From Yujing city to Qingzhou government.

A team of cars and horses are on their way.

Su Xun and his party.

When two carriages came.

I left with eight.

The two are cloth and calligraphy and painting ornaments from the prince.

There are also six, which are gifts given by others on the surface, but in fact they are all military expenses given to him by the fourth prince.

Two hundred thousand silver!

Use the fourth Prince's silver to train the dark soldiers for himself.

Su Xun felt excited when he thought about it.

The fourth Prince and the crown prince were really good people. Su Xun was almost moved and cried when he gave him help without any reward.

On the day susian left Beijing, someone reported to the emperor of Chu that susian had taken a lot of property away.

After hearing this, the Chu emperor was not angry. On the contrary, he laughed, and he was more relieved of Su Xun.

Because a perfect person, without any weakness, is always not so comfortable to use.

But since Su Xun is greedy for money, give him enough money to make him work for Da Chu all his life.

Then the guy suing the dark shape was cut off by the emperor of Chu at will.

This is his attitude. If he wants to protect Su Xun, anyone who dares to play these tricks will die.

"Brother Zhao, what's your idea of going to Taiyang county to be a county captain this time?"

Su Xun rode with Zhao Xie on a high horse.

Zhao Xie shook his head with a wry smile: "to tell you the truth, I always wanted to be an official in the imperial examination, but now I really don't know where to start."

"Brother Zhao, what do you think of the monk?" Su Xun asked.

Zhao Xie took a look at Su Xun, then gritted his teeth and said, "brother Su, if you say something offensive, I feel that the friars are not guilty of killing mortals. This is a crime."

"What can you do?" Su Xun asked again.

Zhao Xie said with a half ring smile: "yes, what can I do? Don't say I'm a little County captain. Even your majesty is helpless. "

Does the emperor like to have a door on his head?

Nonsense, of course not.

But I had to compromise.

Because of the strong power of the sect of practice, if you send an elder out, you can change the emperor of Chu.

Another reason is that other countries have religious sect guardians.

If the state of Chu had not been attacked, it would have been ruined.

Therefore, the existence of the religious sect has more advantages than disadvantages for the royal family, but it has more disadvantages than advantages for the common people.

"But if I tell brother Zhao, I want to make laws for practitioners as well?" Su Xun asked.

After such a long time of investigation, Zhao Xie has been able to join the organization.

As soon as Zhao Xie's spirit was aroused, he seemed to have realized something. He knew why Su Xun disguised himself as a mortal to take part in the imperial examination.

He was stunned and looked at Su Xun incredulously.

Su Xun rode on his horse and pointed to the mountains in the distance with a folding fan in his hand: "look at this beautiful river and mountain. A sword can flatten a mountain. Monks can live for hundreds of years. How many mountains are there in the world for them to sharpen? And the people of the world are just like these mountains. Are they the king's land and the king's officials? How can they be free from lawlessness

"Brother Su, be careful." Zhao Xie felt a little thirsty. He was scared by Su Xun's target.

Su Xun burst out laughing: "is the king and Marquis Xiang Ning kind? If I am the emperor, the Dharma is passed on to the world, and the people are prosperous all the time, and all the iron hooves are scattered to the gods and ghosts, how can the three or two practitioners do so many rampant actions? "

Zhao Xie's mind exploded. Although he knew Su Xun's words were treason, he still felt that his blood was boiling.

"Brother Zhao, the practitioners are rampant and unscrupulous. The state of Chu pays more attention to culture than to martial arts. The soldiers in the border areas are full of resentment. Do you dare to follow me? The world is prosperous and the world is prosperous, and the world is famous after the world! "

Su Xun slapped Zhao Xie on the shoulder.

Zhao Xie's blood was boiling and surging. He blushed and blurted out subconsciously: "why don't you dare!"

He couldn't imagine the world described by Su Xun.

The method of practice is spread all over the world, and everyone is like a dragon. It sounds like people are full of yearning.

"Well, I hope brother Zhao remembers what he said today. One must die, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than goose feather. If we do not die, we will live forever, and if we die, we will be famous forever!"

Zhao Xie believed this because he thought that Su Xun was the craziest man in the Taixu world, and he wanted to build a dragon like empire.

But he felt crazier.

I believe it and go crazy with him.

He thought, maybe, only a madman can change the world.

Two hours later.

"Step, step..."

All of a sudden, the sound of a horse's hoof sounded.

Then, with the dust all over the sky, a team of horses rushed to overtake Su Xun and others, and then circuitously surrounded them.There were more than 40 people in this group, all dressed in black, with black cloth on their faces and steel knives in their hands.

At first glance, they are not good people.


"Meet the enemy!"

Pang Hu yelled angrily, and the Su family's guards pulled out their swords to protect the carriage.

Pang Hu is in the early stage of refining and transforming Qi, and others have reached the threshold. They can completely solve the problems in front of them.

But Su Xun didn't let them do it. Instead, he looked at the man in black and said with a smile, "why, your highness, the third prince, I don't recognize you because you are covered with skin?"

"What Zhao Xie, who used to be calm, changed his face when he heard this.

Then the man in black, who was the leader, took off his mask and showed the slightly gloomy face of the Third Prince: "how do you recognize it?"

He and Su Xun only met at the late Palace Banquet. He was still covered today. How did Su recognize him.

Su Xun gave a little smile and shook the folding fan in his hand: "because your eyes like mung bean are so small and unique. Now they are like black bastards. Although I have only met you once, it's hard to forget them."

Zhao Xie and others were twitching, and Su Xun's mouth was too poisonous.

"You want to die!" Chu Fei, the third prince, was furious, and his eyes were full of murders: "it doesn't matter if you recognize him. Anyway, you are going to die today. Kill them!"

With his command, people in black around them rushed to the front with their horses and swords.

"A group of ants."

Su Xun spat out four words, and a dark blue light flew out of him.


Then the fourth Prince's man was Qiqi screamed and fell down from the horse. Even the man and the horse were cut in half.

At the same time, the dark blue light flew back to Su Xun's side.

It's the top quality spirit sword - Moyu.

Staring at the ink blue sword, Chu Fei's pupil suddenly shrank and roared: "flying sword! You are a friar

"That's right." Su Xun gave a little smile, and the momentum in the middle period of refining spirit and returning to emptiness was surging out.


In an instant, the sky and the earth change color and the clouds gather.

"Ah! Puff -- "

Chu Fei was shocked and flew out of the horse, smashed on the ground and spat blood.

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