Chu Fei got up wobbly and looked at Su Xun. His eyes were full of panic.

Even Zhao Chuan didn't have this kind of momentum.

He roared with some indignation: "why did you take part in the civil service examination?"

Grass mud horse, isn't this playing with me?

If I know that you are such a tough guy, I will roll as far as I can, not to mention kneeling and licking you. Besides hysteria, I dare to bring someone to kill you.

"What's wrong with my love of learning?" Su Xun asked, and then waved the empty hand.


A slap fell heavily on chufei's face.

Chu Fei immediately woke up and knelt down on the ground with a puff: "please forgive me, immortal master. Xiao Wang didn't know the identity of immortal master before. Please let me go."

"Why kill me?" Su Xun asked.

Chu Fei didn't dare to hide and said the reason honestly.

After hearing this, Su Xun was speechless. Fortunately, I'm not a revenger, or your second brother would be killed by you.

"Immortal master, spare your life. Immortal master, spare your life."

Chu Fei kept kowtowing to Su Xun. There was no way. Who let Su Xun be an expert.

If Su Xun is only a mortal, Chu Fei doesn't think Su Xun dares to kill him even if it's exposed.

But it's different for suthen to be a friar. Friars simply ignore the law of the world.

"That's what I don't respect for myself."

Su Xun said it lightly, and then shot it with the empty hand.


Chu Fei didn't even have time to scream, so he was directly slapped and exploded. Even his soul dissipated in the wind, and there was no hair left.

Although he decided to rebel with Su Xun, Zhao Xie was still agitated when he saw Su Xun killed a prince so rashly.

"The biggest mistake of this fool is that he led the team himself." Su Xun said.

Zhao Xie wry smile, who can expect you to be an overhaul?

The party continued on their way.

Five days later, news came out in the capital that the third prince was missing and his life and death were unknown.

Only the second prince had a guess, but he didn't dare to say it.

I can only swear to myself, third brother, if you really die in the hands of that Su Xun, I will take revenge for you.


Half a month later, Su Xun and others entered the boundary of Qingzhou Prefecture.

Zhao Xie and Su Xun are officially separated because they are going to different roads in Taiyang county and Chen county.

"Zi Tai, let's say goodbye. You and I should keep correspondence. The Qi training skill I passed to you should be cultivated frequently, so that you can pass on the book with flying sword in the future."

Su Xun said to Zhao Xie, and Zi Tai was Zhao Xie's word.

He also passed on Qi training to the other side.

Qi training is really a basic skill in this world, because there are many ways to practice Qi in this world, but the clan will not pass it on.

Zhao Xie replied respectfully: "Lord, don't worry. I won't let you down. I will gather the best talents secretly according to your orders and pass down the skill of practicing Qi. I will develop it in a low profile and be obscene Development. "

He had worshipped Suxun as the Lord, just like the earth in the Han Dynasty.

After a greeting, they separated.

Two days later, Zhao Xie returned to his hometown in Taiyang county.

People in the county have long known the news of his high school entrance examination. They all came out to greet him one after another, beating gongs and drums.

After all, a county magistrate is no longer a landlord.

What's more, although the county captain is only a nine grade official, he is a powerful official in the county.

After dealing with these gentry, Zhao Xie left for home.

After returning home, he found that the home had changed a lot, adding a lot of furniture.

If he didn't remember clearly, they all doubted whether he had gone to the wrong yard.

"Xianggong, you are back."

When Zhao Xie's wife heard the voice, she burst into tears with joy.

"Lady, this is What's going on? " Zhao Xie looked at the courtyard and asked.

Zhao Xie's wife asked: "don't you know my husband? These are all sent by Xianggong's friends in February. The money my mother asks for is also given by Xianggong's friends. By the way, my mother can get out of bed. "

"Son, is my son back, my son?" An old lady ran out in a hurry.

Zhao Xie quickly welcomed up: "Niang, unfilial son came back, son was admitted to Jinshi."

"Yes, my mother knows. Your good friend's family sent someone to talk about it and left a lot of gifts."

"My son, if it's not for your good friend, mother My mother may not be able to hold on! "

Until this time, Zhao Xie was still full of fog: "lady, did the person who came to deliver things ever leave a taboo?""I always remember that they claimed to be from the Su family in Chen county." Zhao Xie's wife blurted out without hesitation.

Zhao Xie was struck by lightning. He didn't expect that Su Xun had already helped him so much in February.

But Su Xun never said it, and he didn't show that he wanted to repay him.

For a moment, he was deeply moved.

There is a feeling that a scholar dies for a confidant.


He knelt directly on the ground, without saying a word, and kowtowed to Chen county.


Su Xun has entered the boundary of Chen county.

Ten miles outside the city, the roads were crowded with people on both sides, and the county magistrate and Su Yue stood in the front.

"Here comes the number one scholar!"

Suddenly, I don't know who called.

"Come on, let the drum beat and the suona blow."

For a time, beating gongs and drums resounded through the official way.

"Welcome the number one scholar back home!"

As Su Xun walked in, they all called out in unison.

Riding on his horse, Su Xun swept the crowd and said with a smile: "when Su went to Beijing to take the exam, you sent each other with chickens and ducks. Now Su came back with angry clothes, and you met each other ten miles outside the city. It really moved su."

"With such a pure feeling of fellow countrymen, it's just so that I'm determined to return to my hometown and benefit one side. My talent should be displayed in Chen county. After all, I don't want to lose my wealth to outsiders."

When people heard this, they all wanted to cry. We didn't want to come. It was the county magistrate who ordered us.

We don't welcome you either. Please, can't you stay in the capital as a senior official? We are only afraid of drowning.

As soon as Chen Mingshun left the county, he felt that he was going to leave the county.

I'm afraid the big girls and the little daughters-in-law don't even dare to air their clothes in the yard.

Su Xun turned over and got off the horse. He first looked at Su Yue in the purple crowd: "sister."

"Little brother." Su Yue threw herself directly at him and hugged him, tears streaming out.

In other people's eyes, it was nothing. After all, Su Xun was brought up by Su Yue, and his feelings were very normal.

But Su Xun was a little embarrassed. He didn't know where to put his hand. His sister was too big.

"Elder sister, it's almost OK. My younger brother is older than when he was a child. You make me feel a little uncomfortable."

Su Yue whispered.

Su Xun blushed and glared at him. Then he let him go and wiped his tears.

She just felt that her brother has really grown up.

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