"What's going on?"

With a serious face, Su Xun kicked Liu an out of his lap.

It's disgusting for a man who has lived for more than 2000 years to rub his legs.

"Just now..." Mei pangzi said it all over again.

Su Xun went to the small hole.

Plum fat man exclaimed: "brother, don't go. The strange wind in that cave is very strong."

Su Xun's golden light flashed on the surface, and he was protected by his divine power. He walked into the cave step by step.

Mei pangzi and Liu An look at each other, their eyes are full of shock.

The two of them didn't dare to approach the cave within five steps.

However, Su Xun got together directly, and the gap in strength was too big.

But they couldn't figure out why Su Xun's strength could be improved so fast because he was just an R star.

Feeling the strange wind coming out of the cave, Su Xun frowned: "this should be the passage between xuanyue continent and the earth. It's just a small hole. The strange wind is so strong. If the whole cave is opened, will Kunlun Mountain become a place where no one dares to enter?"

"Brother, look at this situation, the original seal is no longer there, otherwise this hole would not appear. In this case, why didn't the sky demon clan in xuanyue land fight again?" Asked fat may.

Su Xun looked back at him: "you ask me how do I know?"

Fat may choked so much that she had nothing to say.

"I remember!" Suddenly, Liu An exclaimed.

Su Xun and Mei Pang looked at him at the same time.

"The wind is not ordinary," Liu said

Su Xun

Fat Mei

Do you need to step on the horse?

"It's a flurry of emptiness." Liu An showed his erudition: "I once read in an ancient book that there is an endless void between the world and the world, and there is turbulence in the void. Only those who make major repairs can resist the turbulence of the void and cross the boundary. This is not so much a passage as a crack in the world, but the other end of the crack wind is the continent of the dark moon."

"Can the Zhenyao sword stop the flow of the void?" Su Xun still has feelings for Zhenyao sword.

Liu An was a little embarrassed: "this I can only wish him good luck. "

"Alas." Su Xun sighed. In his heart, he thought that Zhenyao sword was dead in the endless void.

Liu An felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry. I'm willing to break my arm."

"No, you didn't mean to. Besides, you're not sure if he's really dead. Maybe there's another adventure?" Su Xun stopped him.

Liu An doesn't mean it, and he has a good relationship with Zhenyao sword. Zhenyao sword is gone. There's no need to make Liu An disabled person.

Mei pangzi quickly changed the topic: "even if we find the channel, we can't stop the flow of emptiness. Isn't it for nothing?"

"I can block it." Su Xun said that just now he used the divine power to protect his body, but the void turbulence failed to hurt him.

Liu An shook his head: "the more the chaos of the void flows, the stronger it is. What it blows out is just fur, so..."

He didn't finish what he said, but the implication was that Su Xun couldn't stop him.

"It's going to stop one day." Su Xun is very confident. As long as he experiences a few more world identities and collects beliefs, his strength will be stronger.

Unfortunately, up to now, I haven't come across a world with enough aura to practice Qi.

"Let's go back. There are troops closing the mountain. At least we don't have to worry about tourists going up the mountain and being killed by the overflow of the void."

The seal is gone, the channel is connected, although I don't know why the sky demon clan of xuanyue continent didn't fight again.

But Su Xun was at least relieved that he didn't have to worry any more.

I went back by plane, because Mei can't fly.

As for the car they came to, it was sent directly to the troops stationed at the foot of Kunlun mountain.

It can also improve the food.


At the same time, in the endless void.

"Ma ye, I'm Cao your uncle's Liu An. Where did I get a slap? I'm going home!"

Zhenyao Jianmao had enough strength to dodge the turbulence. If he had eyes, he would be full of tears.

Because at this time, the sword body has appeared cobweb like cracks, which may break at any time and turn into ashes.

"Liu An of grass mud horse, if I can be reincarnated, I will kill you. Ah, Su Xun, brother, master, help me!"

Suddenly, Liu An stopped calling.

Because he felt like he was being held.

Holding him is a woman, a tall woman in pink Palace Dress, with gauze on her face, walking flat in the void.

"Interesting, just a spirit sword can support the attack of void turbulence, but it is not broken."The woman, holding the hilt in her hand, said with great interest that she had already stepped thousands of meters.

But countless injuries from her side can not fly through the void.

There is no doubt that this is a big man.

Liu An didn't dare to move. He knew that the woman had admitted her mistake. He was not the spirit sword that gave birth to the sword spirit. Instead, he was a sword that turned into a demon. It was a sword demon.

"Little thing, why don't you talk? I can feel another person's breath in you, divine power, magic power, quite mottled. "

At the same time, the other hand began to calculate, trying to figure out its owner through the sword.

Because the breath on the sword made her feel very strange, and she could only use the word strange to describe it.

Suddenly, her face changed.

"Puff -"

a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her eyes were shocked, because she couldn't figure out this person at all.

There are only two possibilities.

One is that this person has covered up the secret, which shows that this person is a big man.

Second, someone covered up the mystery for him, which showed that there was a big man behind him.

No matter what the possibility is, she can't stir it up.

Look at the sword again.

She felt that maybe an opportunity had come, that she could not connect cause and effect with that person through this sword.

"You What are you going to do Zhenyao sword was frightened by the woman, although he had no heart.

The woman said, "who is your master?"

"My master is jiuxiao God Emperor!" Zhenyao sword thought about it and chose the title of Su Xun's best loser.

The woman's pupil suddenly shrinks. She dares to call herself the God Emperor in the name of jiuxiao. It seems that the owner of this sword is a great God.

It's no wonder that a spirit sword can block the void for such a long time without breaking. Even if it's just a spirit sword, it's not an ordinary spirit sword.

It seems that the nine moon emperor is not the other great God in the world.

"Where are you from?" The woman asked again.

The Zhenyao sword had realized something and began to tell lies: "I don't know. I just refined it by my master. I broke into this place by accident."

This woman is a big man. She has to hold this thigh.

When the time comes, Su Chengdu will have to find the earth, and then I'll have to wait for him to come back.

I, Zhenyao sword, want to be the boss!

Quack, quack, quack

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