Four districts, governor's house.

There is a time difference between zone 4 and zone 7.

So although it's night in zone 7, it's day in zone 4.

The big meeting room of the governor's office is full of leaders from various departments, with the governor of the Fourth District sitting at the top.

Everyone is staring at the big screen on the wall, which shows the news of zone 7 tonight, about the spy capture.

"What do you want to say?"

After the news clip was played, the Secretary closed the video, and the governor looked down at the crowd and asked.

"Governor, we have to fight back. They are all our heroes."

"I'm against it. In the face of zombies, the unity of all mankind is the only political right. If we fight back at this time, we will be jointly attacked by other districts."

"Yes, we should deny that those people are our spies..."

"Oh, my God, what did I hear? Dear admiral jack, you are chilling the warriors by asking us to abandon those heroes or even deny their credit. "

"For the sake of the overall situation, I believe the heroes will understand. It's all John's fault that he leaked such important information."

John: I died without saying anything.

"In fact, we can fight back secretly. It's time for X potion to use it. Since it was accidentally invented, it means that it should be used. The development of zone 7 is too fast and must be restricted."

The governor's house meeting ended in an hour.

Taking this as an example, the spokesman of the seventh Soviet District denied that the powerful spies in the fourth Soviet District wanted to be captured, and said that they were sent to the inner part of the Soviet District to strengthen their power.

At the same time, the people of the Fourth District publicized Su Xun's strength in the Fourth District, blowing him very strong and deliberately boasting about the threat he could bring.

I don't know that he is helping Su Xun and increasing his influence.

At one time, Su Xun's threat theory swept the four districts.

Half an hour later, an agent with a box across the ocean.

There's a green potion called X in the box.


Ten o'clock, two days in the evening.

In the villa that Su Xun rented.

He and Yao Yao are doing exercises. By the way, they are competing. Whoever loses will wash the dishes.

"Honey, I can't do it. I I really can't You are so good... "

Yao Yao's face is flushed, panting, sweating, biting her red lips abdominal curl.

Su Xun was also doing sit ups. When he heard her admit defeat, he immediately got up and said with a smile, "compare your strength with me. Aren't you kidding? Go and wash the dishes

Yao Yao directly lying on the ground: "wait a moment, wait for me to rest for a while to wash."

This is really doing exercise, want to skew their own face wall (ꈍᴗꈍ).

Congratulations on the host's mission: to survive and become a celebrity in at least three regions. 】

Su Xun was still a little confused when he suddenly remembered the prompt sound of system task completion.

I didn't expect the task to be finished.

Soon he responded and laughed.

Thanks to the efforts of the four districts, they have helped him publicize day and night to increase his influence, otherwise it would be impossible to complete the task so quickly.

Divine power and mana fill the body again.

Now, the zombies are all brothers.

"What are you laughing at?" On the ground, Yao Yao asked curiously.

Su Xun looked down at her and said, "I laugh at you for being too much of yourself to compare your physical strength with me."

"If you win, you'll win. Why are you so arrogant?" Yao Yao curled her lips, got up from the floor and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Looking at her back when she entered the kitchen, Su Xun shook his head: "it's not cheap to have to be tired and tired to do housework."

"Yes, I'm cheap. I'm cheap enough to stick to you." Yao Yao obviously temper up, the little girl growing up in the honeypot, inevitably wayward.

Su Xun went into the kitchen and put his arms around her waist: "why, is that angry?"

As for girlfriends, it's just to coax them. Otherwise, conflicts will accumulate more and more. No matter how good the relationship used to be, sooner or later it will become stiff.

If there are any unpleasant things, it's best to eliminate them at that time.

"No Yao Yao is cold and pretty. She washes the dishes by herself. After Su Xun is followed by a daughter, she also learns to do housework.

She is only 18 years old, studying in the Fourth District of the primary school. She can cook, wash dishes, wash clothes and clean.

What's wrong with a woman like this?

Su Xun leaned up to her ear and gave her a kiss: "how about I do a magic trick for you and apologize."

"No, let's go, or you'll wash it." Yao Yao struggled twice.Su Xun still held her in one hand, and put the other hand into the dishwasher full of detergent: "watch it, don't blink."

"I'm not looking at it. Magic is all deceitful." Although she said so, she was obviously suspicious of integrity, and her eyes were fixed on his hand.

Su Su smiled and pulled his hand out of the foam filled sink.

Then a red rose appeared in my hand.

"This How is that possible? "

Yao Yao's eyes widened, staring at the rose, full of disbelief.

She put the water in the sink, and there was absolutely no flower in it.

and what's more, this flower is taken out of the sink, why not a little foam, and it looks so fresh and perfect.

Of course, it's because of the divine power.

Then Su Xun snapped his fingers, and the red roses turned into stars and disappeared.

Yao Yao looked back at Su Xun: "how did you do it? Tell me, tell me. "

"Kiss me." Su Xun pointed to his mouth.

Yao Yao stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss. She couldn't wait to ask, "please speak quickly."

"I won't tell you." Su Xun's voice dropped and he ran out of the kitchen with oil on the soles of his feet.

Yao Yao was so angry that she stamped her feet and said angrily, "asshole, you will bully me."

Then scold scold the corners of the mouth inexplicably hook up, and then turn back to continue to wash the dishes, face full of smile, just a small temper disappeared.

"Dong Dong..."

The door was knocked.

Su Xun got up and opened the door. Outside stood a middle-aged man in a suit, a member of the governor's secretary group.

"Commander Su, the governor asked you to go to the governor's house for a meeting immediately. Something serious happened."

The middle-aged man said anxiously when he saw Su Xun.

Seeing this, Su Xun's face was so deep that he called out to the room, "I'll go to a meeting. Go to bed early. Don't wait for me."

When the voice fell, he followed the middle-aged people out.

"What's the matter." After getting on the bus, Su Xun asked.

The middle-aged man replied: "just now, the satellite has photographed that countless zombies are gathering in the direction of Seoul. We see that the tide of corpses is about to take shape. This tide of corpses is unprecedented in scale. Seoul has been actively organizing defense and sending messages asking for help."

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