After leaving the Yao Japanese camp in Shanao, Su Xun went back to Chen county.

"Young master, the young lady said that you have come back and asked you to see her in the east courtyard."

The servant girl just went into the house.

"Well." Su Xun answered and walked to the east courtyard.

"Ding Ding - Dong Dong ~"

just as I approached, I heard the sound of a piano.

In the pavilion, a woman in a white palace dress is playing the piano. Inside the palace dress is a bra skirt, with white collarbone and fragrant shoulder exposed outside.

The sound of the piano is melodious and graceful, which makes people intoxicated and can't help feeling comfortable.

For a long time, the sound of Qin stopped suddenly.

Su Xun then walked over: "sister is good at playing. She is not inferior to the zither player in the palace. Only I am lucky to listen to her."

"Come here." Su Yue has no good face in the past, and her eyes are cold.

Su Xun was stunned: "sister, what's the matter?"

"I ask you why there are always different women coming in and out of your hospital to stay with you for a long time. It's so ridiculous. Where do you put XiuXiu?" Su yuesu clapped her hand on the table, got up and yelled.

She knows her brother is a good girl.

But when she became a magistrate, it was so absurd that the women who came every day were different. How could she tolerate it.

After hearing this, Su Xun couldn't laugh or cry: "sister, is that why you scolded me?"

"Why, do you think you're doing the right thing?" Su yuepi looked at him with a smile and took up the stick tied with the red rope.

Su Xun found a familiar memory in an instant, which was the way of their su family.

Although Su Yue dotes on him, when he was a child, he did something too much wrong. Su Yue would beat him without hesitation, biting her teeth and crying.

That's the family law.

Although Su Xun is now a county magistrate, he still has a major overhaul, but Su Yue still dares to beat him.

Su Xun quickly explained, "listen to me, elder sister, I'm talking business with those women."

Those women were all disciples of the small clan who were robbed by him.

The army's disciple, di Shanao.

His female disciples were incorporated into the intelligence organization, responsible for intelligence, assassination and other work.

He named the organization zhuquewei.

Because of the special reasons of the intelligence organization, he also banned everyone.

"Business?" Su Yue was so angry that she bit her silver teeth and said, "do you need to stay in the room so long to talk about business? I don't understand what you men do? "

"Sister, I'm really serious. I won't cheat you, never." Su Xun's face was serious.

Su Yue was a little moved, and then said: "you've been cheating me since you were a child. When you were a child, you cheated me to eat. When you were older, you cheated me to get money."

Su Xun

Is it so fast?

"But this time I believe you." Su Yue put down the family law, some melancholy said: "now you are also a county official, it's time to be in charge, the Su family's property should also be handed over to you, after all, sister I always want to get married."

"Then don't marry." Su Xun blurted out.

Su Yue's eyes flashed for a moment, and she chuckled and covered her mouth to look at Su Xun: "how can such a big man still say some stupid things? Elder sister is twenty. If she doesn't marry again, she should be stabbed in the spine."

In this era, not to mention a civilian woman, but a Royal Princess in her twenties, even if she does not get married, she will be gossiped by the Minister of the central government.

If it is among the people, the spitting stars of the neighborhood alone can drown people.

Unless you become a monk or a nun.

"Sister, do you have a man you like?" Su Xun asked.

Su Yue replied, "I like you."

"I don't like it. I'm talking about men who want to marry him and have children." Su Xun was speechless.

Su Yue hesitated for a moment, then pursed her lips and shook her head: "No."

"Then why are you still married?" Su Xun asked.

Su Xun hesitated and said, "when a woman is old, she is going to get married. Why?"

Although she is strong, but it is a young lost parents, in order to protect themselves and painted protective color, inside is a traditional woman.

"If there's a man I like, I'll take care of the marriage for you. If not, I won't be allowed to marry. Wait a minute. After a while, no one will dare to gossip even if you don't marry for life."

Su Xun left his words and left the east courtyard quickly.

"Puchi -"

Su Yue stood in the same place for a long time, and then suddenly showed a smile. She was more beautiful than Hua Jiao, and murmured to herself, "I've really grown up. I look like a big man in front of my sister."

I don't want to get married.


After leaving the east courtyard, Su Xun felt a sense of urgency.

Although his influence has developed rapidly, now he is suddenly too slow.We must continue to expand our forces.

Then Su Xun thought about the operation again.

He came to the depths of the beast mountain.

"Where is the king of beasts here? Come out and see him!"

Su Xun stood up in the void, his momentum was outstretched, and a loud drink rang out from ten miles around.


A roar of beasts resounded through the mountain forest, followed by a gust of wind, the shadow flashed by, and a ten meter long black tiger ran wildly.

"This is not your place, friar."

The black tiger stares at Su Xun coldly, spits out people's words, and his whole body is full of demons.

The king of beasts was equal to the strength of the monks to practice the emptiness and Taoism, so he was not afraid of Su Xun.

Of course, I didn't want to provoke Su Xun.

The only way for monsters to transform themselves is in a fairyland.

But Taixu has not known how many years there has not been a real fairyland.

"I'm here to ask the king of beasts for help." Su Xun looked at the black tiger king and said.

Black tiger nose puffed out a white smoke: "you human cunning, why do I want to help you?"

"If you don't help me, I'll come every day and make you restless." Su Xun gave a cool smile, like a rogue.

Black tiger almost even nose gas crooked: "you human really shameless! What a shame

"Thank you very much. Have you decided to help me now?" Su Xun asked softly.

Black tiger coldly said: "first say it, I listen, human, don't go too far, I just don't want to conflict, but I'm not afraid of you."

"In fact, it's very simple. Just accompany me to play a play. Please send demon soldiers to feint at Chen County in Kaiyang County of Qingzhou Prefecture." Su Xun said what he wanted.

The monster attacked the city, and Su Xun had another reason to expand his army, and this time he could expand his army crazily.

The king of beasts was a little incredible: "is that it?"

"Not bad." Su Xun nodded.

The black tiger king was a little annoyed. He let himself do something so big and trivial. Is it so ostentatious?

But I finally agreed.

There is no need for him to come forward and send a demon general to lead a group of monsters to run a field.

Next, one side represented human beings, and the other side represented monsters. The two sides had a cordial meeting and conversation, and made a friendly exchange policy for the future.

The diplomacy was perfect, and Su Xun returned home.

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