Entering the living room, Su Xun found that a large group of bodyguards surrounded a pair of middle-aged men and women on the sofa.

"Yes, sir."

Seeing Su Xun, all the bodyguards said hello in unison, and then separated a way to both sides.

Xu Cangqing and his wife sit on the sofa without expression. Behind them stand four tall men.

"Mr. Su, it's not easy to see you. The head of Jiangzhou province is not as busy as you." Xu Cangqing looked at Su Xun and said that he was an old man.

Su Xun laughed and said in a sincere tone: "you two, I'm really sorry. I'm usually busy. I don't want to see you."

He spoke the most arrogant words with the most sincere and humble tone, and did not hide his disdain for them.

"Who are you calling?" Before Xu Cangqing spoke, Zhao Xue got up angrily, pointed to Su Xun and yelled: "you beat my son like that, shouldn't you give us an account?"

"Account?" Su Xun seemed to have heard a joke. He looked at her with his eyes: "your son hired a killer to kill me. I'll treat him in his own way. What's wrong?"

After that, he pauses for a moment, and a sarcastic expression appears on his face: "is it that I have to cry to thank him for his harm?"

"But now the result is that you are not hurt at all, and my son has broken his legs. Do you think that's reasonable?" Zhao Xue shrieked, clearly a rich lady, at this time like a shrew in general.

She doesn't care what her son does to Su Xun. She only knows that her son is useless, so she has to ask Su Xun for an explanation.

Su Xun nodded: "it's reasonable! This fully shows that your son is a waste in front of me. "

"You..." Zhao Xue had a feeling of powerlessness when she punched the cotton. Her face was blue and white with anger.

At the same time, the kitchen began to serve dishes, and exquisite dishes were brought to the table by the lovely little maids.

"Come on, let's eat first." Su Xun took an Zijin to the dining table and said to Xu Cangqing and his wife, "I don't like to be disturbed when I'm eating, so I'll wait until I finish eating."

Voice falls down, directly ignored two people ugly facial expression, just like a gentleman helped an Zijin to drag away the chair.

There are more than ten chefs serving Su Xun in Yuliang mountain manor. These chefs have their own unique skills and are proficient in the dishes of the Dragon Kingdom and even all over the world.

Eating in a five-star hotel is not necessarily as good as eating at home.

"Here, you try this, Babao gourd duck. It's delicious."

Su Xun kept bringing food to an Zijin, and it was undoubtedly a happy thing to share food with people he liked.

"Mmm, eat well, I want to eat every day in the future." An Zijin's eyes narrowed, and he felt that these dishes were really delicious.

Su Xun said with a smile, "that's not easy. Just move to me."

"Good idea." An Zijin hasn't been completely dazzled by the delicious food. She turns a white eye: "I eat delicious food, you want to eat me, right?"

"Isn't it fair to trade delicious food for beautiful women?" Su Xun said with a smile.

Looking at Su Xun and an Zijin who are flirting with each other, Xu Cangqing is so angry that he feels despised and humiliated.


When he was angry, he clapped his case and pointed to Su Xun and yelled angrily: "Su, don't bully people too much. It's a big deal

"What did you say? Is the net broken when the fish is dead? " Su Xun was amused by him successfully: do you think you deserve me? "

"You are so arrogant..." Being ridiculed like this, Xu Cangqing is furious.

However, before he finished his words, he was interrupted coldly by Su Xun: "that's because your role is not worthy of my attention!"

As the voice fell, Su Xun put down the chopsticks in his hand and said calmly: "also, I just said that I hate people disturbing me when I eat."

"If you want to continue talking, just stay there quietly and wait for me to finish eating; if you don't want to talk, just get out of here mellow, do you understand?"

"Remember, I don't want any more noise to disturb me and my girlfriend at dinner."

As his voice fell, the bodyguard in the living room directly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Xu Cangqing and others to ensure that Su Xun was provided with a satisfactory dining environment.

As it turns out, this is more effective than anything else. Guns rule everything.

Although Xu Cangqing and Zhao Xue are more angry, they don't dare to speak any more. After all, bullets have no eyes.

Half an hour later, after dinner, an Zijin said goodbye, and susian personally sent her out of the door.

Seeing the white five series far away, Su xuncai turned and walked into the living room.

"Let's talk about it now." Xu Cangqing forced to suppress the anger in his heart.When Su Xun patted his forehead, he remembered that there were still two people there. He glanced at Xu Cangqing and waved to the bodyguard with a smile: "throw these rubbish out. If they dare to rush inside again, they will directly break their legs and let them go to the hospital to take a picture of their family."

As the voice fell, Su Xun yawned and walked upstairs.

Just because there is an Zijin in, so he is very restrained himself.

Now an Son Jin walked, he just lazy waste time to take care of these two guys.

Xu Cangqing and Zhao Xue were stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect that Su Xun didn't want to talk to them at all.

After the reaction, they exploded in an instant.

"Su Xun! I tell you, you will regret it, and I will make you pay for it

"Son of a bitch, who has a mother but no son of a bitch, I will never let you go when my son is hurt like that!"

When they came to Jiangnan City from Jiangdong City, they thought that Su Xun would give them face. They said sorry and then made compensation.

But I didn't expect that Su Xun didn't take them seriously. How could they not be angry.

Su Xun stopped and walked to Zhao Xue step by step, staring at her coldly: "what did you just scold me for?"

"I..." In Su Xun's eyes without fluctuation, Zhao Xue felt a little empty in her heart and could only look at Xu Cangqing around her.

Xu Cangqing reached out to push Su Xun: "Su, what do you want to do with your horse?"


Su Xun raised his hand directly, which was a slap on his face. He said without expression: "how many lives do you have? Dare you fight me? Do you really want to go to the hospital to take a picture of your son's family? "

While speaking, he took out a handkerchief and slowly wiped his right hand.

After all, I just touched the raw pork. It's dirty.

After wiping, he smashed the handkerchief on Xu Cangqing's face and said word by word, "this is Jiangnan City. In front of me, no matter how big you are, I have to bend down and talk to me."

After a pause, he continued:

"besides, you are not even a fart in my eyes?"

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