Five days later.

Su Xun and Zhao Xie walked into Yujing, the capital of Chu.

All the guards dismounted, leaving XiuXiu and xue'eryu'er in the carriage.

The reason why we have to get off the horse and walk is that there is no hand order in Yujing city.

Of course, the ban is of little use to people of high status.

It's like Su Xun's galloping horse in Chen county. No one dares to take care of him.

The prosperity of Yujing city makes Zhao Xie, XiuXiu and others dazzled.

Compared with Yujing, Chen county is like a country.

Su Xun was very calm, because no matter how shocked he was, his temple would not be shocked.

People who have seen a Kunpeng will not be shocked to see an eagle.

Seeing this, Zhao Xie asked, "brother Su has been to Yujing?"

At the thought of Su Xun's identity, he felt that he had asked a piece of rubbish.

Friars fly to heaven and escape. They can go anywhere quickly.

Not to mention the capital of Chu, I'm afraid it's Su Xun, the capital of other countries.

"Find a place to settle down first." Su Xun didn't answer the question.

Zhao Xie bows his hand: "it's time for Xie to say goodbye to brother su. When Xie settles down, he will contact brother su."

He had already spent a lot of money on his way, so he could not spend any more money on the place where he lived.

Because it's not just a day or two.

It's early February, and there are still ten days to go before the examination.

After the joint examination, the mid-term palace examination will be held in March.

In other words, he has to live in the capital for at least one and a half months, which is not a small expense.

Of course, this shows that he is very confident that he can pass the examination.

"It's better to make an appointment. After settling down, we'll meet at this fragrance building tomorrow afternoon." Su Xun's folding fan pointed to a nearby restaurant named fragrance.

Zhao Xie nodded: "since all, brother Su, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll leave you."

As soon as his voice fell, he couldn't wait to turn around and left, for fear that Su Xun might detain him or give him money.

Because he spent too much on this journey. Although he didn't mind, he always kept it in mind.

If he continues to owe Su Xun, he can't think of what to pay back.

Looking at his back, Su Xun was dumbfounded, and then asked Pang Hu to go to the dentist's shop.

Yahang is equivalent to modern housing agency.

Through Yahang, Su Xun rented a courtyard with three entrances and three exits in taipingfang, Yujing. After all, there are many of them.

What's more, there's a lot of money, not bad for the rent.

XiuXiu and Xueer Yuer clean the bedroom.

"Come on, let them do it. Don't get busy."

Su Xun said to XiuXiu.

XiuXiu looked back and said with a smile, "I'm not a lady. I often do these words at home. I'm not so delicate. Xueer and Yuer are still young."

Tired pretty face flushed, panting twin sisters heard this is moved.

Hum hum, compared with the young master, the young lady is a good man.


Su Xun's subconscious eyes swept the baby's granary in front of xue'er and yu'er's chest.

The young master stamped his face and feet, and the rain turned red

"Ha ha ha..." Looking as like as two peas and sisters, the same reaction, Su Su could not help laughing. "Do not know if the young man was bad?"

The two sisters have a strange constitution. One will know what they are thinking.

Similarly, if one person is injured, the other person will also suffer.

One person is happy, another person will be happy.

Half a month ago, in the carriage, Su Xun taught the two sisters and XiuXiu the basic skills of Qi training. Unexpectedly, he found that the accomplishments of the twin sisters were also interlinked. As long as one person was promoted, the other would also be promoted.

This constitution is excellent.

Sometimes, Su Xun thought evil. If one of the sisters got married, wouldn't the other have feelings?

However, he just said hi, he had the idea of animals and didn't pay the action of animals.

"Come on, don't tease them." XiuXiu gave him a white look, then looked at the twin sisters and said, "go and have a rest. I'll clean up the rest myself."

"No, young lady, that's what we do now." The two sisters shook their heads like a rattle and worked harder.

The two sisters know how to be grateful and grow up eating the Su family's food. That's the people of the Su family. They have to work for the Su family to repay their kindness.

It's easy to say.

But the most valuable thing in the world is the person who is grateful.

Although she was only 15 years old, with the Su family's good food support, the two sisters had a good hair and had a good child. They already had a very obvious curve. This curve was especially obvious when they bent down to wipe the stool.

However, Su Xun was just appreciating, but he didn't have that kind of filthy mind. After all, he had experienced enough women, and the threshold was very high.At this point, a guard went to the backyard, but only stood at the door, did not enter.

Because the rule of every family is that except for the master's family, men are not allowed to enter the inner courtyard (also known as the backyard) and women's family residence without orders.

"What's the matter?"

Su Xun saw him and walked over.

"Young master, the fourth Prince is coming. He is waiting outside the gate, and his men have carried some boxes." The guard said respectfully.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, and he put on a faint smile: "let your royal highness wait at the door. What's the matter? Please let him enter the main hall for a talk."

As he expected, the fourth prince came, and he was not a fool.

"Yes, young master." The guard turned and left.

Su Xun turned to XiuXiu and said, "I'll meet a guest in the front yard."

Voice down, step out of the backyard.

When he came to the front hall, he saw the fourth Prince sitting on a chair tasting tea.

The tea was brought by Su Xun from his hometown in Chen county.

At this time, there are still several boxes in the main hall.

Seeing Su Xun coming in, the fourth Prince quickly put down his tea cup and got up. He quickly stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Chu Jun had seen the immortal master. The wine shop on that day made them toss and turn. They couldn't sleep at night. I heard that the immortal master had entered the city. They all came to visit and prepared some small gifts to show their apology for the wine shop's offence on that day. I also thank the immortal master for his magnanimity and not caring about them on that day."

The fourth Prince's surname is Chu Mingjun, and the state name of Chu is named after the surname of the first Chu emperor.

As for what the fourth prince said, "I heard it occasionally" was just a scene. No one in the capital knew Su Xun. He heard a hammer occasionally.

Most of them had arranged for people to guard at the gate of the city. When they saw Su Xun settle down in the city, they went to report him.

Then he came to visit the first time with a gift to show his sincerity.

And the reason to visit is also very good, that is to apologize and thank the other party for not killing.

As long as you are familiar with a stranger, you can have this kind of communication.

Chu Jun's appearance at this time was quite different from that at Qin Zheng Dian.

Because if he wants to get Su Xun's support, he can't pretend to be a fool in front of him. After all, he has to get along with him for a long time.

When you come to the door for the first time, you can show your true colors and sincerity.

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