"The copy of Su Ju Ren's answer paper has been pasted on the billboard beside. You can watch it by yourself."

The eunuch pointed to the billboard and said.

The emperor of Chu had obviously thought of this scene for a long time. After all, there was no first place in literature and no second place in martial arts. Su Xun was announced as Huiyuan in advance, and some people would not accept it.

The eunuch's voice fell, and all the people were swarming to the billboard.

Chen Yulou and Wang Jun are at the front.

After reading Su Xun's answer paper, both of them had dull eyes and were shocked.

Chen Yulou murmured to himself: "I'm not wronged, I'm not wronged."

Wang Jun's face was blue and white. Although he was not willing, he had to admit Su Xun's talent.

"Good poem, I'm convinced. It seems that the new science champion must be Mr. Su."

"Yes, that question is a thorough analysis of the chef's internal and external problems. It's really a talent."

"I'm convinced..."

When you have a little gap with a person, you may be jealous of him.

But when the gap between you and him is too big to make up, it's only admiration.

"You are all the pillars of our great Chu Kingdom. We might as well tell you one more thing. Although you didn't see the strange phenomena in the sky above the Gongyuan yesterday, you must have heard the news. It was the strange phenomena of heaven and earth caused by Su Ju's poems."

The eunuch of the imperial edict looked at the scholars, said a word, and then turned away with the people, leaving behind the crowd with muddled faces.

"He His poetry has caused a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth

"How can this be possible? Is he really the reincarnation of Wenqu star?"

"Not like a mortal, not like a mortal!"

Wang Jun's lips were trembling. The reality once again told him how big the gap between him and Su Xun was, which made people despair.

He didn't want to get the place back, because he would only insult himself.

What's more, Su Xunming was supposed to be highly valued. He would not offend such a strong enemy before he entered the DPRK.

After all, it's not a life and death feud between the two people. If you should put it down, you have to put it down.

In this way, Su Xun became angry again. He was the first person in the history of Chu who was appointed Huiyuan in advance.

Three days later, the examination was officially released.

There is no doubt that Su Xun is at the top of the list.

Chen Yulou took the second place, Zhao Xie the third and Wang Jun the seventh.

In addition to the first place, there is no difference in the number of places in the back row.

In addition to the first three, there was no difference between the two.

The next step is to wait for the palace examination in March.

At the same time, after fermentation, Su Xun's name also passed from Yujing to the States and counties of Chu.

A small town on the border of Chu state.

"But did you hear that this year is unusual?"

"So far, who will be the first person in the state of Chu? I don't know

"The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and runs to the sea. It's really a good poem, worthy of the name of a poet."

"Su Huiyuan must be the reincarnation of Wenqu star. My cousin in Yujing said that the threshold of Su Huiyuan's family was almost broken."

Listening to the comments from all around, a one armed man's face was very gloomy and his eyes were cold.

This is Fang Yun.

No matter where he went these days, he could hear all kinds of legends about Su Xun, which bothered him a lot.

"Mind level, don't think about him for the time being, improving strength is the key." In the jade pendant, Mr. Jiang said.

Fang Yun snorted coldly: "hum! It's nothing more than the use of self-cultivation that a poem brings about the vision of heaven and earth. He's deceiving you. "

"So what? You're going to expose him? But his talent is real. Even if he is exposed as a monk, it will have no effect on him. " Jiang Laodao.

Although Fang Yun was not willing, he had to admit that Jiang was right.

Just think of Su Xun robbed his own woman, but he is like a mouse wandering around, his heart is extremely unbalanced.

Su Xun, wait for me. I will kill you one by one in front of you, and then I will kill you at last.

I also want you to experience the feeling of this kind of beloved thing being robbed.

At this time, Fang Yun is in the early stage of practicing Qi.

In a short period of one and a half months, he broke through a big realm. The horror of his talent was appalling.


When Fang Yun was practicing brush level crazily.

Su Xun was galloping on his childhood sweetheart.

Will show make sweet sweat dripping, the whole body fatigue collapsed on the bed, Su xuncai changed clothes out of the room.

Because there is a guest in the front hall, otherwise he would not have finished the battle in such a hurry."Young master, you You're ridiculous. I'll tell the lady when I get back. "

Xue'er looked at Su Xun with a red face and said that Su Xun often did this kind of thing regardless of day and night. In xue'er's opinion, it was wasteful and lewd.

Su Xun rubbed her head with a smile: "why, my wife's bridal chamber and I also violate family rules? Shall I marry you? "

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh." Xueer spat with a red face.

Su Xun said with a smile, "don't worry, I'm not interested in xiaobudian."

"It's too small." Cher straightened her chest.

Su Xun pinched: "it's really big."

The voice fell and the meteor slipped away.

"Ah! The young master is dead. " Xueer is shy and angry. She feels itchy and crisp.

At the same time, yu'er, who was waiting on the exhausted XiuXiu, also had this feeling.

Su Xun, the creator of the figurines, has come to the front hall.

"I've met Su Huiyuan."

A man in black saluted respectfully.

Su Xun waited for the following.

The man in black took out a warrant and said, "the fourth prince asked me to come. The refiner Su Huiyuan is looking for has already got news. The fourth Prince specially asked the little one to lead the way for Huiyuan."

"Oh? Let's go. " Su Xun's eyes brightened and he couldn't wait to say.

After waiting for such a long time, the fourth prince finally got the news from the weapon refiner.

Half an hour later, Su Xun followed the man in black out of Yujing and came to a private farmyard in the suburbs.

This man was a famous hermit in the state of Chu

"Go back." Sushen sent him away and gave him some silver.

The man in black respectfully took over and left.

Su Xun first changed his appearance with the technique of changing appearance, and then he used his mana to shout: "master huaiyunzi is here."

"Which Taoist friend can find this place? In that case, please come inside."

In the courtyard, there was a middle voice, and then the door opened automatically.

When Su Xun stepped into the back yard, he saw an old man sitting under a tree drinking tea.

"I've met the master. I'm going to ask him to help me make a magic sword. After it's finished, I'll thank you very much."

Su Xun said politely that if he asked someone with technology to help him, he had to show his attitude.

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