"XiuXiu, you You're protecting this thief! "

Fang Yun widened his eyes and looked at Chen XiuXiu incredulously, feeling that he was green.

"Fang Yun, I'm Su Xun's wife. I can't watch you kill my husband." Chen XiuXiu said tearfully, opening her hand to block Su Xun behind her.

Fang Yun roared: "he forced you. XiuXiu, get out of the way and let me kill the thief. Then I'll take you away. I won't despise you!"

"How can one woman serve two husbands? Fang Yun, Xianggong didn't force me. He treated me very well. I'm willing. I'm sorry for you. If you want to kill me, just kill me. "

XiuXiu said tearfully that she was afraid that Su Xun would not let Fang Yun go. She didn't expect to see the opposite result.

She went to Su's house and called for Su Xun's husband. Today she came back. Although there was no wedding, the whole city knew that she was Su Xun's wife.

How can she sit by and watch Fang Yun kill her husband.

Looking at XiuXiu protecting Su Xun, Fang yunmu was red and angry. A feeling of betrayal filled his heart: "good, good, bitch, I dare not kill you!"

"Since you're going to die, I'll help you!"

"Today, all of you are going to die!"

Voice down, Fang Yun black hair flying, eyes scarlet like a devil, the hand of the sword mercilessly to XiuXiu stab.

XiuXiu was not afraid, but a touch of relief flashed in her eyes.

But at the moment when the point of the sword was about to hit her, a hand stretched out from behind her and held the sword.

XiuXiu looks back at Su Xun.

"Now I believe you can really protect me." Su Xun looked at her with a smile.

XiuXiu pursed her lips and said nothing.

Looking at the two people in front of their own face, Fang Yun is angry: "die!"

"Dang -"

Su Xun broke the sword in his hand.

"How can it be!" Fang Yun blurted out what Su Yue had just said, and his face was shocked.

Su Yue and XiuXiu are also dazzled.

Half of the sword turned into dust in Su Xun's hands. Looking at Fang Yun, he said, "how dare you teach me how to carve insects? I am a member of the imperial court. How dare you draw your sword at me

As he spoke, he stepped out step by step and rose up with a mighty momentum, which was vast, majestic and full of righteousness.

It's one of the skills of this identity, Haoran Zhengqi.

"How could that be?" Fang Yun couldn't figure out why Su Xun Mingming was an ordinary dandy, and why he had such a tremendous momentum like waves.

Then he was evil again. From his heart, he roared with a ferocious face: "what about the whole people? Now I'm an immortal. I'm not bound by secular laws. If I kill you, I'll kill you. What can you do for me?"

At the same time, the momentum of his body also rose sharply, which caused the house to crack.

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly. This guy's strength suddenly increased. Did he use the forbidden technique?

In just ten days, he had just become an immortal. Su Xun was very interested in his adventure and was ready to study it.

By the way, use him to try the skill of following his words.

The stronger the skill is, the stronger the skill will be.

He immediately stepped out and began to chant: "when he was 15 or 20 years old, he won the horse riding on foot."

"What? The poem is dying? Are you afraid that you will never have another chance after death? " Fang Yun said with a grim smile, revealing a violent atmosphere.

Su Xun ignored him and said, "shoot the white tiger in the mountain. I'm willing to count Huang Xu'er under Ye!"

"Die With a single hand wave, Fang Yun flew to Su Xun.

Su Xun was fearless, and he chanted again: "he fought three thousand li, and once a sword was a million division."

With this sentence falling, a golden sword suddenly appeared in the void and cut it down, which almost lit up the night sky of Chen county and tore the darkness.


Fang Yun's strength dissipates directly, but the momentum of the long sword does not decrease, and it takes Fang Yun's life.

"No way!"

Fang Yun yelled, but he couldn't figure it out. Su Xun just read a few poems. Why did he have such power.

Almost in an instant, he was hit by the sword, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and his body flew out as if hit by a car, injuring the foundation.

"I'll be back!"

He looked at Su Xun reluctantly, and then set foot in the air to escape.

He thought that although he was not Su Xun's opponent, no one could stop him if he wanted to run.

"Want to run?" With a sneer, Su Xun stepped out and said, "the Han soldiers are as quick as thunderbolt. They are afraid of Tribulus terrestris."

"Step, step..."

Suddenly, the sound of horse's hooves came out of thin air. A group of cavalry in black armor rushed to Fang Yun with a strong evil spirit, and the long sword fell down."Puchi -"

there are countless wounds on Fang Yun's body, one arm is cut off directly, blood is pouring, and his body is heavily hit on the ground.

And the Armored Cavalry had disappeared.

Half of Wang Wei's veteran behavior, with the skill of following his words, makes Fang Yun clear.

"How can it be? How can it be? What kind of magic are you doing? What kind of magic is this? "

Fang Yun gets up from the ground and looks at Su Xun with fear. He regrets that he came to Su's house to take revenge tonight.

He never thought that Su Xun could hide so deeply.

"Sorcery? It's an honest and upright skill. You don't know what evil ways you have learned, so that you can greatly increase your strength in a short period of time. Today I'll do nothing but you, so that you won't harm one side in the future. "

Su Xun said solemnly that at the moment, he seemed to be the embodiment of light and justice.

He said that Fang Yun was a heresy, and all the people present believed this subconsciously.

"Heresy? I'm practicing magic Fang Yun's voice dropped, and then he took out a jade pendant and yelled: "Mr. Jiang, don't you come out to save me soon."

As his voice fell, a stream of smoke came out of the jade pendant, and a person, to be exact, a person's soul appeared in front of the public.

Su Yue and XiuXiu are numb tonight, but they are not surprised.

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly. Oh, he was still carrying his grandfather's routine.

"Enemies are easy to solve, but not easy to form. Young man, you are very strong, and your path of cultivation is very special, but although I only have my soul, you can't win it easily. Let's stop tonight."

The old man said calmly, looking at Su Xun's eyes full of curiosity.

He had just watched the whole process in the jade pendant, and Su Xun's ability to recite poems turned into real objects was unheard of, but undoubtedly very strong.

Thinking of this, he could not help but say: "since you are also a person in the immortal way, why do you still stick to this worldly fame? It's not that you lose the big from the small."

"What does that have to do with you?" Of course, Su Xun would not say that the ultimate purpose of Lao Tzu's existence is to limit you stupid people.

After all, there's no need to be cruel before you have the strength to achieve your goal, because it's just a mockery.

"You..." The old man choked so much that he couldn't speak. He gave a cold hum: "let's go."

The voice falls, he mentions the square cloud on the ground is about to fly away.

"Little brother..." Su Yue is not willing to let Fang Yun go.

Su Xun interrupted her, turned to look at XiuXiu and said, "this is what I promised you."

In fact, he couldn't kill Su Xun at all, otherwise he would have killed him.

Because that old man with only soul is very strong, and this kind of old monster usually has a card. If Su Xun makes a move, the other party may die with him, which is not worth it.

But XiuXiu didn't know that. She really thought that Su Xun was moved by Fang Yun who she let go.

"My friendship with him is over. If I meet Fang Yun again in the future, my husband doesn't have to stay."

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