Su Xun asked Chen's father and his wife to buy a yard and let them move out.

But the couple refused.

In their opinion, they can feed themselves by grinding tofu, so they are not willing to ask Su for half of the benefits.

Because these benefits are obtained by their daughter's suffering, they don't want them, and they are not at ease to enjoy them.

Su Xun was helpless. It seemed that it was not a matter of time to change the views of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

In the afternoon, Su Xun took XiuXiu back to Su's house.


It's night in a flash of time.

XiuXiu is a little nervous, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her skirt because she knows what is waiting for her next.

She had never done such a thing, and no one had taught her, so now she was nervous, scared, curious, nervous, and a little guilty.

After all, she and Fang Yun were childhood friends for so many years. Now her body is about to be given to Su Xun. She feels sorry for Fang Yun.

However, she has secretly made up her mind to forget Fang Yun after tonight, because she doesn't want to be a woman who doesn't obey women's principles.

"Creak -"

when the door was pushed open, Su Xun came in. XiuXiu straightened her body in an instant.

Su Xun closed the door, walked over step by step, sat beside XiuXiu, smelled the faint fragrance, and put his hand around her.

"Please My husband pities me. " XiuXiu's body trembled, her face flushed, and her voice trembled.

Su Xun gently kisses her red lips: "don't worry, my husband will treat you."

As you speak, place it on the bed.

This speech, this skilled movement, is like a very deceiving, gun old scum man.

XiuXiu lay on the bed, holding the sheet tightly with both hands, closing her eyes, her heart beat faster.

She could feel the clothes on her body peeled off one by one and the beads of sweat sliding down her forehead.

After tonight, she will really be susian's wife.


At this moment, there was a loud noise outside, like the sound of something collapsing.

Su Xun stopped his action in an instant, and XiuXiu opened her eyes.


When I opened my eyes, I saw that I had been stripped completely. I blushed and screamed. I quickly closed my eyes again.

"Su Xun! Come out and die

A roar of anger rang through the Su mansion.

Su Xun heard it, so did XiuXiu.

This is Fang Yun's voice.

Now that susian is sure, this guy really takes the lead role template. NIMA can come back for revenge in ten days and make such a big noise. It's obvious that he's dead.

Fortunately, he is no longer the former Su Xun, otherwise the Su family will be destroyed tonight.

Because as we all know, those who provoke the protagonist are generally destroyed.

"As you can see, I've let him go, but he won't let me go." Su Xun said a word to XiuXiu. His voice dropped and he was about to get up.

XiuXiu grabbed his hand, tears in her eyes, and prayed: "in any case, please leave him alive."

"You are very affectionate and righteous." Su Xun said with a smile.

XiuXiu was a little afraid and thought that he was angry. She said quickly, "if my husband is in danger today, I will be able to protect him as my wife."

She really thinks so, because the wife should have sacrificed her life to save her husband.

And pleading for Fang Yun is just out of the past friendship.

"Your emphasis on love and righteousness shows that I have the right vision. If you are really a fickle person, how can you look up to you for your husband?" Susian touched her face.

XiuXiu feels that her heart is about to melt. It's nice to have a person who is spoiling her willfulness.

Su Xun patted her hand, then turned and walked out.

Turn around the moment, the face of the smile disappeared, replaced by a cold face.

Those words just now are nothing but to coax her.

Fang Yun must die!

The experience of many novels tells him that if the protagonist has a chance to be killed, he has to be killed.

Because the protagonist has the aura of the protagonist in this world, Su Xun is not a villain.

The front yard.

Fang Yun stands at attention with his sword against Su Yue's servants.

"Fang Yun, my brother spared your life. I didn't expect that you didn't want to be grateful. You even dared to make trouble in our Fang family. I really thought our Fang family didn't dare to kill you!"

Su Yuesheng looks coldly.

"Ha ha ha, kill me? Your Fang family is just a local chicken and a local dog. Su Yue, your brother dares to rob my XiuXiu. I'll rob you tonight. I don't think you've ever been carefully manipulated by a man. "

Fang Yun laughs and looks at Su Yue's delicate body with unbridled eyes. Today, he is quite different from ten days ago.

"To die."Su Yue flashed a touch of cold light in her eyes and said coldly: "take him, regardless of life and death."

With her order, the servants around rushed up with steel knives and sticks.

"Ridiculous, but also when today's I was yesterday's I can't, our cloud, today will slaughter Su family full!"

Fang Yun's voice falls, and he rushes into the crowd with his sword in the form of shadow. The light of the sword is everywhere, and the blood splashes.


For a time, the scream continued. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen bodies fell in the yard.

The rest of them all stepped back in fear, and no one dared to rush forward.

"How could that be?"

Ten days ago, Su Mingming's Kung Fu was so amazing.

"Impossible? On our cloud, there is no impossibility. Su Yue, let Su Xun get out! "

Su Yue's shocked appearance gives Fang Yun full psychological satisfaction. He can't wait to see Su Xun's desperate expression.

"It's so noisy. I'm out. What about you?"

With a lazy voice, Su Xun came out with a calm face.

Su Yue was shocked: "what are you doing out there?"

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of Sue's death.

"Su Xun, my show!"

Fang Yun stares at Su Xun. He is really jealous when his enemies meet.

"My XiuXiu legs are inconvenient, so I won't come out to see guests. Let me entertain you." Su Xun said softly and threw a pink bellyback on the ground.

Su Xun nearly fainted. It's over. My silly brother is still irritating him at this time.

Fang Yun saw the word "XiuXiu" embroidered on his belly pocket at a glance. In an instant, he was angry, and his killing intention was overwhelming: "damn you!"

As soon as he thought that his childhood sweetheart had been sullied by Su Xun, he almost wanted to vomit blood.

"Fang Yun, this is the end of the matter. If you really want to stop, we can make it up to you." Su Yue sees that Fang Yun's mood is out of control and says in a hurry.

Fang Yunhong looked grimly and said with a grin: "is the net broken? The fish is sure to die, but the net doesn't have to be broken. Su Xun must die, and you, I will play slowly, make you, ravage you, ravage you! "

As the words fell, he stabbed Su Xun with his sword.

Su Xun just ready to hand, suddenly changed his mind, because he felt XiuXiu ran out.

There was a flash of banter at the bottom of my eyes, and then I stood still as if I was scared.


Almost two female voices sounded at the same time. Chen XiuXiu ran out in panic and roared: "Fang Yun, please don't kill him!"

Fang Yun saw XiuXiu and was stunned. His sword slowed down.

It was in this short time that XiuXiu had been standing in front of Su Xun, with tears streaming down his face: "Fang Yun, please don't kill him."

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