After the official seal, the emperor of Chu held a banquet in the palace that night.

Su Xun also met the queen and Princesses for the first time.

The royal family didn't look ugly, because the genes were improved from generation to generation.

Even if the first emperor was ugly, his Empress and concubines must be very beautiful, so the appearance of the children was improved.

Then his children find more beautiful women to have children, and the offspring will become more and more beautiful.

In the same way, the daughters of the Chu emperor were also pretty, but Su Xun was not interested.

But some princesses gave him a wink, but they gave it to the blind man.

The dancers in the palace are of high quality.

One by one, singing and dancing make people forget to return.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fill this cup with me."

The emperor of Chu was in a good mood recently, because he got Su Xun, such a great talent.

"Su Aiqing." The emperor of Chu suddenly called the roll.

Everyone was quiet and looked at Su Xun.

Su Xun got up in no hurry to attend: "I'm here."

"The moon is very beautiful today. It's a beautiful full moon on a beautiful day. Why don't you write a poem about it?"

The emperor of Chu held the wine bottle in one hand and Yao Yao pointed to the moon in the sky in the other.

Su Xun replied, "I can't help it."

Isn't it just copying poems?

Behind him stood the great poets of the earth's dynasties.

Of course, it's a random copy.

Everyone's faces were looking forward to it.

Then he stepped out and said, "when will the moon be? Ask Qingtian about the wine

All of us are shocked in an instant.

In particular, several Princesses' delicate bodies trembled slightly, their pretty faces turned red, and their eyebrows and eyes were full of spring.

Just this sentence, let them have a kind of high, damp feeling (ಡ ω ಡ).

"Good! Big lottery

The emperor of Chu clapped his hands to cheer him up. He was very excited. His face turned red because of alcohol.

Su Xun took another step: "I don't know what year it is in the palace."

In this way, every step Su Xun took, he began to read a sentence, and everyone was quiet, immersed in the dreamland created by Su Xun's poems.

"I want to take advantage of the wind to go back, but I'm afraid that the tall buildings will be too cold."

"Dancing to clear the shadow, it's like being in the world."

"Turn Zhuge, low Qi households, according to no sleep."

"There should be no hatred. Why should it be long and round to others?"

"People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs

"I hope people will live long and enjoy the beautiful life together."

After reading a poem, people haven't responded for a long time.

"Good! What a man who has joys and sorrows, and the moon is full of ups and downs. He is worthy of being a sage of poetry. He will become a poet in eight steps, and his name will be passed on to the future generations for thousands of years! "

The right prime minister was the first to break the silence.

"Su Zhuangyuan really reached the peak in poetry. After this poem, who dares to write poetry to express the moon again?"

"I hope that people will be long-term, thousands of miles together Chan Juan, number one talent, old really admire."

"It's such a good work. It's a poem in eight steps. I'm afraid no one will believe it."

All of you flattered Su Xun with your words. It was from your heart.

The princesses kneeling on the cushions all clamped their legs, and their eyes were like silk. Don't ask why, but Su Shisheng was too charming.

in these Princesses' view, if a sexual intercourse with Su Lang is once, even death is worth it.

Handsome and talented people are so easily missed by women and wolves. (this has been bothering the author for a long time.)

The emperor of Chu said, "I have no idea that Su Aiqing should have made such a good work. I respect you for this cup."

All the scholars were envious. Su Xun was a saint.

"I'm afraid." Su Xun picked up his glass and drank it with the emperor of Chu.

After the banquet, although Su Xun was not drunk, he pretended to be drunk just like everyone else.

Then the Chu emperor sent him back to the coach.

A lot of paper was stuffed into his carriage.

It's all about love poems.

The signings are naturally those lonely princesses who have not been out of the cabinet.

Su Xun just laughed, and a group of mana burned them all to ashes.

What happened to the princess?

Is his family beautiful?

What's more, as a man who even the empress once said, what is the princess?


In the next two days, Su Xun was in the capital to get in touch with the poor scholars who were about to leave.

From time to time, I went to the East Palace and met with the fourth prince.

Knowing that he was about to return home, the prince and the fourth prince gave him many gifts.

Su Xun now finally understood why so many scum men and scum women like to step on two boats.Because it represents two gains.

That's great.

Two days later, Zhao Xie and Su Xun, both from Qingzhou Prefecture, set out together.

The prince himself went to the gate to see Su Xun off.

The whole brothel Huakui in Yujing and the little ladies on the boat also spontaneously played the piano outside the gate of the city to see them off.

After all, although Su Xun did not patronize them, his poems supported many brothels and flower boats.

The young ladies of the flower boat and brothel turned his poems into songs, which attracted many guests.

All Huakui in Yujing saw off.

Many men sigh one after another that it's worth dying to be a man so far as Su Xun is concerned.

Those flower leaders are all performing arts, not selling themselves.

But they believed that if Su Xun went, they would be fighting for the first and then the last.


At the same time, Chen county.

After the messengers of the capital were on their way, the story of Su Xun's number one scholar in high school also spread to Chen county.

The whole town is boiling.

"Jingjie tiger has won. He has won the first prize. He has really won."

"I knew for a long time that he could pass the exam. That's good. If he won the first prize, he won't go back to Chen county."

"The number one scholar must be an official in the capital. How could he come back?"

"That's great. The magistrate himself went to Su Fu to report the good news. Go to Su Fu to get the reward!"

"Yes, I almost forgot..."

Then the people swarmed to Su Fu.

Su Yue takes her servants to meet the county magistrate outside, while Su's servants throw the reward into the crowd, causing chaos and scramble.

"Congratulations to Miss Su. Congratulations to Miss Su. Your brother's high school is highly valued by your majesty. There must be a bright future in the future."

Looking at Su Yue, the magistrate said that he came to Su Fu to report his good news because he was promoted.

The reason why he was promoted was that he wanted to make room for Su, so he quickly made up his mind.

"It's very polite of Xian Zun to invite him to the mansion for tea." Su Yue also flushed with excitement and was proud of Su Xun.

The magistrate waved his hand again and again: "thank you for your kindness, but I'm leaving. I have to go back and sum up some things. I won't waste any time."

"Is this gaozun county?" Su Yue is surprised. You know, the magistrate has just arrived.

The county magistrate said with a smile: "thanks to Su Zhuangyuan, he is homesick. Your majesty allows him to return to Chen County as county magistrate. I can only make room for him."

The magistrate of Su County should go back to Chen!

Jingjiehu wants to be a county magistrate!

Hear a word, originally snatch reward money beautiful Zizi of public instant feel the money in the hand is not fragrant.

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