As the fourth Prince's voice fell.

The whole restaurant was horribly quiet.

Everyone recognized that the fourth prince was deliberately looking for Su Xun's trouble.

Xie Hongyi looked at Su Xun with a sneer. What a supercilious thing! He dared to shake his face to the fourth emperor. He really thought his life was long.

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the fourth prince.

His expression made the fourth prince even more angry. No one dared to look at him except tianjianzong.

"The fourth Prince's words are different."

Su xungang was about to speak when a voice full of middle spirit suddenly rang out.

All people follow the reputation, only to find that it was the poor scholar who had no sense of existence before.

Su Xun was also surprised, and then he showed an interesting expression.

The fourth Prince looked at the poor scholar with anger and said sarcastically, "are you also a Juren?"

"Zhao Xie, a member of Nanyang County, Xiaosheng Qingzhou Prefecture, met his fourth highness." The poor scholar spoke frankly.

All of you

The fourth Prince's face was blue and white. He didn't expect that the poor scholar was really a person. He felt that he was beaten in the face.

If it is really a group of barbarians, even after reading for a few years, it is also barbarians.

In the capital of China, he had never met any scholar who dared to be so disrespectful to him.

Zhao Xie continued with his righteous words and said: "this elder brother has got a reputation in the examination. He has already become an official. His fourth highness is the prince. He should be broad-minded, but it's not appropriate to use his identity to force him so hard."

"Presumptuous!" The middle-aged man beside the fourth Prince yelled angrily: "you are nothing. A little person dares to tell his highness what to do."

"They have no fame, that is white body. When they see the orphan, they should kneel down. Otherwise, they are disrespectful to the royal family. What's wrong with the orphan?" The fourth prince also calmed down and looked at Zhao Xieli's strong counter question.

"This..." Zhao Xie couldn't refute it for a moment. He just came out because he was the same as Su Xun.

But I didn't expect that the fourth Prince didn't care so much about his reputation and face, and he had to aim at Su Xun.

"Hum!" When the fourth prince saw that he had nothing to say, he gave a cold hum, and then looked at Su Xun and others again: "I asked again why they didn't kneel down!"

"At present, your Highness the fourth prince, the grassroots are not ready to kneel down! If you despise the royal family, you can't revolt! " The middle-aged man around the fourth Prince angrily scolded.

Xie Hongyi and Liu Quan, the four members of the five Lake Gang, looked on coldly, with a certain sense of schadenfreude.

Su Xun breathed out a breath and said, "if you don't kneel, what can you do?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

I didn't expect that Su Xun would dare to be the fourth prince. Isn't he going to be an official?

Zhao Xie was also shocked, followed by endless admiration.

No fear of power, no fear of the royal family, is really the model of our generation of scholars.

It seems that shiqingrong and shiqingquan are still able to read to each other.

"Take it for me!" The fourth Prince ordered decisively.

The guard behind him did not hesitate to draw his sword and rushed to Su Qun and others.

"Go away!"

Su Xun vomited out a word, and his body was full of righteousness.



Just flew, and then rushed out without calling.


A group of people scattered on the ground, pale, spit blood.


Seeing this, everyone was shocked, and the four members of Wuhu Gang stood up.

A word to retreat from the enemy, a word will make those more than 20 good hands spit blood and fly out. What kind of power is this?

Xie Hongyi was a little scared. She was wet with sweat and her face turned white. If she had done it before, what would it be like?

The fourth prince was also very surprised. He could not help blurting out: "practitioner!"

"No The young Taoist priest beside him spoke for the first time. He looked at Su Xun and said, "what kind of Kung Fu are you doing? I don't feel the fluctuation of mana on you."

This Kung Fu is very mysterious. As a practitioner, he also wants to use it to surprise the enemy.

"If you don't feel it, it means that your level is too low." Su Xun said lightly.

It's not pretending to be forced. Come to a monk who practices the void and Taoism. Even if he doesn't use mana, the other person can feel the presence of mana in his body.

A haze flashed through the eyes of the Taoist youth: "boy, although your Kung Fu is mysterious, it's just so. Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Ask the immortal master to kill the madman." The fourth Prince looked at his words, saw that he had the intention to start, and immediately asked.

Hearing the word "immortal master", everyone in the wine shop was surprised again. It was obvious that the young man in Daopao was a practitioner.Everyone thought that Su Xun would die this time.

After all, there is the identity of a person, offending the prince may still be alive.

But offending the practitioners is a dead end.

Zhao Xie sighed. It's a pity that he was such a stubborn scholar.

If this Chu kingdom is controlled by the sect for one day, it will never rise.

The young man in the Taoist robe squeezed his hand and said, "go!"

"Choking -"

the sword on his back came out of the scabbard in an instant and went straight to Su Xun with cold light.

"The art of flying sword!"

Xie Hongyi and others marveled at the various spells of the practitioner.


Chen XiuXiu is worried.

Su Xun held the glass in one hand, and the other hand directly grasped the empty sword with one hand.


Seeing this scene, Xie Hongyi, Zhao Xie, the fourth prince, including Daopao youth, all widened their eyes and their faces were unbelievable.

How can an ordinary man without magic power hold the flying sword with his bare hands!

Then they saw that Su Xun waved his hand, and the flying sword bounced back and fell into the scabbard on the back of the Taoist youth.

Su Xun sneered: "your sword is not good. Let's see how my sword is."

"My sword can crack gold, divide the sea, kill evil spirits and demons, and kill all the people."

"when you come to the sky and drink the wine, you can't go back to the sea."


The crowd seemed to see a huge river. The waves were out of sight. A long sword made of water came out of the huge river. With the supreme power, they chopped down the young man in Daopao. The huge waves attacked everything.

This horrible scene made everyone pale and scared. They wanted to run, but they found that they couldn't move at all.

"I'm a disciple of Tianjian sect. I have eyes and don't know Mount Tai. Please forgive me."

The young man in the robe knelt down on the spot and roared hysterically. His eyes were full of despair and fear.

He thought that it was not that the other side didn't have divine power fluctuation, it was that his strength was too low, so he couldn't feel it. The other side must be a great monk.

He regretted it. He was afraid.

But the sword did not stop falling.

In an instant, everything disappeared without a trace. There was only a dead body with no wound, angry eyes, but dead spirits.

The sword of water is invisible.

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