At half past ten in Lingyun.

At night, Yunling appears more prosperous under the cover of neon lights, with people coming and going on the streets.

In the sea view villa, Yan Yurou's mood is still wrapped by a touch of sadness.

With a mobile phone in hand, I brush my micro blog absently, but my eyes are not focused on the screen.

All of a sudden, she accidentally saw a post, which was Zhang Jianfa's.

The magic calculation under the overpass in Dongcheng District of Jiangnan City! 》

Yan Yurou smiles. If only there was such a God, then she could ask him to help figure out where the uncle is.

Casually click Open post, looking at her face smile gradually convergence, become serious.

Because she found that this post was very real, and there were several IDS in the comment area below.

Then she searched the Internet again and found that there were dozens of similar posts today, all about the same thing.


Yan Yurou looked at the information of these people one by one. She didn't feel like she was hyping for the God stick.

Maybe that master really has this ability?

Yan Yurou thinks that whether it's true or not, it's better to go to Jiangnan City in person than to sit at home and wait to die.

If that master is a fake, it's no big deal to travel to Jiangnan City for relaxation.

As soon as she thought about it, she began to pack up and prepare for a direct flight to Jiangnan City tomorrow.


On the other side, Jiangnan City.

Yan Yurou's uncle, Su, is taking his bodyguard to the cemetery in the suburbs.

Ah long and ah Hu are puzzled about this. They can't figure out what their boss wants to do if he doesn't enjoy the service of the maid's little sister in the manor at night.

Su Xun didn't explain this, because he didn't have to explain it to them.

After arriving at the destination, let the bodyguards keep a distance from themselves, follow them from a distance, and make sure they can see themselves.

Su Xun began to run about in the cemetery.

He really wanted to knock on every tablet and ask, "is there a ghost at home?"

However, considering the impoliteness of this behavior, I didn't do it in the end.

After all, at such a big night, people may have gone to bed (⁎⚈᷀᷁ᴗ⚈᷀᷁⁎).

Suddenly, Su Xun saw a red figure squatting on the ground not far away, crying in a shrill voice.

This horse stepping is a classic scene in which a scholar meets a female ghost!

Besides ghosts, who else will come to this kind of place?

Obviously, he forgot himself.

Su Xun looked back at the bodyguards not far behind him.

There was no difference between them. It was obvious that only he could see the figure.

To sum up, that special is not human!

Su Xun pursed his lips and walked to the figure: "girl, I don't know what makes you so sad. It's better to say it to make me happy."

A man with a hook is so arrogant.

The figure in red who was crying stopped crying in a moment, and the corners of his mouth were still twitching.

Listen, is this guy talking human?

She decided that she had to frighten this guy severely tonight, otherwise it would be hard to get rid of her hatred.

At this time, Su Xun said: "girl, if I guess correctly, are you a ghost?"

"Yes, aren't you afraid?" Qin Zhu turned around and looked at Su Xun in a very gloomy and strange tone.

Hiss -

Su Xun took a cold breath.

Because this face is too beautiful, coupled with an unnatural pale, let her have a kind of disease feeling, more attractive.

"Qin Su got up and said," are you still afraid of me

"I'm afraid." Su Xun nodded.

The smile on Qin Zhu's face is more brilliant.

Su Xun took out his mobile phone and began to take pictures of himself. He said, "I'm afraid you'll run away. Take a picture first."

“…………” The proud smile on Qin Zhu's face began to harden.

She was furious, ah! Aunt, I'm a ghost now! Ghostly and terrifying ghost!

Can you give me some basic respect, even if you pretend to be scared and crying!

Qin Zhu bit his silver teeth and asked, "what do you want to do?"

After so many years of death, it was the first time that she met such an arrogant living person.

"I want to support you." Su Xun said his purpose, cats and dogs are weak explosion, catch a female ghost as a pet is a man's job.

Qin zhusong took two steps back and looked at him disgustedly: "do you want to be Ning caichen?"

This bastard is not afraid of me, even if he still wants to get on me, how can he be!As we all know, Ning caichen, a friend of life and death, and Xu Hanwen, a wild hero, are not human beings.

Su Xun

You really misunderstand me. I just want to have a pet to do research.

Su Xun took Qin Zhu's hand and used his psychic ability.

"What are you doing? Let me go. Is there a ghost? Someone's playing tricks."

Qin Zhu is going to collapse. How can the situation be completely reversed? 〒_ "

at this time, Su Xun's face did not fluctuate, and his voice was calm:" your name is Qin Zhu, who died in a cliff falling event three years ago. It was your best friend who pushed you down the cliff. After you died, your soul did not disperse, and you wanted to revenge, but you found that the other person had a peace blessing that could ward off evil spirits, so you could not get close to him at all, right? "

"You How do you know? " Qin Zhu was shocked and looked at Su Xun incredulously.

She can be sure she doesn't know the person at all.

What's more, even if he can find out what happened when he fell off the cliff, how can he know what happened after he died?

Su Xun took back his hand and stood up with a smile: "as long as I want to, there is nothing I don't know."

Moonlight on him, full of force.

"Can you avenge me?" Qin Zhu asked excitedly, thinking about the bitch who pushed herself down the mountain. She was gnashing her teeth.

Su Xun sneered: "why not?"

"As long as you help me revenge, I will be your ghost in the future. I will admit that you want to be Ning caichen!" Qin Zhu said firmly.

"Ning caichen is OK. I've been afraid of the cold since I was a child, and I'm not happy." Su Xun took a look at her concave and convex body, and then said a word from the bottom of his heart.

This woman's hands were so cold. No matter how beautiful she was or how good she was, Su Xun was not interested.

Qin Zhu

Miss Ben is ready to give her life, you said you are afraid of cold!!!

"Boss, you Are you ok? "

Not far away, a long yelled, because watching his boss talking to the air there, he was a little afraid.


Su Xun replied, and then touched Qin Zhu's head: "let's go, Xiao Zhu."

Qin Zhu's mouth twitches. Brother, you really take me as a pet!

Su Xun was in a good mood. After all, he didn't go home empty handed tonight.

Unfortunately, he learned from Qin Zhu's memory that she had never met any other ghosts in the past three years after her death.

It seems that it's not easy to be a human being, and it's hard to think of ghosts after death.

However, thinking of Qin Zhu's best friend's peace blessing, Su Xun felt that the world began to become interesting.

For the man who opens the door, the wonderful world is interesting enough.

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