"Thank you, Xianggong."

After returning to the room, XiuXiu looks at Su xunruo and says in a soft voice, her face is full of emotion and guilt.

Moved is that Su Xun has released Fang Yun twice for her.

I'm sorry because Fang Yun came here tonight, and I'm afraid he will come again.

This is also the reason why she said that in the future, Su Xun didn't need to keep the other cloud.

Although she also wants Fang Yun to live well, if Fang Yun has to aim at Su Xun, she has to make a choice. Since she has been married, she can't turn her elbow out.

"Why thank you between husband and wife, lady? It's late. Let's have a rest earlier."

Su Xun said politely, with a faint smile on his face. Fang Yun's appearance didn't affect his mood at all.

Well, it seems to be a little more exciting.

She came forward to embrace XiuXiu. Her delicate body was in her arms. She was warm and fragrant. The fragrance of a woman came to her face.

XiuXiu's face was slightly red, and she turned her head away. She was too shy to look into Su Xun's eyes: "put out the candle first."

Darkness can make her less shy.

"No, I'll take a good look at the lady." While Su Xun was criticizing, he had already put XiuXiu on the bed.

Xiuxiuqiao's red face could bleed, and her two white jade hands covered her face.

After half a sound, Su Xun finally knew why she was more shy than before.

Because Su Xun had taken her belly pocket before, and there was nothing under her clothes. It was strange that she was not shy.

XiuXiu said: "don't look at it. I'm so ashamed. Mr. Xiang, put out the candle."

"You'll get used to it later." The corner of Su Xun's mouth went up, and a bad smile came up.

Fang Yun, Fang Yun, you are my daughter-in-law from childhood.

I'm sorry I was born.

Damn, it's not 12 o'clock yet. I accidentally came up with the word "cloud suppression time".

"Bah, bad man." Listening to Su Xun's teasing, XiuXiu spat. She covered her face with her hands, but she couldn't help looking out of the gap curiously.

With the gentle sound of the oriole, the candle in the room flickers, and spring fills the bedroom.

Outside the room, Su Yuehong spat on her face and went back to her yard with weak legs.

After all, when a sister steals, it's bad to see her brother and sister-in-law's bridal chamber.

When she was old, her mother died early and no one taught her. So that when she got married, she was still ignorant about it. So she was curious. She couldn't go to see others. She had to steal. It was most convenient to see her brother.

But just a look, she really can't go on, that scene is really shameful.

This little bastard, usually in front of me pretend to be regular, but also a bad embryo.

Tonight, Su Fu has no sleep.


On the other hand, Jiang, who is in the state of soul body, carries Fang Yun to a broken temple outside Chen county.

"You are seriously injured. There are some pills in the jade pendant that I used to refine to help you recover, but your broken arm won't grow out for a while."

Looking at Fang Yun, Jiang said with regret that before he went to Su's house, he did not expect that Su Xun was not only a talented scholar, but also a practitioner.

Moreover, his strength is not weak, and his cultivation magic is quite strange. Now he can only maintain the soul body state, and he doesn't want to fight Su Xun.

Because he has lived for hundreds of years, he has never seen such a magic skill. It's strange that his words can transform things into nothingness and have great power.

But it happened that such a man of great talent and cultivation was willing to stay in the imperial examination of the mortal Dynasty.

This is incomprehensible to Jiang.

"Thank you for being old Jiang. I didn't expect that Su Xun had hidden so deeply. Sooner or later, I would frustrate him."

Fang Yun showed deep resentment in his eyes, gnashing his teeth, and his heart was full of murders.

When he thought of XiuXiu's role in Su Xun, he couldn't control his mind.

Jiang said: "although susian is not vulgar, you are not bad. Don't worry. With me, it's only a matter of time before you reach the fairyland."

Fang Yun is gifted and determined. Mr. Jiang used to be a real immortal. Under his cultivation, Fang Yun can definitely achieve the cultivation of real immortal.

"What a fairy?" Fang Yun murmured to himself, and then asked, "Mr. Jiang, what is Su Xun doing?"

He still felt that Zhenxian was too far away from himself. He didn't dare to think about becoming an immortal.

He still remembers that Mr. Jiang once said that practitioners can be divided into refining and transforming Qi realm, practicing and transforming spirit realm, refining and returning to emptiness realm, refining and combining emptiness with Tao realm, and true fairyland.

Further up, there was no stronger cultivator than the true fairyland, so the whole Taixu world recognized that the true fairyland was already immortal.

He can't wait that long for him to stand at the top of the world and then go to find Su Xun for revenge.

"The strength he showed should be in the spirit refining and returning to the void." Jiang Lao frowned and said, in fact, he was not sure about Su Xun's accomplishments.It was because there was no magic power fluctuation when Su Xun moved, but two strange forces appeared, which he never felt.

Of course, he didn't know, because those two forces had never appeared in the world.

One is called divine power.

One is Haoran Zhengqi, also known as Wenqi.

Fang Yun took a breath of cool air and refined the spirit to return to emptiness. This cultivation is already the cultivation of some small clan masters.

That Su Xun was so terrible.

No wonder they have no power to fight back in front of him. It turns out that they are so far behind.

Now he has just entered the stage of refining and transforming Qi.

Now think about the appearance that Su Xun's sword seemed to be silly to him, and he reflected that the guy was pretending on purpose.

Deliberately take this opportunity to test XiuXiu's mind.

As a result, XiuXiu didn't disappoint him and stood up to block the sword for him.

As soon as Fang Yun thinks that XiuXiu has been sullied by Su Xun, he goes to revenge himself, but he is still used, and finally he loses one hand, so he feels very cruel.

Especially when he thought of the pink belly bag on the ground, he could not help but imagine the scene of XiuXiu being bullied by Su Xun.

That should have been his woman!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Fang Yun looks up at the sky and roars, his eyes are red.

"Su Xun, if you take my love, I will kill you!"


All around a bird.

Jiang Lao's face changed and he drank: "Fang Yun, don't wake up soon!"

The star red in Fang Yun's eyes gradually faded away, and he was a little at a loss: "Mr. Jiang, I just..."

"You've just been possessed." Jiang said coldly: "it seems that your mind is not as firm as I thought."

"Mr. Jiang, I won't do it in the future." Fang Yun is ashamed.

Jiang Lao directly turned into smoke and got into the jade pendant. His confident voice floated in the broken Temple:

"that Su Xun has outstanding talent, but he is addicted to worldly wealth and wants to be an official. If he does this for a long time, he will abandon his cultivation and you will catch up with him."

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