"What are you laughing at? I heard it at the door

Liao Yu came in and looked at Su Xun with a puzzled face. He didn't understand what made him so happy.

Su Xun restrained his wild smile, looked back at Liao Yu and said, "I didn't expect you to knit sweaters for me in the office. Can't I be happy if you treat me so well?"

"How do you know?" Liao Yu's face was puzzled, and then he thought of something. Suddenly, his pretty face turned red, and he scolded: "change, state."

Su Xun:

How can I suddenly change my state?

Liao Yu stared at him with shame and anger: "are you installing surveillance in my office? Remove it immediately."

Otherwise, she couldn't imagine how susian knew about her knitting in the office.

What's more, she knows that some rich people, the second generation of rich people, have such strange hobbies.

So she doubted for the first time whether Su Xun had installed a monitor in his office and had been stealing and peeping into his daily life.

Although she had never done anything shameful in the office, she felt uncomfortable at the thought that she was watching Su Xun all day.

Su Xun couldn't laugh or cry: "what do you think? Am I the one who can do such a thing?"

"Yes." Liao Yu nodded and answered him in a positive tone.

Su Xun

Well, there's no love.

Finally, after Su Xun's re certification and Liao Yu's detailed inspection, he believes that there is really no monitor installed in his office.

Then the situation had to be reversed. It was time for Liao Yu to coax Su Xun.

"Well, it's not good if they are wrong. It's because they misunderstood you. It's not good if I apologize."

Liao Yu looked at Su Xun with a pathetic look. She was really charming. Few men could be angry when they faced such a situation.

But Su Xun is not an ordinary man!

As the saying goes, every man has a goddess who wants to sleep.

Although Su Xun is not so exaggerating, he has had a good time with Liao Yu. The lethality of Liao Yu's coquetry has been greatly reduced in front of him.

"Well, what do you want?"

Liao Yu came up to Su Xun face to face and breathed out like orchids. Their lips almost stuck together.

The atmosphere began to turn pink.

In the office, Su Xun hasn't tried. He's ready to move.

"Ding Ding..."

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Take out to see, is an Son Jin of, Su Xun quickly connected: "Hello, Son Jin."

Hearing that an Zijin was calling, Liao Yu released Su Xun and knew that today would be the end.

"My mother asked you to come to my house for lunch. We have guests."

"Where's your father?" Su Xun felt inexplicable guilty in the face of Annan's day, because he bumped into his intimacy with an Zijin several times.

Let Su Xun all have some doubts, this guy is to stare at oneself every day, every time see oneself take advantage of Son Jin of an to jump out.

An Zijin some witty said: "my father is sharpening a knife."

"Gulu ~" Su Xun swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

An Son Jin puffs to hiss a smile: "he whets a knife to prepare to personally commit suicide, a pheasant entertains you."

"Hu ~" Su Xun was relieved and flattered: "Uncle an is so polite. I'm flattered."

"Hee hee, but it's also possible that he killed a chicken just to show you. He made an example to others." Anzijin voice falls, hang up the phone.

Su Xun

Make an example of others?

This goblin is becoming more and more mischievous. It's necessary to take time to educate her.

The more you can't get it, the more greedy it is. An Zijin can always tease Su Xun with a few words. He feels like a fire in his heart.

But Ann Son Jin let see don't let touch, so this fire can only scatter on Liao Yu's body every time.

Liao Yu: it's too difficult for me. In the end, I'm the one to carry everything.

Su Xun held Liao Yu's slender hand: "honey, let's continue."

"Bah." Liao Yu spat and said, "I don't know. If you can push miss an yourself, you will bully me."

Su Xun didn't speak. He just held Liao Yu's hand.

Seeing this, Liao Yu was a little flustered. He thought Su Xun was angry. He quickly said, "brother, don't think about it. I really don't mean anything else. Now I'm satisfied. I promise you. I promise you anything you want to do."

As she said this, she would take her hand back to untie her clothes.

"Don't move." Su Xun called out.

Liao Yu's delicate body trembled, so he let Su Xun hold his little hand, obedient and motionless.

Su Xun was thinking about one thing. He was psychic. Everything had a spirit. He could use it for plants and animals, even for ghosts.What about people?

From the nature of biology, man is also an animal. In this case, can channeling also be used for human beings?

Su Xun took Liao Yu's hand and began to experiment. He used his psychic ability, and then the fragments of Liao Yu's life began to pass in his mind.

Su Xun saw all her memories from her memory to now.

He was so excited that he could read other people's memories. Everyone would have no secrets in front of him.

How incredible is this ability?

He su someone, is the earth ol this game official open hang player!

"Xiaoyu, I love you so much."

Su Xun hugged Liao Yu and went to the sofa with her. He felt that this woman was really a mong Fu.

You have to be rewarded!

Seeing that Su Xun was not angry, Liao Yu finally put his heart back in his stomach, regardless of whether it was an office.

For her, as long as Sushen is happy, he is happy, he is happy.


It's eleven thirty at noon.

Su Xun drives to school to pick up an Zijin, and they rush to Su's home together. As soon as

got on the train, Ann Zi Jin sniffed his nose and then took out his perfume and spray it on Su Su's body.

"What are you doing?" Su Xun asked.

anzijin turned a blind eye: "I only use this perfume, if my parents smell other women's perfume on you, do you think you explain it clearly?"

She felt that a woman who thought about her husband like herself had disappeared.

"Good wife of the people." Su Xun praised, and then quickly changed the topic: "who came to your house today? Uncle an would invite me to your house for dinner."

Annan Tian never invited him to his home. It can be imagined how malicious he was to his future son-in-law.

"My grandfather came back this year to worship me," he said

"Oh, it's uncle." Su Xun is very familiar. Isn't an Zijin's uncle his own?

An Zijin looks at him with a smile: "husband, I like your shameless appearance."

"What do you call me?" Su Xun stared at her with a smile.

"Old..." An Son Jin subconscious of want to blurt out, then suddenly react to come over, pretty face blush.

In the past, Su Xun asked her to call her husband, but she couldn't shout out. Unexpectedly, today she called out.

Su xunzhun said with a smile: "this is a natural relationship, wife, do you know how to cut?"

"Well, hum!" An goblin quite proud of the hum a, is the default of this statement.

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