Next, Su Xun and Zhao Xie go to the capital together.

Zhao Xie is very sensitive to numbers and finds that Su Xun's escort is missing one.

Of course, he didn't know that Su Xun sent a man back to Chen county to inform his elder sister to send some money to Zhao Xie's hometown for relief.

Su Xun is not ready to tell Zhao Xie.

Because Zhao Xie's wife and mother will naturally tell him when he returns home.

That made Su Xun's heart more valuable.

I'm afraid Zhao Xie won't be moved.

It's all routine, but since ancient times routine has won people's hearts.


Ten days later, Wu Hu Gang was at the helm.

Xie Hongyi's four people came back, and they went directly to find her father as soon as they entered the door.

"Red clothes, ah Quan, didn't you send the treasure to the capital? Why did you come back so soon? "

Wu Hu Gang leader was stunned when he saw his four daughters.

Xie Hongyi said: "Dad, please tell my daughter. It's a long story..."

"Make a long story short." Wu Hu Gang leader interrupted her, because he had realized that the treasure might not be there.

Xie Hongyi said it all over again.

After hearing this, Wu Hu Gang leader was speechless for a long time. After a long time, he said, "you are right. This matter must be kept secret. Don't publicize it. I will prepare another gift. You four will send it to the capital as soon as possible."


Another 15 days later.

The fourth Prince and his party went back to Yujing, the capital of the state of Chu.

At this time, there were more than 20 guards behind him, but there were less than 10 left.

After returning to the palace, he changed his clothes and went straight to the palace.

All the way into the palace, he came to the diligent hall where the emperor of Chu dealt with government affairs.

"Father, my son is guilty!"

As soon as he entered the hall, the fourth Prince knelt on the ground and wailed.

The emperor of Chu was stunned for a moment and then asked, "tell me, what's your crime?"

"Report back to my father and emperor that my son is guilty of killing Lin Xianshi, the leader of Tianjian sect who guarded my son."

The fourth Prince's head knocked hard on the ground.


Hearing this, two voices rang out in the hall of diligent administration.

One belongs to the emperor of Chu.

The other one belongs to an old man in white.

The white robed old man seemed to suddenly appear in the hall. He turned into a shadow and picked up the fourth Prince: "what do you say! Xianger is dead

His name is Zhao Chuan. He is the last elder of the seven inner door elders of Tianjian sect.

At the same time, he was also the national teacher of the state of Chu. In name, he was stationed in the imperial palace of the state of Chu to protect the safety of the royal family. In fact, he had the effect of surveillance to ensure the interests of tianjianzong.

Qi cultivation is the peak of Zhao Chuan.

There is no hope to break through all his life. The inner gate elder's status also depends on his identity. He is the weakest inner gate elder of Tianjian sect. Otherwise, he would not be sent to Yujing.

Lin Xiang is his most valued disciple. Now that Lin Xiang is dead, how can he not be angry.

"The national master is relieved of his anger. I hope to put this rebellious son down first and listen to what he said. If this rebellious son really killed his disciples, I will never forgive him!" The Chu emperor's voice fell down and directly smashed the memorial in his hand on the table.

Zhao Chuan snorted coldly and threw the fourth prince on the ground: "how did Xiang'er die?"

"Report back to the national master and the emperor. When the children's ministers return, they don't want to meet Lin Xianshi's enemy on the road. Lin Xianshi died to protect the children's ministers."

The fourth Prince trembled and said, and then he cried again.

"Father, it's my son who killed Lin Xianshi. It's all my son who killed him. If it wasn't for protecting my son, Lin Xianshi would not fall. My son is guilty. My son is guilty!"

The emperor of Chu and Zhao Chuan did not believe the fourth Prince's words.

Zhao Chuan, in particular, knows his disciple very well.

It's good that Lin Xiang doesn't throw the fourth Prince out to block the sword when he is in danger. How can he give his life to save him.

According to his own speculation, Lin Xiang met his enemy, lost, and then died.

But the enemy Lin Xiang can offend is certainly not too strong, after killing Lin Xiang, the other side must also be seriously injured.

So they left without killing the fourth prince.

The reason why the fourth prince said that now is not to deceive him, but to save the face of Zhao Chuan and Lin Xiang.

This is to please and flatter Zhao Chuan.

Because Lin Xiang was not good at learning, he was killed by his enemies, and Lin Xiang was killed by his enemies in order to protect the fourth prince.

Thinking of this, Zhao Chuan's face softened a lot: "Your Highness, please tell me what the killer looks like."

Although the fourth prince to flatter and flatter some disdain, but he also accepted the good intentions.

As a matter of fact, his thinking has been guided by the fourth prince.Remember, no prince is stupid, they may be in some way very bad, or character defect, but they are absolutely not stupid.

The fourth Prince didn't react in the wine shop at that time, but after he was safe, his mind was clear.

He thought meeting Su Xun might be a good thing.

He didn't want to expose Su Xun, because he saw the possibility of inheriting the throne from Su Xun.

He was the only prince who knew Su Xun's identity, so no one would compete with him.

As long as he can please Su Xun, or make some kind of deal with him, get his support.

Then the possibility of his winning the throne will be infinitely promoted.

For this reason, he specially made up a lie to guide the thinking of Zhao Chuan and others. Even in order to make the lie more credible, ten loyal guards voluntarily gave their lives.

After all, how could he not die if he was ambushed by a practitioner?

In addition, he also sent people to the wine shop to kill the shopkeeper and the waiter.

As for the Wuhu Gang, he didn't worry, because he believed that as long as they were not fools, they would not talk about the wine shop everywhere.

"Report back to the national master, gu No, I I was so scared that I didn't I didn't see it

The fourth Prince stammered, as if he had some shame on his face, but also some fear and happiness.

He behaved like a coward.

Because his external human establishment is like this. It can't collapse. At least it must be maintained in the capital. He relies on this human establishment to confuse others.

If he hadn't always maintained this arrogant but timid and timid person, how could Zhao Chuan have believed his words so easily?

Looking at the appearance of the fourth prince, Zhao Chuan was contemptuous, angry and angry, but helpless.

He could only resist his anger and asked, "where are you going to meet me?"

"Master, please forgive me. I'm so scared that I can't remember it."

The fourth prince was so scared that he fell on the ground with a runny nose and a tearful cry.


Zhao Chuan didn't care to scold, and then walked away with a flying sword.

Before that, monks could only use magic weapons to fly.

The fourth Prince's eyes flashed a touch of banter.

Then he looked up and turned into a pair of straw bag: "father, I..."

"Roll, roll!" The emperor of Chu couldn't look down on his advice. It was really ugly.

"Father Huang, son Chen, son Chen retired."

The fourth Prince got up and left. He almost fell down when he turned around.

One of the bad things about him is that when he was looked down upon by others, even the emperor of Chu looked down upon him, so it was impossible to pass the throne on to him.

However, from the beginning to the end, he was not prepared to take the right path to get the throne, because his identity could not get the throne if he took the right path.

So he doesn't care about it at all.

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