"Tut Tut, the evil capitalist."

"Well, can you stand so many maids at night? No wonder you can see me at a glance. It turns out that my kidney is bad. "

"Wow, there are so many delicious things. Wuwuwu, people really like it here."

In Yuliang mountain manor, the maid in the villa had been called out by Su Xun. Qin Zhu was as surprised as the local steamed stuffed bun.

"Can you shut your mouth?"

Su Xun was a little annoyed and said that three women together were like a group of ducks.

He thinks that this female ghost is like a group of ducks.

Qin Zhu flew directly to his arms, wrapped him around, and rubbed his head on his arm like a pet: "Wuwuwuwu, master, did Xiaozhu make you angry?"

Looking for a bully president to support herself, she feels that this wave is not a loss.

"Get out of here. I'll sleep anywhere tonight." Su Xun threw her out, then got up and went upstairs.

The advantage of keeping her as a pet is that you don't have to worry about taking her to a pet hospital.

As long as play does not die, play to death.

"Wow, Kaka, I didn't expect Miss ben to live in a luxury house one day. What's wrong with being a pet? I'd like to. Wow, Kaka..."

In the living room, Qin Zhu was floating around, and he was laughing like a pig.

Only susian could hear the laughter. In other people's ears, there was the sound of wind blowing.


In the morning, Su Xun was having breakfast.

"Have you ever seen a pet eat at the same table as its owner?" Su Xun looked at Qin Zhu, who was smelling the smell.

Ghosts can't eat anything, they can only smell it. After smelling it, it is equivalent to eating it. The original food will become tasteless.

Qin Bamboo head did not lift back a: "I am not the same, I am a capable pet."

Su Xun

Is this competent and serious?

After dinner, Su Xun changed into his fortune telling suit and went out with his pet.

"What are you doing with fortune telling when you are so rich?"

Qin Zhu couldn't understand it. Is this the so-called evil taste of the rich?

"Hobbies, all right? Shut up

As the voice dropped, Su Xun stepped on the accelerator and sped up the car.

My little pet is not afraid of the sun and can move in the daytime, which is not in line with the setting of ghosts!

Meanwhile, under the overpass in Dongcheng District.

It's early tomorrow, but it's full of people.

Most of them were onlookers yesterday, and some came to verify the rumors on the Internet.

"Lao Liu, it's early!"

"Ha ha, it's not early. I spread a newspaper last night and I slept here."

“………… Bull

Li Yang looked on coldly and looked at the group of people chatting about the master. His eyes were a little disdainful.

There are no so-called masters in the world. They are just some swindlers.

Today, let me debunk you.

"Here comes the master!"

Suddenly, I don't know who exclaimed.

All of them followed the reputation. Su Xun, who was dressed in black, came over. Behind him, two people were carrying a table.

"Good master."

"Good morning, master."

"Master, you must count for me today!"

Li Yang looked at the so-called master, and his disdain became more intense.

It's just a little boy who can fool so many people around. It seems that these people are really worried about their IQ.

Sure enough, there are still a few smart people like myself in this world.

Soon, things were arranged. Susian sat behind the table and began to install a magic wand.

"Master, count me first, I came first."

"Fart, I slept here yesterday."

"Give me first..."

A group of people crowded up, swearing as if they could fight at any time, the scene was chaotic.

Li Yang was a little confused because he was pushed to the front.

"What do you mean, sir?"

Su Xun looked at Li Yang and asked.

The noisy crowd became quiet for a moment, and then they realized that they were fighting so hard there that they had been exploited.

Li Yang in a short period of muddled force after a quick reaction, it seems that God really want me to expose this liar.

Otherwise, how can I become the first person?

Thinking of this, he flashed a cold light in his eyes. Looking at Su Xun, he said, "I don't want to count today's affairs or future's affairs. I just want you to count my past affairs. Can you?"Everyone knows that this guy is here to find fault. Otherwise, how can he waste this opportunity to count what has happened?

It's not the future, because you can't be sure whether the other person's work out is true or not.

But in the past, as long as the other party is a liar, then I must know.

"If you make trouble like this, you will get retribution, and my rule is to count only that day." Su Xun said with a smile.

Li Yang disdained: "master, it can't be that you can't figure it out at all."

"Well, since you are not afraid of retribution, what if I help you to do a divination?" Su Xun sighed. He really wanted to report the other party.

Let him count the future. He's not sure.

Let him count the day, he still has to cheat.

But let him count before, this is not to give the head, what is it?

Li Yang read Su Xun's rules on the Internet. Needless to say, he handed them up and wrote the eight characters of his birthday.

Su Xun took his hand and pretended to touch the bone to use his psychic ability. Then he began to come slowly: "Li Yang, born in..."

With Su Xun's telling, the expression on Li Yang's face changed from a sneer at the beginning to disapproval, then to shock, and then to muddle.

"Am I right?" Su Xun took back his hand and looked at Li Yang with a smile on his face.

Li Yang's face was unbelievable: "how can it be, how can it be unscientific, how can it be to step on a horse?"


Seeing this scene, everyone knew that Su Xun was right. He was in an uproar immediately and firmly believed that Su Xun was an expert.

"False!" Li Yang never believed that anyone could tell fortune. Looking at Su Xun, he said, "did you find someone to investigate first? It must be like this, it must be!"

"Mr. Li, if you have nothing to do, you can go. Remember what I said. If you deliberately make trouble for people, you will get retribution." Su Xun began to rush people, but he was not interested in talking more nonsense with him.

Li Yang sneered: "retribution? I don't believe in retribution

As the voice fell, he turned and left. Sanguan was shocked and his mind was a little confused. He wanted to go back and talk about it later.


As soon as he turned around, he fell to the ground with a plop, and his nosebleed came out.

Qin Zhu snorted and took back his little foot.

"Coincidence, it must be coincidence!" Li Yang wiped his nose and went on.

Qin Bamboo stretches his feet.


Li Yang fell down again.

Li Yang persevered and got up again.


Then it fell again and again, four times in a row.

The onlookers around him had already distanced themselves from him, fearing that this guy would be implicated when he was struck by thunder.

"This is retribution!" I don't know who murmured to himself, but others agreed.

Li Yang was about to cry. For the fifth time, he stood up trembling. His legs were shaking and his face was pale.

This time, he didn't dare to go out, but ran to Su Xun and cried with tears: "master, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, help me, if it goes on like this, I'll be killed sooner or later."

Su Xun gave Qin Zhu a look of appreciation.

Human retribution is the most fatal (· ́ὤ· ̀).

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