"Give me back my cell phone right away!"

Li Hua was angry, flustered and anxious. Even his voice was raised by several decibels, with a strong momentum.

He suspected that Su Xun was deliberately making fun of him.

But how did Su Xun know his file password?

"What's going on! Li Hua, are you hiding something from us? "

After all, from Li Hua's state, we can see that the things in his mobile phone are very bad for him.

Moreover, there is no light.

Li Hua was sweating: "uncle, no, absolutely not..."

"Yes, uncle, you can see for yourself." Su Xun interrupted him and left his cell phone to annanfei.

Annan took a look at it, his face turned black, and his breath was very short because of his anger.

Annan Tian and others are also curious to get together in the past, this look, are out of breath.

Ann son this just Jin suddenly realizes, no wonder Su Xun wants to borrow a mobile phone, but how does Su Xun know?

Anyou is undoubtedly the most angry. He gets up and walks up to Li Hua.

"Yo Yo, listen to me..." Li Hua thinks he can save it again.


Anyou slapped him directly, which was equivalent to pulling out his oxygen tube and biting his silver teeth and swearing: "you are shameless! Disgusting. I thought you were a real gentleman and didn't touch me all the time. I didn't expect that you were such rubbish and disgusting

Scolding, she felt aggrieved, not only cheated feelings, even lost face, and then burst into tears into her mother's arms.

"How ridiculous! How ridiculous! Get out of here! Go away

Annam flies to grab the tea cup of the table directly to smash in the past, hysterical roar a way, almost angry in front of the eyes black, direct fainting.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party hadn't caused any actual loss to his daughter, he would never let him go.

Li Hua let the teacup fall on his head. He was in a trance. After such a long plan, he ended up like this.

He looked at Su Xun, his eyes suddenly turned red, and his heart was furious.

If it wasn't for this guy, how could it be known by the people who settled down.

The more you think about it, the more angry you are. The more you think about it, the more you lose.

"Grass Mud Horse! I'll kill you! "

Li Hua scolded angrily and rushed to Su Xun with his fist.

"Oh, be careful!"

Seeing this, everyone in the living room was shocked.

Looking at Li Hua, Su Xun's eyes flashed a touch of contempt. He stood in the same place and didn't hide. He directly kicked him.

Whenever you hide, you overestimate Li Hua.


Li Hua's body flies upside down, and then a scream, heavy hit on the ground.

All the people were confused. They didn't expect that Su Xun had such strong fighting power.

"Uncle an, I'll throw this rubbish out first, so as not to affect our appetite for dinner with the bad smell he sends out later."

Su Xun said a word to Annan Tian, then bent down to pick up Li Hua on the ground and walked out of the living room with a dead dog.

When he came to the door of the villa, Su Xun threw it on the ground.


Li Hua screamed again. He stood up and stared at Su Xun.

Su Xun just showed a pure and harmless smile: "I did it on purpose. Am I angry?"

"No way!" Li Hua gritted his teeth and said that Su Xun couldn't know the password he set. It must be just a coincidence.

The smile on Su Xun's face became more and more brilliant. He took out his mobile phone and shook it: "see? There is more than half of the power left. As for why I know this and know the code, I just don't tell you, so I ask you, "are you angry?"

"Ah! Go to hell Li Hua couldn't help it. He roared and rushed up again.


Then he flew out again_ ←。

He wanted to get up again, but this time he was trampled back by Su Xun.

Su Xun stepped on him with one foot, looked down at him, and said faintly, "what's the idea of hitting my woman? Don't pee. Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you deserve it? "

"By the way, as for the Qingyun international you said, I am very familiar with it."

Voice down, Su Yun will throw a business card in his face, and then turn away.

Li Hua took down the card on his face with a ferocious face. At any glance, his ferocious expression became stiff.

On the business card, there are several golden words: "Su Xun, chairman of Qingyun group".

Li Hua's face gradually turned pale, the idea of revenge disappeared without a trace, leaving only fear.

At last, he took a look at the villa. Like a wild dog, he got up and ran away.Why did he mention that his family had cooperation with Qingyun international?

Because he knows that Qingyun international is very good.

Even his so-called cooperation was a contract that his father begged his grandfather and grandmother to find countless ways to get.

So he is very clear what the chairman of Qingyun group represents, which means that he can be easily killed.

As long as you're not stupid enough to know, you can only break your teeth and swallow them.


When Su Xun walked into the living room again, Anyou had stopped crying, but his eyes were slightly red.

"Uncle an, uncle, that guy has been driven away by me. I won't dare to pester cousin youyou any more."

With a smile on his face, Su Xun said in a calm voice, without any intention of asking for credit.

Annam day just not salty um.

Annan Fei is a face of shame: "trouble you, today is to let you see a joke."

"I have long said that Li Hua is not a serious man." Zhou Mei said indignantly.

Anyou wiped his tears, got up and said to Su Xun, "thank you."

"You're welcome. You're Zijin's cousin. Naturally, you're also my cousin. It's what I should do."

While Su Xun was talking, he was also looking at an youyou. His appearance was similar to an Zijin's, and his figure was slightly inferior, but he was also a beautiful woman.

She is wearing a pair of jeans hot pants, a pair of long legs, unbridled in the air exudes the breath of youth.

But Su Xun was not interested in her. After all, she was an Zijin's cousin.

Even more excited about the identity of mom.

All right, make a joke, this woman he absolutely can't touch, otherwise an Zijin definitely will explode hair.

He knows that.

Because of what happened to Li Hua, the atmosphere of the next lunch was not very enthusiastic and hasty.

After dinner, Su Xun leaves. As a girlfriend, an Zijin puts forward to send him away.

"How did you find out?"

Just go out, an Zi Jin can't wait to ask the doubt in the heart.

"I can count." Su Xun replied.

An Zi Jin's amorous feelings turn a white eye: "I believe you a ghost."

"I'm going to look for ghosts tonight. Are you going?" Su Xun took a word casually.

An Son Jin takes to all ignore him, waved a hand, then directly turned round to enter the villa.

Su Xun sighed helplessly. I really want to find a ghost tonight. How can I tell the truth that no one believes me?

I got the ability of channeling. I don't communicate with ghosts. I always feel that it's not perfect.

So he wants to find a ghost to communicate with tonight.

After all, involving ghosts, this is really within the scope of metaphysics.

So Su Xun was a little excited about tonight's action.

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