"It should be noted that there is a God in the first three feet. If you commit a crime for the first time, you should be punished and admonished. Go away."

Li said, looking at his own clothes, he can't count.

He has gradually lost himself (͔̆ω̆) ͕.

"Yes, thank you, master. Thank you, master. I'll go now. I'll go right away."

Li Yang was so grateful that he turned around and took a step carefully. He was relieved after he didn't fall down.

As soon as he was ready to take the second step, he thought of something. He stopped, looked back at Su Xun, and asked in fear: "how dare you ask the name of the master?"

"Why, are you ready to write down your name and come back to me for trouble?" Su Xun browed and looked at him with a smile.

Li Yang's face changed greatly, and he waved his hand again and again: "no, master, I misunderstood. I have no such idea."

He was going to tear down Su Xun as his own news material.

Now he has a deep belief in it, and plans to spread it as material.

"Su." Su Xun said two words lightly.

Everyone secretly wrote down the surname.

"Master Su, I'll leave first." Li Yang turned around and ran. Now he was afraid of Su Xun.

After Li Yang left, other people rushed up in an instant.

After all, Su Xun said that he only counted two people a day, and now it was the last quota. Everyone wanted to fall on himself.

"I came first. Don't squeeze. I came first."

"Shit, what? You came first. I'm in front of you."

"God forbid, which dog says pinch my Naizi!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, it seemed that there might be a fight at any time. Su Xun had to stop it.

"Calm down, everyone. You are too enthusiastic. In that case, let me choose a person who is predestined for you."

Well, the one I chose is the one who is predestined. No problem. I said that whoever is predestined will be predestined.

After hearing this, the noisy crowd suddenly quieted down and stared at Su Xun in a worried mood.

Su Xun's eyes swept through the crowd, and finally fell on a lovely looking woman with a small ball. He said with a smile, "Miss, please come forward."

"I Me The woman at the head of the ball is still a little unbelievable. She has a pair of big eyes.

The rest of the people were howling.

Meatball came to Su Xun from the crowd, and said shyly: "master Su, I want to count, I How can I find the right person today

"Give me your hand and tell me the standard of the person in your heart." Su Xun took the ball's hand and began to play tricks.

Isn't it just about assigning boyfriends? What's so hard? I'm in charge of your love!

Meatball pondered for a moment, then said: "to be tall, manly, handsome, well - loving, filial piety, that's all."

Sue Xun, after listening, hit it, hit it. Girl, you are really easy to be satisfied.

It seems that every bodyguard under me meets the standard of your favorite.

"Keep going east, and you'll meet the right one." Su Xun looked at the ball and said.

"Is that true? Thank you, master su

"Go ahead." When he was a month old, Su Xun's face showed his aunt's smile.

The head of the ball nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and then trotted to the East.

In a business car at the East intersection.

There is a screen in the business car, which shows the scene in front of Su Xun's eyes.

Because the camera is on the button of suthen's suit.

alon put down his headset, took out perfume, sprayed it, took out a mirror and took a picture, then prepared to get off to meet his love.

"Big brother, what are you doing? They say you are tall, but they say I am."

He pulled AHU out of the car and gave him a confident smile.

"Do you still have my big brother in your eyes? Is it easy for me? After being single for so many years, can't I find you a sister-in-law first

Ah long's face sank and he suppressed ah Hu as an elder.

Brotherhood, unless it's because of women.

Ah Hu turned around and looked at his elder brother seriously: "you are the elder brother. You let me grow up. Now you have to let me too."

"You also know that I let you grow up, this time you can't let big brother once, I have to hand, roll, cocoon ah!" Ah long said earnestly, raising his calloused right hand.

A Hu's face changed: "brother, do you want to fight with me for a woman?"

"This is your sister-in-law." Ah long is tough and never flinches.AHU did not give in: "brother, that's your sister-in-law."

Then they had a fight in the car.

The other bodyguards were stunned.

Crouching trough, this is the legendary love of the public, dogs, six relatives do not recognize it?

A few minutes later, a-long got out of the car and stood in front of a coffee shop waiting for his love to come.

Looking at the closed door, he sneered, your elder brother is your elder brother after all.

Three minutes later.

The ball head looks at in front of the black and blue face of a long, she is a little bit muddled force, this is a little different from his imagination of the real one.


Su Xun cleaned up the stall and drove his pet Qin Zhu away.

"When will you avenge me?" On the co pilot, Qin Zhu was holding a packet of potato chips and a pair of white legs on the bridge.

By the side of the road, a bear boy just saw this scene, and was so surprised that all the ice cream fell on the ground, potato chips I can fly.

Su Xun touched Qin Zhu's leg and asked curiously, "shouldn't ghosts have no entity? Why are you no different from people except your body temperature? "

This is a point that he can't figure out.

Qin Bamboo is no different from living people except that it can be invisible, cool and can't eat.

It's not in line with the setting of ghost!

"How do I know? I haven't seen any other ghosts. I always thought ghosts were like me. " Qin Zhu said carelessly that he didn't care about being taken advantage of by Su Xun. Pets have to look like pets.

Now she has been corrupted by the vicious capitalist life, and she likes the feeling of being supported by the overbearing President too much.

In a word, it's much more comfortable than living alone in a cemetery.

Su Xun asked again, "I'm curious. Can you still have children?"

"You try." Qin Zhu looked at him with a smile and gave him a potato chip.

Su Xun rolled his eyes: "I'm afraid of cold."

Qin Zhu turned his lips and jumped over this unhealthy topic. He ground Su Xun's arm with a cold 32D, and said, "master, when are you going to avenge someone?"

"Now." Su Xun faintly spits out two words, even if you have 32D, he su someone is not in a hurry, he will never play tricks!

Qin Zhu responded that the direction of the car was her best friend's house.

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