It was evening when I returned to Jiangnan City.

Including Liu An and Mei pangzi, a large family had a meal.

When they learned that Yao Yao was 18 years old and pregnant, Mei pangzi and Liu An murmured a curse at the beast.

But Su Xun heard the sour from the curse, just the sour of lemon.

After all, these two are still single dogs.

Although they often go to the club to find their little sister.

But it can only comfort their flesh, but not their soul.

Two drunk, drunk into two dogs, two single dogs.

In the evening, Su Xun turned into a master of time management and spent more than an hour in four rooms overnight.

Then I went to Liu Yun's home at two o'clock in the morning. I was busy with her for another hour. I didn't go to sleep with her until there was no more drop.

See, we need to allocate time reasonably.

Don't ask whether you are tired or not. You just want to be happy or not.



When Su Xun opened his eyes, Liu Yun was gone.

Change clothes to come downstairs, see Liu Yun is wearing apron in making breakfast.

"Get up." Hearing the footsteps behind her, Liu Yun turns her head and smiles.

After last night's moistening, she looks radiant and her skin is red.

Su Xun asked casually, "where's Professor Li?"

"My grandfather lives in the research institute these days." Liu Yun's face is slightly red, because Li Jianguo's purpose is to make room for her and su.

Fortunately, her grandfather moved out, otherwise she would have been ashamed last night.

This bad thing actually sneaks in from the window in the middle of the night. At first, Liu Yun is so scared that she thinks she has met Qiang and Xie.

She almost killed herself by biting her tongue. Later, she found that it was Su Xun who was lying on her body. She was so scared that she didn't want to.

Of course, she didn't want to do it later. She was almost disturbing the people.

If grandfather still lives at home, she will be shameless today.

Soon breakfast was served.

It's just plain noodles with vegetables and eggs.

Longguo people's family breakfast is not so particular, but it is full of smoke.

While eating noodles, Su Xun said, "let's go shopping later."

He has never been with Liu Yun.

"Well." Liu Yun was very happy. Her eyes narrowed and the speed of eating noodles increased.

Suddenly he raised his head and asked, "what's the taste like?"

"It's delicious." In fact, the taste was very common. Su Xun said, "I'll give it to you next day."

He is a kitchen god. Even the simplest bowl of clear water can produce a different taste.

"Flow, hooligan." Liu Yun obviously misunderstood Su Xun's meaning, glared at him, blushed and said: "it's not that I haven't eaten."

"What do you think? I'm talking about the following for you." Su Xun couldn't laugh or cry.

Liu Yun's pretty face became more red: "I thought..."

"What do you think?" Su Xun asked jokingly.

Liu Yun was ashamed and angry: "I thought you were too big to eat, but I fell down."

At the same time, he reached for the noodles in front of Su Xun.

"Eat, must eat, Miss Liu cooked noodles for me for the first time, only I can enjoy the treatment of the whole class." Su Xun looked at him with a smile.

Liu Yun turns a white eye with all kinds of charm. Are you the only one who can enjoy less treatment?

Thinking that her face turned red again, she was so ashamed. Fortunately, other students in the school didn't know about her and Su Xun.

Otherwise she would be embarrassed to go to school.

After breakfast, Su Xun takes Liu Yun out to go shopping.

Liu Yun has long hair and shawl, painted beautiful light make-up, light blue round neck, small lattice short sleeves tied in a white dress, a light blue cloth belt tied with a bow around his waist, and a pair of chestnut high-heeled sandals on his feet, which makes him feel a bit more youthful.

Liu Yun hooked Su Xun's arm with a sweet smile on her face. A woman in her twenties was just like a girl in her seventeen or eighteen years old.

It can only be said that first love is beautiful.

What's more, her first love was Su Xun, the handsome man? With the help of R-star professionals, many places in Jiangnan City have changed and are under construction everywhere. The whole city is like a big construction site.

After the completion of the construction, I believe that the whole Jiangnan City will change greatly and become more sci-fi.

It's all his credit.

Su Xun was filled with a sense of achievement.

"How about the Donghai Dragon Palace tourism project? Have you ever paid attention to it?" It suddenly occurred to Su Xun.

Liu Yun replied casually: "it seems that it is going to be put into business in the news yesterday. I will go there once.""I'll give you free tickets." Su Xun said.

Liu Yun is coquettish: "is the ticket free?"

"Otherwise, go to the ticket office and show me your bed and my photo. It's free for life." Su Xun said with a bad smile.

Liu Yun blushed and said, "I don't want to be ashamed."

"Of course not. I only want you." Su Xun put her in his arms, the real warm and fragrant nephrite.


In the morning, I accompanied Liu Yun to the street. After lunch, I sent her back. Then Su Xun went back to Yuliang mountain manor.

"Oh, the time assassin is back."

An Zizhen looks at Su Xun with a smile, obviously laughing at his continuous transition last night.

"Cough, cough." Su Xun was a little embarrassed: "didn't I do it for a bowl of water?"

"Bad guy, ordering a duck is more professional than you." Qin Zhu, who is playing the game with Xiaobai, looks up and says something full of bitterness.

Last night, she wanted susian to hold her to sleep. Unexpectedly, susian fed her and left.

"Nonsense, they are professional, I am amateur. Besides, can ducks compare with me?" Su Xun went over and pinched her cold face.

Yao Yao blinked: "what is a duck? Do you like that one? "

Blue star does not have this nickname, on blue star is more direct, call male, prostitute.

"In a way, it's really edible." Xiaobai is now an old driver who can drag racing. The world is really in decline.

An Zizhen said, "my father asked you to take me back to dinner tonight."

"Well, the family doesn't have to bring gifts or anything." Su Xun nodded, but he thought of his parents. When he learned that an Zizhen was pregnant, they wanted to see her all the time.

Just then a kimono maid came in.

"Sir, there are two people outside the manor who claim to be your parents."

Su Xun, who was just thinking about his parents, suddenly changed his face. He was a little empty.

If his parents knew that he had soaked so many women at the same time, they would have skinned him.

An Zizhen rolled a white eye: "I will help you hide it."

She also has to help her husband hide the fact that she is in many boats in front of her parents-in-law. An Zizhen thinks it's really hard for her.

"Long live my wife." Su Xun is very happy.

An Zizhen said: "what are you doing in a daze? Come out with me to meet someone

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