
A slap in the face.

The two servants were stiff for a moment and felt the burning pain on their faces. After a while, they responded: "you How dare you hit us? "

This trash, this trash who was dishonored by his fiancee, dare to beat them?!

"You are just two dogs of my Lin family. How dare you bark at your master?"

After becoming a monk, Lin Hao became strong because he no longer needed to endure.

In such a small place as Nanzhao, the highest cultivation city leader is the peak of Qi cultivation.

He refined the cultivation of Qi in the middle stage. In the Lin family, he no longer needed to look at anyone's face.

After all, it is impossible to be stuck in the middle of refining and transforming Qi all one's life.

"You want to die!"

Two servants are used to bullying Lin Hao. Now they are beaten by him, which is regarded as a great shame. With a roar, they rush at Lin Hao.

"It's you who are looking for death!"

Lin Hao cold spit out a few words, direct neat punch, and then a foot.

"Ah! Puff - "

the two bodies flew upside down in an instant, accompanied by a scream and spitting blood.

Lin Hao no longer pays attention to them. He strides into the yard and goes to the side yard on the left.

After his parents died one after another, he, the successor of the Lin family, was found to have no talent for cultivation. Naturally, he was deprived of the right of inheritance, and then he was divorced.

Let him in the family status fell to the bottom, she and her sister Lin Wanrou, also was rushed to a most partial most broken yard to live.

"Go Go and tell the second lady that this son of a bitch dares to beat us and never let him go. "

"Yes, it's the opposite."

Ding Hao's eyes are full of bitterness as he gets up from his back.

If they don't give their heads away, they won't be reconciled.

Lin Hao has no time to think about them. At this time, he has rushed into the yard.

"Young master, you are back..."

In the yard, a man and a woman, a small Si is chopping wood, a servant girl is washing clothes.

Seeing Lin Hao, they all lost their jobs and stepped forward.

They are called Er Niu and Mei Hua respectively.

He has been serving Lin Hao and Lin Wanrou.


Lin Hao left a word and rushed into his sister Lin Wanrou's boudoir.

The daughter's boudoir, which is not big or luxurious, is clean and tidy with a faint fragrance.

"Is brother back? I heard the voice."

On the bed, a woman said weakly.

The woman looks sixteen or seventeen years old. Her face is morbid pale, but her facial features are delicate, soft and weak, which is extremely attractive.

"Little sister, I'm back. I met an immortal elder. He gave me a elixir. I'm sure I can cure you this time."

Lin Hao rushed to sit by the window, took out the elixir that Su Xun gave him, and said excitedly.

His sister Lin Wanrou has been in poor health since she was a child. As she grows older, she is not only not good, but also more and more serious.

Now I have been lying in bed for nearly two months, and I dare not go outside for two steps.

"Is it?" Lin Wanrou put a smile on her face: "is it the kind of white bearded grandfather written in the storybook, the immortal elder?"

Lin Wanrou and her brother feel guilty for their illness.

"No Lin Hao shook his head and recalled Su Xun's appearance: "he is the most beautiful man in the world. He is warm and gentle. If his sister could see him, you would like him."

Su Xun used his original appearance at that time. Naturally, he was handsome to the big bang.

After all, if he walked in Lingyang city with Xiao Yun's face, what's the difference between him and seeking death?

After all, Xiao Yun was a member of changshengzong since he was a child. Who knows if lingyangzong knew him.

"Is there such a beautiful person?" Lin Wanrou is really a little curious, because she has never seen her elder brother praise such a person.

Lin Hao nodded affirmatively: "this is nature, the elder is my great benefactor..."

He cut his own experience and said it again, subtracting the paragraph that he was kneeling down to cry and pray for lingyangzong's disciples.

"He's my big benefactor, too." After listening, Lin Wanrou murmured to herself.

He is a great benefactor to our brother and sister. Lin Hao agreed. Then he thought of the elixir and poured one out of the bottle: "little sister, please try it."

Lin Wanrou stretched out her two fingers and twisted them in her hands. Some of them were fed into her mouth.

After all, why doesn't she want to be healthy?

She's just afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, so she never shows it.

After the pill, Lin Wanrou felt a heat flow in her body. It was warm and comfortable. There were beads of sweat on her body surface.The cold in her body is too heavy. This elixir will force all the cold out and help her get pregnant and nourish the meridians by the way.

"How are you, little sister?" Lin Hao asked anxiously.

Lin Wanrou shook her head: "I'm ok, I feel Good, I I don't seem to have any more pain. "

"Really Lin Hao exclaimed in a trembling voice: "you You try to get up. "

"Then you go out first." Lin Wanrou said with some embarrassment.

Leng got up and scratched Lin Hao to leave first.

Lin Wanrou carefully lifted the quilt and put her leg down. For the first time in two months, she was able to get out of bed by herself.

Lin Wanrou was very happy, but she wanted to cry more.

Having such a brother, she thought it was the greatest luck in her life.

I can't help but think of another image in my elder brother's mind.

Outside the yard, Lin Hao and ER Niu Mei Hua are waiting anxiously.

Suddenly, Lin Wanrou's boudoir door opened.

Then Lin Wanrou came out in a long white dress. She was tall and tall. Although she was only 17 years old, her chest was already quite large. Her close fitting plain robe made her figure curvy and exquisite.

The face is white and has a light ruddy color. The skin seems to be broken by blowing. Several strands of black hair move with the wind. A pair of watery eyes seem to be able to talk.

All three of them were stunned.

"Well, miss! Miss, it's really good! "

Niu Er and Mei Hua were both overjoyed and cried with excitement.

Lin Hao was too excited to speak, and he was more grateful to the elder in his heart.

"This little bastard, even my people dare to fight. Are you going to rebel?"

At this time, the second lady with several servants into the yard.

Along with her came her son, the Lin family's second Shaolin Fei, who took the place of Lin Hao and became the successor of Lin Hao.

After seeing Lin Wanrou, Lin Fei couldn't help but be infatuated for a while. Then he forbeared and looked at her. He had an idea in his heart to trade Lin Wanrou for his future.

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