Since its establishment in wulingmen, Wuyun has had a deep connection with the local industry.

It can be said that the power of the Yan family to find a person in Yunling City, it is absolutely a piece of cake.

But Yan Yurou sent people to look all over Yunling, and didn't find any clues related to the uncle last night.

It seems that this person came out of nowhere.

Yan Yurou felt empty in her heart, as if something important had been lost. She pursed her red lips tightly and said nothing.

"Miss, I'll see you when I have a chance." The middle-aged person who came to report to us saw that the lively young lady in the past had turned into such a picture, and he didn't have the heart to do so.

As a passer-by, of course, he can see that his young lady is in unrequited love.

Yan Yurou suddenly thought of something, got up, ran to the drawing board and began to mix the paint.

She didn't even know the name of the uncle, so she had to draw his appearance by memory.

Otherwise, she is afraid for a long time that she will forget what the other party looks like.

In any case, she didn't want to forget the most special person in her memory.

The middle-aged man sighed, shook his head, then turned and went out.

Let the boss have a headache.


Twelve o'clock at noon.

A flight from Yunling to Jiangnan successfully landed at Jiangnan airport.

Su, who was just about to run away, walked out of the airport with a suitcase.

He didn't know that his unintentional action made a young girl toss and turn again and stay up all night.

Otherwise, a kind person like him will fly back to Yunling immediately to comfort her (* / ω\ *).

As he walked outside the airport, Su Xun looked around.

Today, when he returned to Jiangnan City, he told an Zijin and Liao Yu in the group that they couldn't both come to pick up the plane.

Sure enough, he saw a treasure girl in the crowd, an Zijin.

It was Su Xun's expectation that Liao Yu didn't come.

Both women are smart people and know who should show up at what time and on what occasions.

Pick up this kind of thing of course is an Zi Jin this main palace appeared.

Liao Yu, on the other hand, usually makes a big table at home in the evening, waiting for Su to come.

Anzijin today is obviously after some elaborate dressing, the charm is higher than usual.

Long black hair shawl, face painted light makeup, an apricot suspender dress makes her look full of Fairy Spirit, slim waist, knee length skirt, slender legs in the meat silk decoration appears more delicate and smooth.

Stepping on a pair of cream white high-heeled shoes, the whole person is like a woman who comes out of a fairy tale. It's exciting, but she doesn't dare to touch it rashly.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose, and he put on a smile. He walked toward an Zijin.

An Zijin also saw him, eyes a bright, trot forward, directly into the arms of Su Xun, a pair of lotus like arms tightly around his neck.

See this scene, around the original is still struggling whether to chat up a few men feel their hearts are broken.

A good love is over before it starts.

If Su Xun's eyes had been split by his jealousy now, he could be separated.

Feeling the envious eyes of the passers-by around the world, Su Xun was a little angry. He deliberately gave an Zijin a kiss on his red lips, and then they started to gnaw at each other.

All of you

Killing dogs in public is something that people can do?

Are we single dogs not dogs?

Care for small animals, do you understand!

Kiss for a long time, Su Xun just loosened an Zijin, the vision falls on the necklace of her neck, said: "very pretty."

"Necklace?" An Zi Jin asks a way.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I mean you look good."

An Zi Jin's corner of mouth rises, eyes all bend into crescent moon son, in the heart with ate honey equally sweet Zizi.

"Let's go. I'm in the parking lot. I'll have dinner first." An Zijin took Su Xun's hand and walked to the parking lot with a light pace.

An Zijin's car is a white BMW five series. As far as her identity is concerned, it's low-key.

As a simple girl, an Zijin's driving skills are not familiar, but her driving skills are good (⊥⊥), and she drives very steadily.

But it's still a little worse than Su Xun. As an old driver, he often pushes the wheels directly over people's faces (˘ ω˘).

"Ding Ding..."

The sudden ringing of the mobile phone interrupted his wishful thinking.

I took out my mobile phone and saw that it was from yuliangshan manor.

After the phone is connected, Chen Bona's voice is heard in the handset, which seems to be eternal"Sir, there are two people who have come to Zhuangyuan with bodyguards. They seem to have to see you. I said you are not in Jiangnan recently, but they won't leave until they see you. What do you think we should do?"

"Did they say who they were?" Su Xun frowned. Who was sacred? He went to his home to find trouble.

Chen Bo was silent for a while. He should have gone to inquire. After a while, Chen Bo's voice rang out again: "Sir, they say that Xu Jiaqin is their son. They are from Jiangdong."

Su Xun didn't expect that Xu Jiaqin's parents came to him. Did he want to seek justice for their son?

It's very kind that I didn't kill all of them. I thought president Xu Jiaqin had a good memory. Now it seems that young master Xu is not reconciled!

(Xu Jiaqin: it's nothing to do with me. I don't want to get revenge at all. I'm lying on my horse in the hospital and I don't know anything_ 〒。)

Su Xun sneered and said, "I just got off the plane. Now I'll go back to the manor and tell the kitchen to prepare food. I haven't eaten yet."

"Yes, sir." Chen Bo answered, and then asked, "do you have any other orders?"

As a senior housekeeper who has worked for many years, he is undoubtedly very qualified.

"That's it." After Su Xun finished, he hung up the phone and looked at the woman driver beside him. He said, "wife, change the place to eat. Return the place you ordered and go to my house to eat."

"OK." An Zijin hears from the phone that Su Xun obviously has something to do. She naturally doesn't have to go to the restaurant.

Turn right at the intersection and drive to Yuliang mountain.

More than half an hour later, the car drove into Yuliang mountain manor.

As soon as the car stopped, the bodyguard waiting by the side of the road quickly stepped forward, bent over and opened the door, covering the roof with one hand: "Sir, please get off the car."

"Well." Su Xun answered and stepped out of the car, followed by an Zijin.

"You are back, sir, and the two are still waiting in the living room."

Chen Bo trotted over to report the situation to Su Xun, and then said hello to an Zijin: "Hello, miss an."

"Hello, Uncle Chen." Anzijin smile, appear generous and decent, a typical lady temperament.

"Tell the kitchen to start serving. I'm hungry."

Su Xun casually dropped a word and took an Zijin to the villa.

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