In this way, Su Xun became the president of the dawn society.

The next two days will be the handover of power, and by the way, the change of president will be announced within the dawning meeting.

They all know that the dawn of their members will be more powerful.

Today is the first high-level internal meeting hosted by Su Xun since he took over the post of president of Dawning society.

The topic is about the future direction of dawning.

"Do you know why my accomplishments break through so fast?"

Su Xun asked a question.

"Talent." Zhou Qiushui is a rare woman. She is a good supporter.

And it's a teaser. It's stuffy and coquettish. Can you believe she's wearing black silk under her ancient clothes?

"Talent is just one of them."

Su Xun's voice fell, his eyes swept the crowd, and he wrote three words on the whiteboard behind him.

"The vast sea."

This made Su Xun find the feeling he had when he was organizing a meeting in the company.

"The vast sea?"

Everyone frowned.

Su Xun said: "yes, my accomplishments have been improved so fast. Besides my own talent, the most important thing is because of the vast world."

"I was once transported as a slave to the world of the vast sea, and then I escaped by chance. The world of the vast sea is more abundant in resources, countless kinds of adventures and monuments, and more abundant in aura. I have been practicing in the world of the vast sea all these years."

No wonder they had never heard of him before. It turned out that they had only recently returned to gai Yaxing.

No wonder he practiced so fast. He had been practicing in the cradle of the monk in the vast sea.

Everyone had guessed Su Xun's plan.

For a moment, everyone became excited.

Yes, they had fallen into a complete misunderstanding before.

Why does resistance have to be on Gaia?

The main reason is that no one dares to run to the enemy's home to do something, because the risk is too great.

It's not easy for these people to be exposed to their daily habits overnight.

Once exposed, it is a dead end, in the vast world can be really called every day not working.

So nobody thought about it at all.

"Not all monks in Haohai world agree to enslave us. For example, Xiao Yun, the new leader of Changsheng clan, is my good friend and has been helping me. With him, we can open up a struggle route behind the enemy."

Well, my friend is my own series.

People are more ready to move.

Wen Yan is still very calm: "can't all people go, must have someone to stay here to preside over the overall situation, Yao Kun and I stay."

"I..." Yao Kun was not happy, but agreed for the overall situation: "good."

The eight elders were also unpredictable. Several of them offered to stay, and the rest of them raised their hands and asked to stay.

Su Xun said with a smile, "it doesn't have to be like this. It's the same everywhere. It's dangerous to go to the vast sea. We will send back some resources regularly."

Hearing this, the smile on Yao Kun's face could not be concealed, and Wen Yan was also inexplicably relieved.

After all, no one wants to give up the chance to become stronger.

At this time of chaos, only strength is eternal and fundamental.

The tune was finally set.

Select loyal and trustworthy members from four Tangkou, Zhou Qiushui and four other elders to follow Su Xun to Haohai kingdom.

Su Xun left a lot of resources for Wen Yan to develop dawning club.

For Wen Yan, who is willing to give up the leader's identity for the overall situation, Su Xun still believes it.

In this way, five days later, Su Xun set out with the team. The first group, a total of 40 people.

"I'll go back to Haohai first, and then I'll ask Xiao Yun, the leader of changshengzong, to pick you up. You can pretend to be the disciple of changshengzhong and follow him."

Su Xun ordered Zhou Qiushui and others.

Because from Gaia star into the vast sea, all more than three people have to accept the inspection.

The purpose of nature is to prevent gaiyasing monks from running to the vast sea in large quantities.

Zhou Qiushui and others nodded to show understanding.

Then Su Xun flew away and found a place to exchange Xiao Yun's face with the disguise.

After a while, he flew back.

Seeing a stranger appear, Zhou Qiushui and others are on guard one after another.

"Who is Miss Zhou Qiushui? I'm Xiao Yun, the leader of the eternal family. "

Su Xun pretended not to know Zhou Qiushui.

Zhou Qiushui's eyes brightened: "leader Xiao, I am Zhou Qiushui."

"Well." Xiao Yun (Su Xun) nodded, and then took out a group of jade plates for the identity of the inner disciples of Changsheng sect.Fill changshengzong with the power of Dawning society, let the two forces develop independently, but mix with each other.

This is one of Su Xun's purposes.

Then Xiao Yun (Su Xun) took Zhou Qiushui and others to Haohai through the two boundary channels.

In order to avoid exposing their identity, Bi Ya Xing and others did not speak.

"In the future, you will be my inner disciples of changshengzong. Try not to expose your identity in the middle school. I have already told brother Su about this."

"When brother Su is away, you can come to me if you have anything to do."

After returning to changshengzong, Xiao Yun (Su Xun) said to Zhou Qiushui and others.

"Thank you, leader Xiao..." Zhou Qiushui. Speaking of the half, he suddenly responded and quickly changed his words: "thank you, patriarch."

"Yes, just get used to it earlier." Xiao Yun (Su Xun) smiles, and then arranges accommodation for them.

Naturally, they are allowed to live together with the disciples of changshengzong, which is conducive to enhancing their feelings and transforming the thoughts of the disciples of changshengzong.

As long as in changshengzong, even if they accidentally exposed their identity, there is no danger.

In this way, the first group of Dawning people successfully entered changshengzong.

Then Su Xun announced the closure of Taiyi.

The gate of changshengzong mountain was closed. In his heart, he was not only worried but also excited. He was looking forward to Su Xun's success.


Ten days later.

The edge of Wanyao mountain.

Nanzhao City, Lin family.

Lin Hao finally came back alive. The protagonist is the protagonist. With his poor quality, he has become a monk in the middle of refining Qi.

Presumably, with his full luck, there must be some dangerous adventure on the road.

"Open the door! Open the door

Lin Hao smashes the door of the Lin family. He can't wait to save his sister.

Not long, accompanied by a sound of some teeth friction, the next door opened.

Two servants came out.

"Where's the smelly beggar? He's looking for death, isn't he? Roll, roll, roll. "

See a ragged hair messy Lin Hao, two people impatient drive.

"Presumptuous, it's me, Lin Hao, the young master of the Lin family!"

The two servants were stunned, looked at him carefully, and then laughed at him.

"Oh! It's really our young master. You're not as good as a beggar. I didn't expect you could come back alive. It's a big life. "

"Didn't you go to seek immortality? Well, I know that no one wants you to have such a bad qualification. In the end, you have to come back for free. "

This looks like the standard villain's Dragon suit in the novel. Well, it has an inner flavor.

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