"How can such a large-scale corpse tide suddenly form in Seoul?"

After hearing this, Su Xun was very surprised.

Since the establishment of the seven districts, Seoul has never experienced a real corpse tide.

The think tank team has analyzed the most likely places for the formation of the corpse tide, where heavy troops are stationed.

Seoul is not included.

Therefore, Seoul is only stationed with Chen Xiaoze's reinforcement regiment.

But now the new corpse tide actually appeared in the most unlikely Seoul, and it is the largest corpse tide ever. This is really beyond people's expectation.

No wonder the governor's office is in such a hurry.

Because in the face of the tide of corpses on this scale, Seoul and the strengthening regiment can't stop it at all.

"Now the reason is not clear. The military headquarters has ordered the city garrison near Seoul to support. The governor's office is arranging the battle plan. Now we are sending commander Su to the scene. Marshal Xiang is in the capital military headquarters. Commander Su and your garrison are likely to be sent to Seoul to be responsible for the overall situation."

He was not surprised that he would be transferred to Seoul, but he heard that even the garrison would be transferred to Seoul, which was enough to show how serious the corpse tide was.

After all, the garrison is equivalent to a garrison. It's not easy to move unless it's a national war.

However, Su Xun was calm. After the divine power and mana were unsealed, he did not pay attention to a group of zombies.

It takes seven or eight hours to fly from Tianjing City to Seoul. With those troops in Seoul, it will be cold when the reinforcements arrive.

In Seoul, there is his brother-in-law Cao Tian, and Meng Hai, the head of the non mainstream traitor.

So Su Xun said, "stop the car."

"Ah The secretary was stunned and then said anxiously, "commander Su, what's the matter now..."

"Stop the car." Su Xun said again.

After all, the Secretary couldn't resist his majesty and stopped the car.

Su Xun opened the car door and got off. The Secretary also followed him.

Su Xun looked at the Secretary and said, "go to the governor's office and tell the governor that there's no need to arrange people to go to Seoul. I can solve it there."

The secretary was a little confused when he heard this.

But then he came even more confused.

Su Xun, who was standing in front of him, suddenly stepped into the air and disappeared into the night sky.

"I Lying trough, will Can fly God Immortal

It took a while for the Secretary to react. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak quickly. He pinched hard and felt pain. Then he was sure that it was not an illusion.

Then he got on the bus and drove to the governor's house.

Because the road had been temporarily closed for a long time, it was unobstructed all the way and arrived at the governor's house in less than ten minutes.

As soon as the car stopped, he rushed out of the car and rushed to the conference room.


When he came to the door of the conference room, he rushed in and yelled, "governor, don't There's no need to send someone to Seoul. Commander Su has already flown by. He's an immortal Gods


They are all in a state of muddle.


The governor slapped his face on the table and said angrily, "what time is it? Still talking nonsense here, commander Su! "

"Governor, I'm not talking nonsense. Commander Su really flew to Seoul!" The secretary was so anxious that his voice was filled with tears.

No one will believe this kind of absurd words, and the governor is even more angry: "come on, drag him out, and deal with it as the crime of delaying the plane!"

Two soldiers came in.

"No! Governor, I'm not lying. " The Secretary panicked, and then suddenly a flash of inspiration: "look at the monitoring, I remember that place is at the gate of Tianjing Hotel, there is monitoring, there is monitoring!"

It doesn't look like a liar to see him like this, otherwise, he would be dead.

people looked at each other and couldn't tell whether what he said was true or false for a moment.

"Why don't we just look at monitoring?" I don't know who made such a suggestion.

A few minutes later, a group of big men, including the governor, stared at the surveillance screen.

Because in the surveillance screen, Su Xun really stepped into the air and turned into a streamer, which disappeared in an instant.

"This This... " The governor stammered for a long time and didn't say a complete word.

Because people can fly, completely beyond the scope of human beings, and it is not scientific at all.

Xiang Hongfei guessed: "Su Xun's strength is already very strong. Could it be that Su Xun evolved after taking advanced strengthening potion?"

"No matter how evolved it is, it can't fly! It's obvious that his skillful movements are not just learned. " A middle-aged Mediterranean man retorted.

Then the crowd was silent again.

Some people said, "there are so many zombies, commander Su can't handle them even if he can fly, unless he is really an immortal.""Sue Commander Su said calmly that he could solve the problem in Seoul and he was very confident. " At the beginning, the scared secretary said carefully.

People began to doubt science again.

Even zombies can be explained by science, but how can we explain the trampoline by science?

He can really solve so many zombies by himself. What's the difference between him and the legendary immortals?

The governor took a deep breath: "if we continue to mobilize reinforcements and materials, commander Su can solve the problem best. If we can't solve it, we should try our best to tide over the difficulties. It's better to prepare for nothing than not to prepare."

"In the face of this kind of disaster, we can not have a small probability of taking chances. This is irresponsible to millions of people in Seoul."


Then the governor's office was like a sophisticated machine, and the orders were given.

Millions of troops began to move in an orderly manner, and tens of millions of materials began to be transported to Seoul.


Seoul, dark clouds, the city seems to be covered with a layer of haze, the air filled with bleak and panic atmosphere, pedestrians on the streets in a hurry.

Although the people were flustered, they were also actively cooperating with the garrison to prepare for the defense. No one rushed to the checkpoint with their luggage to escape.

Because although Seoul has not experienced the corpse tide, other areas have, so the people of Seoul do not lack of guiding experience.

Naturally, it is clear that there may be zombies in all directions outside the city at this time. Running out is really looking for death.

Fortifications have been built at the four gates, with thousands of machine guns, howitzers, mortars and armored vehicles in the forefront.

The temporary headquarters was set up at the front line. Chen Xiaoze, dressed in military uniform, had a dignified face. But at this time, he could do nothing but wait for the zombies to attack, and then tried his best to resist until he died.

People from the public security department also entered the front line. Cao Tian and Meng Hai were lying in the trenches driving guns.

At this time, the local ruffians and bandits in Haitang Street filled the vacancy with guns.

At this moment, all the people in Seoul are making their own efforts to resist the zombies.

They don't know the exact scale of the tide.

But according to past experience, we all know that these people alone can't stop a tide of corpses.

But at this time, there were millions of soldiers and civilians in the city, none of them retreated, none of them escaped, and all of them were determined to protect their families.

Their greatest hope is to be able to support the arrival of reinforcements before people die.

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