"What do you want to do?"

Lin Hao stands up and looks at the second lady coldly.

"Lin Hao! My mother, you also want to shout Er Niang, isn't it too uncivilized and disrespectful? Is that how Uncle taught you before

Without waiting for the second lady to speak, Lin Fei stood up.

Lin Hao glanced at him: "she doesn't deserve it."

"I have to teach you a lesson today." Lin Fei's voice fell down and he ran out like a cheetah. He used his mana and hit Lin Hao with one punch.

On his way back, Lin Hao fought with monsters, not to mention that he was holding a breath in his heart. How could he be afraid? It's a tough fight.

"Brother, be careful." Lin Wanrou's eyes were full of worry, and she raised her heart to her throat.


Their fists collided in the air.

No matter what, take a step back at the same time.

"How can it be!"

Lin Fei exclaimed, looking at Lin Hao with unbelievable face. It's only two months. This waste has the strength to fight with himself.

Did he really worship lingyangzong?

The second lady and the servants are also changing colors.

"Impossible? Gai Yaxing has a saying that we should look at each other with new eyes on the third day of farewell. "

Lin Hao sneer, eyes a coagulation, began their own counterattack, an ice cone cast in the past.


Lin Fei's first subconscious reaction was to dodge.

However, Lin Hao is just attacking the West.

At the moment when Lin Fei dodges, Lin Hao has already kicked him.


"Poo Chi -"

Lin Fei really flew out, smashed the gate of the courtyard and spewed out blood.


The second lady screamed and came forward to help in panic.

"Second young master, are you all right, second young master?"

A group of people went up one after another.

"Good, good, good, Lin Hao." Lin Fei looks at Lin Hao bitterly, then says to the second lady: "Niang, let's go first."

"You son of a bitch, you wait for me." The second lady pointed at Lin Hao and said a cruel word, then left with her baby son.

Lin Wanrou said, "I'm sure they won't hurt Lin when they get to him."

"It's OK. It's a big deal. Let's leave the Lin family." Lin Hao is full of confidence and feels happy.

Because he wanted to beat Linfei for a long time.

Then the courtyard was full of joy, but it didn't last long.

It was broken by Lin Fei's coming again.

This time, Lin Fei didn't come alone. He was with a strange young man.

In the yard, Lin Hao and Lin Wanrou all got up in an instant.

"Lin Fei, what are you doing here? And it didn't hurt enough just now! " Lin Hao said coldly.

Lin Fei didn't pay attention to him, but looked at the young people around him with flattery: "Liu Shao, how about it? Is it still with your appetite?"

"The best! It's the best in the world. I didn't expect that there were such jade people in this small Nanzhao city. " Liu Shao patted the folding fan in his hand, and his eyes were almost fixed on Lin Wanrou.

Lin Wan's soft eyebrows showed a touch of disgust.

The bastard is more angry! Put away your dirty eyes

"Presumptuous! Lin Hao, Liu Shao likes Wanrou. It's a blessing for our Lin family. As her brother, it's even your luck. You don't want to be grateful, and you dare to be rude. How can you do that? "

Lin Fei jumped out and yelled at Lin Hao, his eyes full of sneer and banter.

Liu Shao doesn't care who Lin Hao is. He only remembers the credit of Lin Fei.

"Well, those who don't know are innocent." Liu Shao also said something for Lin Hao, and walked to Lin Wanrou with a smile: "follow me, you are rich and powerful, you can't lack anything."

"I don't want it." Lin Wanrou takes a step behind Lin Hao, and her pretty face turns white.

"Little beauty, you can't help it. Don't be shameless. My patience is always bad."

Liu Shao's voice fell, and he came forward to catch Lin Wanrou.

"Son of a bitch! I want to die

Lin Hao angrily scolded and angrily shot.

If you let someone bully your sister in front of you, what do you want his brother to do?

"Dare you do it to me? I think it's you who are a jerk

Liu Shao's eyes were cold and his folding fan was shaking.



Lin Hao was shocked to fly out directly, hit the ground hard, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

When Lin Fei saw this scene, he was gloating. Lin Hao, Lin Hao, you are a three legged cat. You dare to attack Liu Shao. You are really suicidal."Brother!" Lin Wanrou was shocked and rushed up to help Lin Hao.

Two cattle and plum blossom two frightening, already scared silly, stand on one side, at a loss.

Liu Shao looked at Lin Hao contemptuously: "in the middle of refining refined Qi, I'll press you to death, just like pressing an ant. For your sister's sake, I'll spare your dog's life today."

With that, he looked at Lin Wanrou again: "if you don't follow me, I will kill your brother, and then forcibly take you away. You can choose for yourself."

When Lin Wanrou heard that Yan Jiao's body trembled, her tears fell from the corner of her eyes, holding Lin Hao and biting her red lips.

"Little sister, don't promise him." Lin Hao said.

Liu Shao sneered: "you still don't understand the situation. It's not a question whether she will answer, but a question whether I'm willing or not. The woman I like Liu Chong hasn't been able to escape from the palm of his hand."

At this moment, a careless voice came into everyone's ears from above.

"Oh! Your father's name is Su Xun? So drag

Everyone is subconsciously looking up to the sky.

I saw a young man with black robes coming with his hands on his back and a smile on his lips.

He felt a kind of incomparable breath in the world.

After ten days of seclusion, Su Xun had broken Taiyi.

I came to look for Lin Hao. Unexpectedly, I just met this scene.

Lin Hao's good fortune is not built up!

"Master! Master, help me. "

Seeing Su Xun, Lin Hao almost burst into tears and fell on his knees.

Su Xun raised his hand and entrusted Lin Hao with a soft magic power.

"It's said that men have gold under their knees. Why can't they remember it?"

A plain word, but fell in Lin Hao's ear is feeling very warm, this time is really can't help but shed tears.

Only when we have experienced the warmth and coldness of the world can we know the value of this plain teaching.

Lin Fei and Liu Chong look at each other. They did not expect Lin Hao to know such a strong man.

If you want to walk in the air, you should at least fight against the empty situation.

For Nanzhao City, a place where birds don't shit, it's a top strength.

Lin Wanrou looked up at the savior like Su Xun and said in her heart that what her brother said was true. This elder really looked good.

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