Although Chen county is close to the edge of Wanshou mountain, it is too marginal to encounter animal tide.

And there are no mountain bandits near Chen county.

Therefore, a battalion stationed here is enough, and it is almost impossible to expand its troops.

Therefore, the magistrate of Su County gave full play to the international spirit of creating difficulties without difficulties.

It was in this case that Pang Hu took a dozen family members to rob the money and go to the mountain to become a bandit.

Su County Magistrate was very angry about this kind of "betrayal", but Pang Hu was extremely powerful, insidious and cunning, and failed to encircle and suppress several times.

Pang Hu's bandit team also grew rapidly, inexplicably. In a short period of time, there were more than 100 people, specialized in robbing passing caravans.

And the Su's caravan is the most in and out of Chen County, so they are often robbed, which makes the bandits more and more powerful.

Su County Magistrate was very "angry" and wrote a compromise to the county city, saying that the local battalion of Chen county had no combat effectiveness due to its lack of training and low morale.

So he asked the county to send troops to suppress the bandits, or allowed him to organize local people to suppress the bandits in Chen County, for which he was willing to pay for himself.

Kaiyang County Sheriff a look, without hesitation agreed to the second point.

Because sending troops from the county city to suppress bandits is to ask the county to be responsible for money and food, and dare not squeeze oil and water in Chen county. After all, Chen county is the territory of Su Zhuangyuan.

So it's better to let Su Xun recruit his own staff to protect the city from bandits, at least without paying from the county.

In this way, in the name of anti banditry, Su Xun enlisted five hundred militiamen in Chen county to start training.

Although it's called a militia, it's better equipped than a regular army. It's all made by the fourth Prince secretly.

Three hundred bandits, five hundred militiamen, five hundred garrisons, and Su Xun had thirteen hundred men.

All the 1300 people practiced Qi.

In order to make them practice faster, Su Xun also ransacked many small clans and robbed cultivation resources, such as magic pills.

Su Xun not only robbed the clan for resources, he also robbed people.

Because these disciples of the sect who already have self-cultivation are all ready-made sources of troops. They are all elite soldiers.

In this world, Su Xun is like a fish in water. Today's cultivation is in the early stage of practicing emptiness and Taoism. He is also a big man in this world.

So robbing those small clans is as easy as playing. None of them can fight.

Every time he ransacked a sect, he took those sect disciples away and trapped them in a mountain depression.

Shanaoli is a large military camp, where all the disciples of the sect are trained.

The whole strength of these people will not be able to break the barrier.

If anyone doesn't accept the training, Su Xun will let them know why the flowers are so red. If anyone disobeys the military order, he will be executed on the spot.

And if they train well, there will be no shortage of cultivation resources, good food and wine, and every three days they will send a group of beautiful women in for them to relax.

In this way, those small sect disciples who were caught here gradually began to accept their fate. After all, if they don't accept their fate, they will die, and they will be very happy.

Of course, Su Xun only ransacked the small clan. The clan of monk Lian Xu he didn't want to cause trouble for the time being. It was easy to waste time if he was in trouble.


Shanao camp.

Su Xun sat on the high platform, shaking the folding fan in his hand, half lying down without any image, looking at the training below.

"Kill "Kill "Kill

These immortal masters, who used to be immortal in white, are now reduced to soldiers wearing heavy armour and skillfully wielding guns.

The heavy armor that ordinary soldiers can't carry is just like playing. It doesn't affect the action at all.

Now there are 2000 monks in the whole camp, and Su Xun named this army the Yao Japanese army.

The lowest is the middle stage of refining Qi, and the highest is the middle stage of refining spirit and returning to emptiness.

A total of five people who refined the spirit and returned to the void were once the leaders of their respective sects. Su Xun appointed four of them as school captains, one leading a battalion.

In the middle of his return to emptiness, the one with the highest cultivation was granted the title of great commander by Su Xun.

The strength of refining gods and returning to emptiness was very good. In order to prevent them from doing things, Su Xun banned them in the sea of five gods.

He made an agreement with them to serve him for ten years. Ten years later, he lifted the ban, and the four of them were willing to leave or stay.

For the monks, ten years is not long. Sometimes they just pass away. What's more, they have no choice but to promise.

But I don't know that within ten years, the Taixu kingdom will be ruled by the imperial power. If they don't die, they will be in a high position and want to go.

This shining Japanese army, Su Xun was prepared to be used as an ace army to cooperate with the army, and even trapped the monks who could refine the spirit and return to emptiness.

"That's all for today." Su Xun said lazily, and then got up to leave.

"Yes, Lord." One side of the commander Tan Jin should be a, and then turned forward two steps, run mana roar: "Lord, you have an order, so far today!"After 2000 people finished their training, they quickly gathered together with the battalion as a unit to form four square arrays. Then they all knelt down on one knee and cried out: "farewell, Lord!"

At the same time, two thousand friars run their mana and shout. If there were no prohibitions to block the heaven and earth, it would be loud in the sky.

Su Xun came to the back of Shanao barracks.

This is a workshop.

The employees in the workshop were all the craftsmen and technical talents in the clan who were looted by Su Xun.

These friars' original magic weapons of flying sword were sent here to melt, and they were rebuilt into magic weapons and spears.

Unified weapons make it easier to use the array against the enemy.

Now this workshop is working overtime to produce one thing.

Crossbow, broken law crossbow, is equivalent to Su Xun's broken Gang crossbow in the beggars' world.

The broken crossbow is used to target low-level friars. Friars below Qi Qi God can be killed by the crossbow.

This kind of crossbow is ready to be used by Chen county's soldiers who have just begun to cultivate and have not yet begun to learn, so as to enhance their combat effectiveness.

After all, Su Xun didn't pay attention to the ordinary soldiers of Chu state. He had only one enemy, tianjianzong.

There are two thousand outer disciples and several hundred inner disciples of Tianjian sect. There are seven inner elders who practice spirit and return to emptiness. The patriarch is in the middle stage of practicing emptiness and combining Taoism. It is said that there is also a closed ancestor, which Su Xun has to pay attention to.


Seeing Su Xun's arrival, the person in charge of the workshop came forward to see him.

"How many have been made?" Su Xun asked

"Huizhujun, 1700 crossbows and 10000 arrows have been made." The person in charge of the workshop said respectfully.

Su Xun frowned slightly and was dissatisfied with the speed. He said abruptly, "in half a month, we must build 3000 crossbows and 100000 arrows."

"Yes, Lord, I will."


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