Su Dun heard the words of Sidu.

It felt that the appearance of Su Xun completely overturned their impression of the practitioners.

A major overhaul of the imperial examination is not enough.

If Su Xun didn't kill them, they would be grateful.

But unexpectedly, Su Xun not only didn't kill them, but also promised to owe five Gang a favor.

This makes them some can't believe whether it's true, or they hear wrong.

"Why, no?" Su Xun raised his eyebrows.

The four people reacted instantly.

"No, no, no, yes, thank you for not killing me."

"Thank you, immortal master..."

The four people thank each other one after another. It's good that they have an account when they go back. This dragon ball is not in vain. At least they have changed the friendship for the Wuhu gang. Maybe they can get some credit when they go back.

Fortunately, in order to give the emperor a surprise on the day of his birthday, the Wuhu gang did not tell the palace in advance that the birthday gift was a dragon ball, so that there was time to prepare the birthday gift again.

"Go ahead." Su Xun waved.

Xie Hongyi's four people ran away with their bags.

Su Xun directly threw the dragon ball into the system space.

People were not surprised, because there must be a magic weapon to store things.

Su Xun looked at Zhao Xie and said, "I've met Su Xun in Chen County, Kaiyang County, Qingzhou Prefecture."

"Dare not, dare not, Zhao Xie has met Su Xianshi." Zhao Xie is still afraid of the immortal master.

Idea is fear, not awe.

This is true of most mortals, because the practitioners of Taixu Kingdom have no respect for mortals, they can only make people fear.

Su Xun said with a smile, "you and I are both scholars, and we are all Ju people who went to Beijing to take the exam. We can make friends normally. Does brother Zhao look down on me?"

"No Zhao Xie waved his hand and then breathed out: "Sue Brother Su is different from most monks. "

"There are tens of thousands of people, and naturally there are differences." Su Xun said with a smile.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Zhao Xie shook his head and summoned up courage to ask: "brother Su, you are a major overhaul. Why did you take part in the imperial examination?"

Friars don't look up to ordinary people, especially Su Xun. Let alone being an official, the emperor doesn't look up to him.

What's more, if Su Xun wanted to be an official and went to the imperial palace to show his identity, why did he choose all kinds of official positions for him?

Su Xun replied, "I have some ambition. I'm willing to make my life for the people of the world."

"For the people of the world." Zhao Xie felt a shock in his heart and bowed to Su Xun: "brother Su's heart makes Xie admire. Please accept this worship."

Su Xun may be the only monk in the world who takes mortal life as his life.

"Why don't you go to Qingzi's mansion with me?" As soon as Su Xun raised his hand, a magic force helped him up.

"Brother Su invited me. I dare not obey you." Zhao Xie couldn't help but ask: "brother Su, Xie has something to ask for, and I hope you will agree."

"Please, brother Zhao." Su Xun made a gesture of invitation.

Zhao Xie said: "brother Su's two poems are magnificent, which make people feel relaxed and happy. Please finish this poem."

Voice down, is a worship.

Well, I have confirmed my eyes. This is a real scholar, not one who wants to be an official to earn money.

Su Xun shook his head and said, "brother Zhao Mingjian, only the first two sentences of this poem have heroic feelings. That sentence was changed just now in order to adapt to the situation."

It is a poem written by Li Bai when he was frustrated in his official career to express his depression that he failed to meet his talents. Except for the first two sentences, Yu Ze has no such heroic mood.

"If so, it must have a different artistic conception. Please be content with me, brother su." Zhao Xie said.


"In that case, I'll make a fool of myself."

Seeing this, Su Xun shook the folding fan. Brother Li Bai, I'm sorry. I'm going to copy it.

"You don't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never coming back."

"If you don't see the mirror in the high hall, your hair is white and sad. It's like a green silk in the morning and snow in the evening."

"When you are satisfied with your life, you must be happy. Don't let the golden cup empty to the moon."

"I'm born to be useful. When all the gold is gone, I'll come back."

"It's fun to cook sheep and slaughter cattle. You'll have to drink 300 cups."

"Master Cen, Dan Qiusheng, I'm going to drink. Don't stop drinking."

"Sing a song with you, please listen to it for me."

"It's not expensive to eat jade. I hope I'll stay drunk for a long time.

"In ancient times, sages and sages were lonely, only those who drank kept their names."

"In the past, King Yu had a pleasant banquet and had ten thousand drinks to fight with."

"Master, why do you say less money? You have to drink from me."

"Wuhuama, qianjinqiu, hu'er will exchange wine with you, and you will share the worries of all ages."In the whole poem, Su Xun only changed two words, changing King Chen into King Yu and Pingle into Anle.

Because in the original poem, Chen Wang refers to Cao Zhi, and Pingle refers to Pingle view.

The state of Chu is not as peaceful and optimistic as king Chen, but fortunately it has a similar King Yu and an'le palace.

As his voice fell, the whole restaurant fell into silence again.

XiuXiu looks at Su Xun with adoration on her face. If she can make such a poem, this is my husband.

Pang Hu and the shopkeepers didn't understand, but they all pretended to understand.

Only Zhao Xie really understood.

Looking at Su Xun, he said, "if this work spreads out, brother Su will be famous in history. I wish brother Su would go to Guodu high school to show his ambition."

He thought that this poem was written by Su Xun himself, so in understanding him, he had great talent, and he must have something to play.

I didn't know that Su Xun was just a copywriter.

Su Xun called Zhao Xie to his table.

Then he ordered a lot of good dishes, which made Zhao Xie grateful. After a few glasses of wine, he became familiar with Su Xun.

Su Xun also knew about him.

Zhao Xie's family was poor, and an old mother was sick in bed. His wife washed clothes for him to study.

He vowed to be a Jinshi, to be outstanding and to give his wife a good life.

He's a model husband in a different world.

The key is that Su Xun found that this guy had a healthy spirit in his heart, which was very rare, but it was estimated that this kind of character would not go far in officialdom.

Su Xun didn't mind helping him.

If we want the practitioners not to kill the mortals wantonly, we must have enough strength to restrain them.

Only those who cultivate immortals can deal with them.

Of course, mortal Dynasty can only be controlled by Xiuxian sect.

But if the mortal Dynasty becomes the Xiuxian dynasty?

Are all the soldiers in the army practitioners?

At that time, Xiuxian sect had to abide by the law.

He Su is also an emperor in R star. He has relevant experience. Isn't it too much to be an emperor in Xiuxian kingdom?

Of course, there is no hurry.

We must first develop a basic set of our own, because his strength is not enough to challenge the whole power of cultivating immortals in Chu.

In order to develop the basic dish, it is necessary to stay away from the prosperous places such as the capital of the state where the friars of Tianjian sect are stationed.

Obscene development, and then a wave of flattening.

It is estimated that the emperor of Chu never dreamed that a scholar had already begun to prepare for rebellion on his way to the examination.

Otherwise, he would be moved to cry.

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