"There are so many people who want to invite me to refine the weapon. You and I never know each other. Why should I help you?"

Huaiyunzi took a cup of tea, looked at Su Xun and asked faintly, keeping his master's force.

"What I want to ask the master to help refine is a spirit weapon." Su Xun said.

Huaiyunzi became serious: "spirit weapon?"

So far, he has made ten spirit weapons, each of which he remembers.

Because there are few such good materials for him to practice.

When skilled people come across difficult jobs, they will inevitably be itchy.

Because these are valuable experiences.

Su Xun took out the refining materials he had prepared: "master, please have a look, can these materials be used?"

"Nine clouds strike the wood."

"Dragon ball."

"Millennium xuanjing."


"Hiss -"

huaiyunzi got up in a moment, read out the materials, took a breath, and then said to Su Xun: "I can help you, but if you fail..."

"If you fail, you have nothing to do with the master." Su Xun interrupted him directly.

Huaiyunzi nodded: "well, in that case, come back in seven days."

"Then trouble the master." Su Xun arched his hand and left without hesitation.

Huaiyunzi's eyes narrowed slightly: "so good material, you are not afraid to run with it?"

"I believe the master will not." Su Xun said without looking back, and his momentum was very high.


A great force surged out and blocked the world in an instant. Su Xun was like a God.

Huaiyunzi's face turned white and he was dripping with cold sweat. He quickly said, "master, I'm going to accept the magic power. I can't stand the toss in this small yard."

Now he knew why Su Xun was so relieved of him.

Because huaiyunzi did not dare to be greedy for these materials.

This is where the evil, young cultivation unexpectedly so strong.

"In seven days, I'll be here on time." The voice fell, and Su Xun's figure disappeared from the original place.

"Hu -"

as Su Xun left, Huai Yunzi was relieved and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

The eyes fell on the materials and became excited again.

He had never used such a good material smelter.


Seven days later.

Su Xun changed his face again and came to huaiyunzi's yard as promised.

After entering the backyard, he saw a long dark blue sword floating in the air. It seemed that he wanted to break free. Huaiyunzi was sweating hard to resist and trapped him.

After seeing Su Xun, Huai Yunzi was overjoyed and yelled: "the spirit weapon has spirit and wants to escape. The elder quickly drips blood essence into the sword body to make it recognize the master."

If Su Xun came a little later, he would not be able to hold on to a spirit weapon.

Without hesitation, Su Xun shot a few drops of blood essence into the sword.

Then he jumped up, held the sword and planted his own prohibition on it.

The spirit sword still wanted to break free, but he had no chance to escape in his hands, and was soon accepted.

Su Xun waved his sword in the void.

"Stab -"

a sword breaks through the air and breaks a huge stone.

Su Xun put a smile on his face and brushed his hand over the sword body: "the sword body is like ink. I'll call you Moyu."

The sword body gives out a burst of light and a burst of sword chant, as if in response to this.

Su Xun put Mo Yu into the system space, and then looked at Huai Yunzi: "the master's refining method is really good, this sword is very good."

"All the materials provided by my predecessors are good. This is also the first time I have the honor to refine high-quality spirit weapons." Huaiyunzi remained modest, even though the elder was very polite.

"Are you sure you don't want a reward?" Su Xun asked

"No, I don't want to." Huaiyunzi shook his head again and again, and then said, "it's a rare reward to have the chance to refine a high-quality spirit sword."

"In that case, I won't say any more. There's a long way to go in the world, so I'll say goodbye."

As the voice fell, Su Xun stepped out and disappeared in the same place.

By the time he returned to Yujing, he had already removed the disguise technique and restored his true colors.

In the following days, Su Xun went to the prince's house to drink with the prince from time to time, and he also wrote poems against Zhao Xie and other poor scholars to guide the country.

From time to time, I would meet with the fourth prince to discuss the rebellion plan.

Then the rest of the time is in practice.

After more than a month's cultivation, his cultivation of immortality has advanced by leaps and bounds to the middle stage of refining the spirit and returning to emptiness.

XiuXiu and xue'er and yu'er have entered the threshold of refining Qi.

In addition, he also passed the Qi training skill to Pang Hu and other 20 nursing homes. After all, these were all his own soldiers.Pang Hu and others were so moved that they swore that one day they would be slaves of the Su family, and they would never betray them.


In this way, time passed in chaos, and in a twinkling of an eye came the day of the palace examination in March.

In the early morning, a group of Gongshi who passed the examination came to the palace of Supreme Harmony to wait.

As the most beautiful boy, Su Xun naturally stood in the front.

Many ministers of the central court looked at Su Xun one after another, and Su Xun responded to those who said hello one after another.

Soon, the emperor of Chu came.

"Emperor Wan'an." All the people asked for the ceremony.

"All love Qing is flat." The emperor of Chu raised his hands and his eyes fell on Su Xun.

It was the first time that he met Su Xun. He couldn't help nodding his head. He was really talented.

Soon start roll call according to the process, then spread out, praise and salute.

After all this, I began to answer the paper.

This question is about how the state of Chu should deal with the foreign nationalities in the border.

In the north of the state of Chu, the grassland borders on the barbarians. When the barbarians are short of food, they often invade the state of Chu. They usually run after robbing, which has been a headache for the state of Chu for a long time.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth went up, and then he went away with his pen, and soon finished.

You can hand in the paper ahead of time after answering. Su Xun handed it in less than half an hour.

All of them were shocked, and they also increased the psychological pressure on other Gongshi.

The palace examination is to leave after the examination, and then wait to release the list. Su Xun goes out of the palace directly.

Although the emperor of Chu was itching to see Su Xun's answer paper, he could only bear it because he could not influence other Gongshi examinations.

From the morning until the afternoon, all Gongsheng just finished the exam and left.

Then the emperor of Chu and the ministers couldn't wait to get together to see Su Xun's answer.

After watching it, everyone couldn't help cheering.

"Wonderful. It's really wonderful. Boil frogs in warm water. In this way, there will be barbarians in decades?"

"If Su Xun was really a great talent, he could even think of this method."

"This plan is the policy of exterminating the race and the seed."

Su Xun's answer to how to deal with the alien ethnic groups in the frontier is very simple, that is, cultural invasion.

Spread Chu culture to barbarians, including clothing, food, housing and transportation, and let them learn Chu language and assimilate them slowly. In this way, how can there be barbarians in the world in decades and a hundred years?

However, the border trouble of Chu state can also be completely cured. This strategy seems gentle but actually cruel, but it is exquisite.

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