There was a dead silence.

Everyone is standing in the same place with dull eyes.

The stormy scene disappeared, leaving only a corpse to prove that what they had just seen was not an illusion.

Under XiuXiu's service, Su Xun tasted the good peach blossom wine he brought from home, and became the only one who had some action in this situation.

Drink it all and drop the glass on the table.


The sound of the collision between the wine glass and the wooden table made everyone come back.


The fourth Prince knelt down on the spot, lying on the ground, shivering: "the boy has eyes and doesn't know the immortal master, please forgive me, please forgive me."

One of the inner disciples of Tianjian sect asked him to be respectful, not to mention the one in front of him.

If the other party really killed him, then unless tianjianzong came out, the Chu royal family could not do anything about him.

"Hua La --"

the guards behind them all knelt down, especially the middle-aged man who used to scold Su Xun. At this time, he was shaking like a sieve chaff, and his face was bloodless.

Although the four members of Wuhu gang were unwilling, they knelt down from their hearts.

Xie Hongyi's pretty face is very white. Her belly pocket has been soaked with cold sweat, and her legs are more and more tight because she is afraid that she can't help being scared to urinate.

If you offend such an overhaul, it will bring disaster to the Wuhu gang. She can't help but be afraid.

In a twinkling of an eye, the man who had just called for Su Xun to kneel down was kneeling on the ground.

But Su Xun was still in that position.

Zhao Xie didn't kneel. His eyes toward Su Xun were full of surprise and curiosity. How could he take part in the imperial examination after an overhaul?

Aren't these immortal masters who are superior to others just don't like them?

Although he didn't see many immortal masters, he thought that Su Xun might be the most special one in his life.

Compared with Su Xun's cultivation and immortal status, he admired Su Xun's literary talent.

The sword of the river comes from the sky and runs to the sea.

How bold and open-minded this is to make such a poem. It's a pity that I only heard two sentences.

What he didn't know was that it was adapted from Li Bai's idea of drinking, and the original poem was more heroic.

In the wine shop, the prince shivered on the ground.

Su Xun only had wine in his eyes.

In XiuXiu's eyes, Su Xun took a handkerchief and wiped the wine stains on the corners of his mouth.

Su Xun looked at the fourth Prince and said, "get up."

"The little ones don't dare." The fourth prince was frightened, but he found that his body could not help but stand up.

And then he got more scared.

Su Xun said, "I'm going to the country to take the exam. I don't want to make trouble. Go away."

After seeing the forced sample of the fourth prince, he had some other plans in his mind. This guy's identity can be used in the early stage.

As long as the fourth Prince is not stupid, he will not tell today's story, and he will visit him respectfully when he comes to the country.

"Thank you, immortal master, thank you very much." The fourth Prince breathed a sigh of relief, repeatedly thanks, and then with his own escort ran out of the wine shop.

A moment later, the galloping sound of horse's hooves sounded outside, as if death were urging their lives.

Then Su Xun's eyes fell on Xie Hongyi.

The four shivered together.

"Immortal master, spare your life. It's all the young women who collide with immortal master without eyes. I hope immortal master doesn't care about me."

In front of the granary, Xie Wei's baby trembles.

Su Xun looked at her with great interest: "do you like women?"

Xie Hongyi's face flushed with shame and anger, but she did not dare to lie: "back to the immortal master, yes."

The young man with Chinese character face looks desperate, but he always likes Xie Hongyi, and has defeated countless competitors for this.

But I didn't expect that it was not a man who defeated him in the end, but a woman.

"Interesting." Su Xun laughed. This NIMA lily is really everywhere.

XiuXiu is pretty and flushed. She only thinks that Xie Hongyi can't be so shameless. A daughter's family doesn't know how to be literate and reasonable. Even if she teaches her husband and children, she still likes women as much as a man. It's really shameless.

She felt sick at the thought of that scene.

In men's eyes, it's disgusting to have sex with men.

Similarly, in the eyes of women, it's disgusting for women to have sex with women.

That's why men like to watch lilies, and corrupt women like to watch them.

Xie Hongyi was afraid that Su Xun would continue to ask this question. After all, she also knew that this kind of thing was deviant. She quickly said, "as long as the immortal master is willing to let us go, I have a treasure to send."

"Younger martial sister!"

Hearing this, the faces of the three youths changed.What treasure can they have to make the immortal move? It's just the one they are going to send to the capital for the emperor.

"Elder martial brother, it's time to survive." Xie Hongyi is very anxious.

The young people with Chinese characters look dark when they hear the words. Yes, it's most important to survive first.

They know that they are no different from an ant in the eyes of practitioners.

Although Su Xun is smiling now and doesn't mean to kill people, they won't be surprised if Su Xun suddenly kills them the next second.

Because, this is the impression of mortals on friars, because friars killed too many mortals.

As soon as the young man gritted his teeth, he took out a jade box from his arms and handed it to him in both hands: "please accept it. I hope we can exchange it for four brothers and sisters."

"Oh? I'll see what it is Su Xun grabbed the jade box and flew into his hand.

Su Xun is going to open the jade box.

Pang Hu's face changed slightly: "young master, let the little one come."

He was a wanderer before he served as a ward for the Su family. He had seen a lot of insidious means, and was afraid that when the jade box was opened, poisonous smoke would fly out.

There are many poisons that can poison practitioners in Taixu world.

Xie Hongyi's four people were shocked.

"Master Xianshi, we dare not have evil thoughts."

Su Xun waved his hand. Pang Hu backed down and opened the jade box.

An evil spirit and Dragon Spirit instantly overflow.

Su Xun closed the jade box with a slap. There was a dragon ball in it. To be exact, it was the dragon ball of a dragon. Otherwise, there would be only dragon spirit but no evil spirit.

He didn't take it seriously at first, but he didn't expect that this mortal had such a treasure in his hand.

Jiaolong's dragon ball is not as good as Liulitun's five clawed Golden Dragon ball, but it is also a dragon ball.

Anything related to the dragon is not simple, especially the dragon ball, which is the origin of a dragon.

It happens that the life and death of Zhenyao sword is unknown. This dragon ball is used as a refining material. It's just right to find someone to refine a magic sword for yourself.

"I take it. I owe you a favor from Wuhu gang." Su Xun looked at the four and said faintly.

He didn't plan to kill these four people, because the relationship between them was not so serious. At most, it was just a fight.

He wants Longzhu, but he doesn't want it for nothing.

Otherwise, what is the difference between him and other practitioners in this world?

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