First, Zhang Jian was calculated to have a bloody disaster, and then he was beaten violently in the twinkling of an eye.

Then Xiaoqian was calculated to have a small profit in the financial games, and she learned the news of passing the scholarship application in less than three minutes.

This horse is not a God who has nothing to do. What is that?!

All of them were short of breath. They looked at Su Xun with burning eyes, as if they were going to swallow him.

They all think that Su Xun is the kind of real expert in the novel, who knows five hundred years before and five hundred years later.

As for why he only counted the day?

It must be that the masters have their own ideas, which can be speculated by these mortals.

What's more, just counting the day, doesn't it show the master's extraordinary ability?

Well, everyone's on the road to brain tonic, running faster and farther.

Su Xun: in fact, I didn't think so much of it myself. After listening to you, I suddenly realized that I thought so (* / ω\ *).

Su Xun is not a magic calculation, but there is a strong team behind him to support him.

As long as the other party's information behind the first check, and then you can take the right medicine.

As long as you spend money, there is no injustice.

If there is, there must be not enough money.

Scientific fortune telling is the symbol of the progress of the times.

"Master, do the divination for me."

"Master, I'll count all the money."

"And my master, I also want to calculate a hexagram. In the future, I will burn incense at home and worship you every day!"

There was a twitch in the corner of Su Xun's mouth. The God set foot on the horse to burn incense and offer it to me. You'd better offer it to the God of wealth. I can do nothing, mainly because of his great contribution.

"Everyone, this is a matter of revealing the mystery, so I only count two people every day. Let's call it a day. Tomorrow is still this time, and I'll wait for someone here."

Today, Su Xun mainly wanted to try the feasibility of scientific fortune telling. Now he had a clear idea.

What's more, things are rare. If he sits here all day telling fortune, he's not an expert. He's a ruthless fortune teller.

It's just that you have to hold the high man's airs so that you can look like a cow. Force, force, force. Force people say that everything is a cow, force.

Only in this way can his fame spread.

Although they were disappointed to hear this, none of them dared to talk about it. On the contrary, they were more respectful to Su Xun.

Then, as everyone watched, Su Xun got on a silver open Mercedes, put on his sunglasses, put on a dynamic DJ, and drove away.

"~" times "

Why did the expert style just now suddenly break to pieces?

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough Zhang Jian coughed twice and explained that he had become a faithful believer of Su Xun.

Xiaoqian nodded and echoed: "yes, just now the master did not ask us to collect money."

Zhang Jian pointed to several other fortune tellers and added: "of course, experts have to drive luxury cars. Otherwise, like these poor and forced people, they are liars. If they are so accurate, will they still be poor enough to ride battery cars?"

Everyone thought it was, and showed the color of it.

Several old fortune tellers looked at the battery car and tricycle parked in the corner and silently swallowed their tears.

Is that the difference between the fake and the genuine?

I'll never do it again.

Keep the battery car. You can transfer to take out.

The crowd began to disperse slowly, but the heat was getting higher and higher.

A lot of people have posted this on the Internet.

Zhang Jian was one of them, but no one believed him. On the contrary, he attracted a lot of ridicule.

Level 8 gale: "silly, some people believe in fortune telling, and they don't want to talk about it."

Meichuan Neiku: "that is, brother, it's the 21st century. Can we stop engaging in these feudal superstitions?"

Love is green color: "brother, if you think about it from another angle, maybe the guy who beat you was called by the fortune teller?"

Well, this environmental friendly guy has got the key point straight and guessed it right.

Zhang Jian's nose was crooked, so he sent a private letter to the environmental friendly user of ID to greet his ancestors for 18 generations.

You can insult me, even my girlfriend, but you can't insult the master with your mean and dirty thoughts.

How noble and holy the master is. He is the closest man I have ever seen to a God.

How could he do such an ugly thing?

As for why there are no photos of the master, they dare not take them without the consent of the master!At that time, there were a lot of people under the overpass. They all posted posts or made friends one after another and began to spread.

Many curious local people in Jiangnan City have decided to go and have a look tomorrow morning.

Li Yang is such a person, he is a reporter, recently no news material, just saw Zhang Jianfa's post.

He is going to go down to the bottom of the overpass tomorrow morning to have a look. He is going to expose the liar and report his deception.

Isn't this ready-made news material?

He felt that he was so smart. When he was happy, he took out his little turtle and touched its shell.

This is the existence of his pet, which he called mascot. He always takes it with him wherever he goes.


On the other side.

Su Xun drove all the way to the company.

Fortune teller belongs to fortune teller, and the class still has to go on.

"Hello, Mr. Su."

"Hello, Mr. Su."

Walking into the company, along the way, everyone took the initiative to stop and say hello.

Instead of going to his office, he walked into Liao Yu's.

When he found out that Liao Yu was not there, he should have gone out to work. Su Xun wandered around inside.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a pot of green plants on Liao Yu's desk, and he had a wonderful idea.

His identity has only one psychic ability.

All things have spirits. Does that mean that not only ghosts but also plants and animals can communicate?

When he thought about it, Su Xun put one hand on the green plant and used his psychic ability.

Then a picture appeared in his mind, all of which were the perspective of the green plants.

He saw Liao Yu working in the office, sleeping on his desk and secretly knitting a sweater in the office.

Even we can see where the green plants grow, where they are transported from, and where they are bought.

Obviously, he shared the memory and perspective of this green plant.

If it wasn't for plants that couldn't talk, they might be able to make a bottle of Erguotou and a plate of peanuts to talk about life together.

After reading all the memories of this green plant, Su xunsing opened his hand.

His face was expressionless, then he began to raise the corners of his mouth, then he couldn't help laughing, and finally the laughter became rampant.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

He said that the system gave him the identity of a fortune teller, but it didn't give him the ability of fortune telling. What's the matter? Isn't it his mentality?

With this psychic plug-in, coupled with his scientific fortune telling method, invincible!

If it wasn't for seven days, he would not have finished the identity task all his life.

Then you can go all the way to the white, whoring this psychic ability (', · Omega ·,').

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