"A small gift?"

Su Xun looked down at the boxes, then looked at the fourth prince with a smile: "this gift is not thin."

Voice down, hands of a wave of folding fan, a few boxes instantly open.

One box is silver, one box is books, one box is high-quality spirit stone, and one box is all kinds of spirit objects.

Silver and books are easy to say.

He can also get a box of Lingshi, and it's also top quality Lingshi, which is enough to show that this guy has a wide range of ways.

All the Lingshi mines of tianjianzong in the state of Chu were arranged by the state of Chu to help dig. Tianjianzong only arranged several disciples to guard each mine.

It gives some people the chance to be brave.

There is no doubt that the fourth Prince is such a bold man. There must be someone in the management of some Lingshi mine.

"Master Xianshi Mingjian, how can we express our apologies if the ceremony is too thin?" The fourth prince said respectfully.

Prepare this gift, he is bleeding.

One is to show sincerity.

Second, it is also to show that they have the ability and qualification to be supported.

He had no defense against Su Xun.

Because in his opinion, the other party would never be interested in the mortal throne.

It's no big deal. Promise more benefits, and then use resources to provide for him.

Anyway, when you become an emperor, you have to offer tianjianzong. It doesn't hurt to offer more than one person.

To sum up, the other side is very strong, but not interested in the throne. That's why he won over Su Xun at all costs.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that Su Xun was an alien. His goal was to rebel.

And the moment he left the wine shop, he was already in Su Xun's calculation.

Su Xun laughed, shook the folding fan, and the four boxes closed automatically: "I accept the gift. Let's go straight. I'm an official in the imperial examination just for fun. You can think that I'm experiencing life in the world of mortals, but I'm a practitioner after all. I don't like so many twists and turns, so I just want to talk about your purpose."

He said he didn't like twists and turns. In fact, he had the most twists and turns in his heart.

Just like bad people never say they are bad people.

"Please help me." The four princes knelt down and did not kowtow.

Instead of letting him get up, Su Xun went to the chair and sat down: "how can I help you?"

Let him kneel, is to let him always realize the difference between the two identity.

It's a gift to help him. He's asking for himself.

"The immortal master helped Gu to ascend the great treasure. Afterwards, I will be grateful. Most of the resources and spirit stones of Tianjian sect are found and excavated by our royal family. As long as I ascend the throne of God, the immortal master will also have a share in Tianjian sect. If I disobey this statement, I will be struck by thunder and ten thousand arrows will pierce my heart."

Chu, the fourth prince, was a cruel man. He not only gave a reward, but also made a poison oath.

This is the world of cultivating immortals. Swearing has a great chance to be effective, so no one dares to swear.

In order to get Su Xun's support, he also went all out.

Su Xun closed the folding fan. As soon as he lifted it up, the fourth Prince felt a soft breath holding his knee to make him stand up.

"Since your Highness the fourth Prince is so sincere and interesting, how about playing with him?"

Su Xun's attitude is very like an expert in the world of mortals, which makes Chu Jun have no defense against him.

Again, the most precious thing in the world is imperial power, but practitioners don't care about it at all. The higher the accomplishments, the less they care about it.

Because they can crush the imperial power.

The fourth Prince bowed again and said, "thank you, Mr. immortal."

Although he was trying to suppress it, Su Xun could still hear that his voice was a little excited.

"One thing I want to make clear is that I will not be an official in Beijing. I will go back to Chen county." Su Xun said.

The fourth Prince's eyes brightened: "that's the best. Don't worry, immortal master. This matter will work for you. Just ask immortal master to train a secret army for Gu in Chen county. Don't worry about money and food."

Su Xun's idea coincided with his. He was worried that Su Xun would stay in the capital.

A secret army, together with Su Xun's high-level combat power, he used his forces in the DPRK to help Su Xun get promoted in the local area, from controlling one county, one county, one state.

At that time, he will have the military administration of a state in his hands, and the scope of operation will be too large.

"It's easy, but your highness should bear in mind that the relationship between you and me is not easy to be exposed too early." Su Xun said with a smile.

Chu Jun is very happy, and so is he.

At that time, he may be able to make Chu Jun carry a pot.

Since both are happy.

So who lost? (ಡ ω ಡ)

the fourth Prince replied: "don't worry, immortal master. I know this. I've been dormant before, and I don't know my power in the court or in the local area."Is it really hard for him to bear the loneliness and play when he always goes out of Beijing and wanders around?

Today, I've arranged a cover to visit him. I'm not afraid that someone will check him. In fact, no one will check him for no reason.

Because his three brothers are in hot water, they don't pay much attention to his fourth brother.

"One more thing, there is no immortal master here." Su Xun said again.

Fourth Prince seconds understand: "this is reasonable."

He didn't dare to look up Su Xun, so he didn't know his name, so he could only name Ju Ren.

"My last name is Su Xun." Su Xun said.

Fourth Prince: "Su Ju Ren."

"Your Highness, where are the monks who are good at refining utensils in Yujing?" Su Xun asked.

The fourth Prince shook his head and said he didn't know me. Then he said, "Su Ju Ren, don't worry. I'll send someone to inquire about it. I'll tell you the news as soon as I have it."

"As soon as possible." Those who don't take advantage of it will suffer a lot when they fight.

Soon, the fourth Prince left.

Su Xun began to count today's harvest.

Five thousand taels of silver and 100 books of all kinds.

There are 1000 medium quality spirit stones and dozens of all kinds of spirit objects.

It can be seen that those spirit objects are carefully selected, and many of them are good things for refining weapons or arranging arrays.

Alas, the fourth prince was so naive and lovely that Su Xun couldn't bear to use him.

In the box, Su Xun found a piece of Star iron, a piece of Zixiao lightning stroke bamboo, and combined with his dragon ball, he could make a good spirit weapon.

Taixu world divides weapons into four parts: magic weapon, magic weapon, spirit weapon and immortal weapon.

Su Xun didn't dare to think about it, so he was satisfied with it.


At the same time.

Ten thousand beast mountain on the border of Chu state.

A young man was holding a black broken sword to kill a monster, and his clothes were soaked with blood.

"Su Xun, wait for me, I will kill you!"

Yes, this person is Fang Yun.

He broke his arm when he escaped last time, but he was instructed by Jiang to enter a relic, and then he got the broken sword in his hand.

This is a broken immortal weapon that has not been revived.

Even if it's just a remnant, even if it doesn't wake up, it's an immortal weapon. Its strength is not comparable to that of a spirit weapon.

Su Xun, who was still worried about weapons, didn't know about it. If he knew it, he would sigh: this horse is probably the leading role in the legend.

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