"Su Xun!"

Feeling the hot pain on his face, Xu Cangqing was furious and stared at Su Xun.

Su Xun took out his ear: "don't shout so loud. I can hear you."

"How can it be? If you don't give me an explanation, I'll fight for the foundation of the Xu family, and I won't have to tear a piece of meat off you!" Xu Cangqing gritted his teeth and said that the green veins of his clenched fists burst up.

Su Xun was stunned, then he laughed and nodded: "OK, let's talk about compensation."

As his voice dropped, he went to the sofa and sat down with his legs up.

Xu Cangqing and Zhao Xue were confused. Unexpectedly, Su Xun suddenly changed his words again.

Are you really scared by your own threats?

It seems that he is nothing more than an arrogant and domineering brat boy.

Xu Cangqing recovered a sense of self-confidence and superiority in his heart and said coldly, "my son has become a useless man. How much compensation do you think is appropriate?"

The businessman is pragmatic, and he wants to take advantage of this for his son more than to say it.

"How about ten percent of the company?" Su Xun asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Xu Cangqing's heart twitched violently, and almost squeezed a word from his teeth: "good."

For any listed company, being able to hold 10% of the shares can be regarded as a major shareholder.

This is 10% of the shares of Qingyun international. How can he not be moved.

"That's settled." Su Xun's face was like a spring breeze smile: "compensate me for 10% of the shares of your Xu company. This matter has been exposed."

The expression on Xu Cangqing's face gradually became stiff, and then he yelled angrily: "are you playing with me?"

"No, I'm not kidding you. I'm telling the truth." Su Xun shook his head, looked at Xu Cangqing's face and said seriously: "all this is caused by your son, which has caused me serious psychological trauma. I want to make compensation, isn't it too much?"

"The fool talks about his dream! I think you are crazy Xu Cangqing was so angry that he felt that Su Xun was playing with him.

"Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

A look at the caller ID is Xu Jiaqin, he hesitated for a moment, or connected the phone: "Hello, Jiaqin."

"Dad, did you go to Jiangnan City? Didn't I tell you not to go to Sushen..." Xu Jiaqin was so flustered that he was afraid that his parents would be in trouble. He told everything like a barrage of bullets, including the fact that Su Xun was the king of killers and God.

Xu Cangqing's face became more and more ugly as he listened. He became pale at the back and his forehead was covered with sweat.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the smiling young man on the opposite sofa with unbelievable face.

He really didn't expect that this was a killing God. No wonder Xu Jiaqin was so nervous that he didn't let them take revenge.

"Honey, what's the matter with you." Aware of Xu Cangqing state is not right, Zhao Xue asked a concerned.

Xu Cangqing rolled his throat, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and forced out a smile on his face: "OK, do as you say. Our Xu family will take out 10% of the shares of the company as compensation for you."

If he didn't come to Jiangnan for such a big loss, he would not regret it.

This is not for revenge. It is clear that he is a boy who gives money to others.

"Look, I know you'll agree, because I never ask for help." Su Xun had a bright smile on his face and said in a gentle tone (″∇″).

Zhao Xue in a short time after the reaction, exclaimed: "husband, what do you say!"

She felt that Xu Cangqing was crazy, otherwise how could she agree to such a request.

It's clear that they came to Su Xun to pay for it. How could they even pay it back in the end?

Xu Cangqing tired said: "wait for me to go back to explain with you."

"No! Now give me a reason to take back what I just said! " Zhao Xue is reluctant. After all, she knows very well what 10% of the shares represent.

Xu Cangqing was annoyed by her questioning and said angrily, "shut up

Zhao Xue seldom sees her husband get so angry. She is scared for a moment and doesn't dare to speak again.

Xu Cangqing felt quite quiet. He took a deep breath and said to Su Xun, "Mr. Su, I'll send you the equity transfer contract. Today, I'm so sorry to disturb you when I venture to visit. I'll leave."

As his voice dropped, he turned and walked out.

"Wait a minute." Su Xun stopped him, took out a cigar from the cigar box on the table and threw it over: "don't say I'm stingy. You have to take something with you for 10% of the shares. Take it and smoke it."

"Thank you, Mr. Su." Holding the cigar in his hand, Xu Cangqing has a bitter smile.

This is a cigar bought with 10% of the shares of his company!A single cigar worth more than one billion yuan is probably the most expensive in the world.


In the evening, Su Xun came to Liao Yu's house.

As he expected, Liao Yu had cooked a large table of dishes waiting for him.

"You're so sure I'm coming to cook so many dishes?"

Looking at Liao Yu, Su Xun asked curiously.

Liao Yu smiles: "aren't you here?"

"There's something in your heart." Su Xun lifted her smooth chin and gave her a kiss on her ruddy mouth.

Liao Yu leaned in his arms and whispered, "when you come, you have to have a hot meal. If you don't come, I'll eat leftovers for two more days. But if I don't, what will you do when you come hungry?"

"Xiaoyu, it's good to have you." Su Xun said from the bottom of his heart that if he could get two women, an Zijin and Liao Yu, he felt that his life had been completed.

Liao Yujiao pushed him away with a smile: "let's have dinner first, or the dishes will be cold later."

"OK, eat first, then eat you. After all, the food is easy to cool, but you can always be hot." Su Xun solemnly said that old drivers often drive in the invisible ^ω^

Liao Yu didn't react at the beginning. After understanding the deep meaning, Liao Yu suddenly blushed and spat.

After dinner, Su Xun stayed in Liao Yu's boudoir at night and had a bad time with him. They didn't stop until the middle of the night.


The next day.

Although he worked hard all night last night, Su Xun opened his eyes early.

Because today is Monday, it's another exciting day, and he can draw a new identity.

Although he has had two experiences, his heart is still full of anxiety and expectation like the first one.

Every extraction of identity is like opening a blind box. Before the box is opened, no one knows what is inside.

Of course, he hoped that the blind box he opened could contain a good thing.

It's better to give him the identity of a hanging bomb.

After taking a deep breath, he calmed down his excitement and looked at Liao Yu, who was sleeping beside him. Su Xun thought in his heart: "system, extract the third identity"


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