old saying, you are a big Buddha, but the seven districts are small temples, and they are small temples that may be blown down by the wind at any time. In this case, why don't you consider building another big temple?"

John said the purpose of his trip. Su Xun's strength was too strong to abuse any senior fortifier on the blue star.

Even some people in the Fourth District speculated that he could kill the Zombie King by himself.

A Su Xun plus Xiang Hongfei, the top fighting power of the seventh district instantly jumped to the first place of blue star.

In addition to the death of Koizumi, the whole East is dominated by seven districts, which has seriously threatened the hegemony of the four districts.

So the Fourth District wanted to dig Su Xun.

It's not the first time that this kind of thing has been done. The fourth district is better than the seventh district in any aspect. After investigating Su Xun, they found that he came from an ordinary family, and he certainly has no overall view and has never seen the world.

So they had more confidence to plot against suthen.

To persuade Su Xun, he had to send someone high enough to give him enough face.

But if someone sent from the fourth district to contact Su Xun, he might be targeted by the Security Bureau of the seventh district as soon as he entered the city.

That's why John, the big chessman who has been buried in the seventh district, was used. He is the spy chief of the fourth district and the seventh district.

Taylor can be sent on the pretext of visiting students so that he will not be doubted."You mean to make me a traitor and betray the seventh district?" Su Feixun's eyes are smiling.

After so many identities, I was advised to be a traitor for the first time. The experience is quite novel.

John shrugged: "Mr. Su, you may have misunderstood that it is the United resistance of all mankind against zombies and the community of common destiny of all mankind. How can we say that we should betray? When Mr. Su immigrated to our four districts, he was still contributing to the survival of all mankind. If anyone says you are a traitor, it only means that he is too narrow-minded. "

"Talk about the treatment." Su Xun asked with a smile. He was already moved.

As soon as John's eyes brightened, he felt that he was going to make contributions: "Mr. Su will be the Deputy commander-in-chief of the northern army in the Fourth District of immigration. He will be awarded the title of Duke, and he can choose the fiefdom by himself. At the same time, he will be paid 10 million federal dollars a year."

In the Fourth District, there was a vast area with few people, and there were fewer people after the new era. Therefore, in order to encourage the people, the title system was restored. Anyway, as long as you have the ability, you don't mind giving you a piece of vacant land.

"Tut Tut, it really makes me a little excited." Su Xun smashed the bar, smashed the mouth, the conditions of the four districts are not rich.

Ten million annual salary alone is enough to make countless people excited.

The annual salary of tens of millions after the era is equivalent to more than 100 million before the era.

The Duke title is the highest in the four districts, and it's still the kind of fiefdom you can choose.

As for the position of deputy commander-in-chief of the northern region, it is enough to listen to him. He will not be allowed to take charge of the military. After all, what should he do if he suddenly rebelled.

Therefore, the four districts want to raise him with high officials and high salary. The core purpose is to strengthen their own strength and weaken the strength of the seven districts.

John was satisfied with a smile. Knowing that no one could refuse such a temptation, he added another fire: "our governor also said that Mr. Su is willing to go to the Fourth District, and he can marry his quadruplet daughter to Mr. Su."

Quadruplets, the daughter of the governor, sounds wonderful.

Now, has Sue realized that she's worth her first time?

Then some tangled looking at the smile in front of John, think this kind of face is too ugly.

How to choose?

Is it to crush him or to pat him?

Online and so on, very urgent (づ◡ど).

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