The first floor is the leisure area, the second floor is the gambling ground, the third floor is the restaurant, and the fourth and fifth floors are the rest area.

Each boarder can have his own bedroom on this huge cruise ship with his own invitation.

When Sue Xun went up to the fourth floor, he saw Karen Wilson dragging a woman into the room.

The sound insulation effect of the cruise ship is very good, and it's still early now, and there is no one in the rest area, so no one has seen this scene.

Coincidentally, this woman was the pretty girl who had met Su Xun.

Karen Wilson was very angry. He didn't notice Su Xun's appearance. He still covered the mouth of the beautiful girl with one hand and forced her to drag her into the room.

The beautiful girl holding the door handle with both hands saw Su Xun, as if she had caught a straw. Her eyes were full of prayer, hoping that the other party could save herself.

Of course, Su Xun couldn't just sit by and ignore him. What's more, the guy who was abusing was still his own prey.

He felt the pen in his pocket, walked over to Karen Wilson and called out in English, "Hey, old bastard, let go of that girl."

Karen Wilson didn't expect that someone would come up suddenly. In panic, she subconsciously let go of the woman in her hand.

"Help me, this beast wants to be strong, and the girl will do it for me."

Yan Yurou quickly ran to Su Xun's side. Her pretty face was white and full of panic. It was obvious that she had just been scared.

Originally, she was a little dizzy because of the sea breeze, so she wanted to come up for a rest. She just met Karen Wilson, who came up later. She was polite and took the initiative to say hello.

But did not expect each other's words frivolous want to happen with her, Yan Yurou angry refused and slapped him in the face.

Then Karen Wilson started to fight directly and wanted to have a relationship with her by force. This was the scene that Su xungang just saw.

"Listen, sir. I swear it's a misunderstanding. It's not so wonderful. I can explain it. I'm willing to make amends to this young lady."

Karen Wilson raised her hands and stepped back to show her sincerity. She said sincerely, sweat oozing from her forehead.

Just in the second floor of the gambling house, he was targeted by the group of dragon people. He was choked by a fire in his heart, and just met Yan Yurou, who was hot and hot, which made him move his mind.

Originally, I thought that in my own capacity, this woman in the Dragon kingdom should be happy to have something to do with herself.

Not only did he want to fight with him, but also he didn't agree.

But I didn't expect that at this time, Su Xun actually came up, and also witnessed the scene of his using power, which made him a little flustered.

After all, if something is poked out, he will be finished. At that time, let alone developing the Longguo market, he may even get into a lawsuit.

"Wait for me outside. Don't go anywhere. I'll talk to him and leave it to me, OK?"

Su Xun turned to look at Yan Yurou, who was scared out of his wits, and said in a soft voice, his calm voice was reassuring.

Yan Yurou nodded. He still remembers this man. They just looked at each other in the casino, and Su Xun saved her, so she trusted each other inexplicably.

Of course, the most important point is that even if Su Xun makes up as a middle-aged man, he is also a handsome middle-aged man with high face value.

"Please wait for me here."

Susian gave her a gentle smile, touched her head lovingly, then went into Karen Wilson's room and closed the door.

"My friend, tell me, I can satisfy you whatever you want. I believe you are a smart man and know how to do it, right?"

When Karen Wilson saw that Su Xun was willing to talk to him, he had the confidence again. He thought that the Dragon countryman on the other side just wanted to use this matter to get some benefits from him.

In the face of Karen Wilson who once again became high spirited, Su Xun did not speak, but took out a pair of gloves and put them on slowly.

"Shet!" "Are you listening to me?" Karen Wilson said impatiently? What do you want to say? Are you cold enough to wear gloves? "

Sue Xun laughed and suddenly put his arms around Karen Wilson's neck. He grabbed the pen in his pocket with the other hand and stabbed the sharp point of the pen at the other person's neck.

"Damn it, No." Karen Wilson panicked and struggled, but couldn't move at all.

"Puff --"

the pen came into the body, the blood came out, and a few drops splashed on Su Xun's face.

However, Su Xun's face remained unchanged, and he kept a faint smile. The pen in his hand was mechanically pulled out and dropped again and again.

After several stabs, Su Xun released him, and Karen Wilson slowly fell to the ground, but he was still breathing.

He didn't understand why he wanted to kill Guolong.Is it because he's strong with that dragon woman outside?

If it's really because of this, he won't die in peace.

Su Xun looked down at him, slowly took off his gloves, and said, "Mr. Karen, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm glad to meet you God

When Karen Wilson heard this, her eyes widened as if they were shining back. Her eyes were full of remorse and reluctance. At last, she scolded Falk, and then she died completely.

Like the three elders before him, they all died so inexplicably and cleanly.

Su Xun took out a handkerchief from his pocket, carefully wiped the blood on his face, folded the handkerchief and kicked it into his pocket with the gloves he had taken off.

After finishing all this, Su Xun straightened his messy collar, and then turned out of the room and pulled the door up.

The rich experience in his identity memory made him feel no different from killing a chicken.

Oh, there's a difference. The only difference is that this chicken is bigger, and it's an imported variety.

Seeing Su Xun coming out, Yan Yurou, who was waiting outside, rushed to meet her. At this time, her face was ruddy, and she was relieved from the previous fright.

"It's all settled. Let's go."

Su Xun looked at her and said with a smile that it was not only solved, but also completely solved.

Yan Yurou didn't ask Su Xun how to solve it. She nodded her head and left with Su Xun.

This uncle gives her a sense of security.

"That's it. Goodbye. Go to your family or friends."

After going to the first floor, Su Yan and Tong Yan separated.

"My name is Yan Yurou, and you." Yan Yurou looked at Su Xun's back and cried.

Su Xun didn't give her a response, but quickly got into the crowd, which made her feel a little disappointed.


In the early morning, the cruise ship sailed back to the port and berthed again. The guests on the ship left in order, and Su Xun also slipped in.

Find last night's alley, change clothes, restore the original appearance, will be used to camouflage the clothing and tools are destroyed by fire.

Then take the bus back to the hotel, check out with your luggage, go directly to the airport and fly back to Jiangnan City.

At the same time, the crew found Karen Wilson's door closed and thought he was still awake, ready to call him.

However, after opening the door, we found Karen Wilson's body, which had been thoroughly cooled. The story spread quickly, and everyone was in an uproar.

In a sea view villa, Yan Yurou looks at the sky outside through the window and murmurs to herself:

"originally, what you said is solved. Is that how it is solved?"

She felt that she might never forget that charming uncle.

Gentle, modest, but with a wild and brutal, a smile can make her blush and heartbeat.

What's more, a man who can kill for himself makes her heart tremble.

She wanted to find him.

It can only be said that brain tonifying harms people (◔◡◔)

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