Su Xun left the crown prince's residence with wine.

When he left, the prince was drunk and unconscious.

And he doesn't have shit. He just smells like a little bit of wine.

After refusing the invitation to stay, Su Xun went back to the courtyard of taipingfang alone.

"The young master is drunk."

Smelling the pungent smell of wine, xue'er and yu'er quickly come forward to help him walk back to the yard.

"I'm not drunk." Su Xun wanted to break free.

But they hugged each other more tightly: "the young master is talking about being drunk. The young lady says that the more drunk people are, the more they say they are not drunk."

"I'm not really drunk." Su Xun couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't break free any more and let them support him.

Yu Er suddenly said: "elder sister, young master will not mess with us after drinking, sex."

"The young lady is here, not afraid." Xueer said one by one.

Yu Er nodded: "that's good, that's good. Otherwise, I'm afraid to think that the young master is going to bully us like Chun and Gong Hua. The young lady cries that she's going to die every night. It must be very painful."

"Bah, you are afraid, but you don't think so." Xueer spat with a red face.

Rain is also a red face, some guilty, just feel that this ability to communicate with the heart is too annoying, he did not even have a secret.

After being torn down, her eyes turned and did not hide: "hee hee, sister, don't you wonder what it's like? Mammy said that this kind of thing is very comfortable. Although the young lady is always shouting to die, I think she is enjoying it very much. "

"Bah, don't be shy." Xueer stares at her and feels her heart beating.

Yu Er suddenly widened her eyes and said with a bad smile, "sister, you are also thinking about it."

"I don't blame you for saying it all the time." Xueer's pretty face is even more red. It seems that she can bleed at any time.

The two girls thought that Su Xun was drunk, and they didn't have any scruples when talking about private conversation, but they made Su Xun listen very well.

After all, it's exciting to steal and listen to other people's secrets.

Soon the two sisters helped him into the backyard.

"What's the matter?"

In the yard, XiuXiu, dressed in a plain white dress, was reading under the tree. Seeing this, she quickly got up.

"Young lady, the young master is drunk." Said the rain.

XiuXiu smell speech white Su Xun one eye, then looking at two little girls said: "he is teasing you, your young master is overhaul, how can drunk?"


When the two sisters heard this, they let go of Su Xun with a cry of surprise. Their pretty faces turned red, and they were ashamed and angry.

That's what they think of.

Su Xun was not drunk. Did not he listen to their previous conversation.

"Cough cough cough, that, I said I'm not drunk, you don't believe it."

Su Xun coughed twice, looked at the two little girls and said something innocently.

"The young master is dead."

They were angry, red faced, stamped their feet, and then ran out with their skirts.

I'm so shy. I'm so shy. I've heard all the shy words. How can I face the young master in the future.

"What's the matter with them?"

XiuXiu asked with a puzzled face.

Su Xun shook his head: "little daughter's mind, I don't know so much."

"You know a lot." XiuXiu said with a red face.

At first, Su Xun didn't respond. It took him a long time to understand that XiuXiu was driving.

Su Xun said with a bad smile, "I know a woman's body better, but I don't know her mind."

"Bah, bad boy, stop it." XiuXiu blushed and gave him a white look. As soon as she said that, she regretted it. It was the bad guy who led her bad.

Su Xun looked at her: "lady, today she is dressed like a fairy."

"No way." XiuXiu refused with a red face.

Old husband and wife, only listen to Su Xun's words, she knows what the other party wants to do.

There's nothing to do but her.

Su Su pressed step by step: "good lady, this is not OK, but you has the final say."

"Ah! Bad man, let me go. Oh, come into the room. Don't be here

"It's OK. I'll close the gate."

With a wave of his hand, Su Xun closed the gate of the backyard directly, and XiuXiu in the yard gradually gave up the struggle.

An hour later, the yard was quiet again, XiuXiu blushed and arranged her clothes.


She suddenly thought of something, exclaimed: "Xianggong at this time should be in Gongyuan examination, why will suddenly come back."

"I'm very talented. I've been appointed Huiyuan by the emperor." Su Xun put it in his arms, squeezed her and said to his chin.

Xiuxiumulu worship and attachment: "it's a great honor for me to marry my husband."The more we get along with each other, the more we fall in love with Su Xun. In her eyes, Su Xun is a perfect man.

"It's my fortune to marry you." Su Xun looked into her eyes and said something very seriously.

Every meal must be done by XiuXiu himself, every set of his clothes must be washed by XiuXiu himself, and the bed must be made by XiuXiu himself.

In XiuXiu's words, this is what the wife should have done for her husband. How can she give it to her servants?

She is beautiful, with long breasts and thighs. She is so gentle and sensible. Where can I find such a daughter-in-law.

XiuXiu felt that she was about to melt into Sue's eyes.

As for Fang Yun, under the gentle erosion of Su Xun, she had long forgotten to go to Java.


The next morning.

The Gongyuan opened and the examination ended. After struggling all day, the taxis either came out calm, in high spirits or with a sad face.

"Brother Chen, I'm sure he's determined to win the throne this time."

Wang Jun complimented Chen Yulou, and his eyes were looking for Su Xun.

Not in the same examination room, they didn't know that Su Xun left yesterday.

"Maybe." Chen Yulou had a confident smile on his face. He was also looking for Su Xun.

I lost poetry to you, but I don't believe you can be better than me when I ask the five classics.

As soon as they got out of the gate of the Gongyuan, they saw a eunuch coming over and shouting, "Your Majesty has an order."

All of them stood up, bowed their hands and listened.

"Emperor Fengtian ordered that Su Xun, a talented person, had the ability to handle all kinds of things. He was well versed in poetry, CI and Fu. After I had a look at the five classics with many ministers, I decided that it was the first class. Therefore, I announced in advance that Su Xun was the one who would win the examination."

It means the best.


All the soldiers burst in an instant.

There has never been such a thing as announcing Huiyuan in advance.

Chen Yulou and Wang Jun were even more shocked.

Zhao Xie and other poor scholars were all excited after the initial muddle, as if Huiyuan were them.

"It's not fair. It's not fair to us!" Wang Jun some unwilling, hiding in the crowd began to rhythm.

"It's not fair to us in the past."

"We want to see Su Xun's answer, but we don't accept it!"

The rhythm is very smooth, and then it is brought up. The scholars of the great Chu are so hostile to heaven and earth. Who let the great Chu attach importance to Literature and despise martial arts.

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