Dawn will be in addition to the small door outside the hand.

Another point is to attack the traitors.

Moreover, he is more cruel to traitors. First, he takes a bad breath. Second, he deterrs other traitors.

Let them all know that this is the end of being traitors. Sooner or later, it will be their turn.

Wang Hongyuan, a 43 year old native of Tianhua City, was a famous local entrepreneur before the invasion of haohaijie.

When a sect named tianshengzong in haohaijie occupied Tianhua City, he was the first one to openly take refuge in tianshengzong.

Tianshengzong made him a model, gave him a position, gave him a panacea, and made him specially responsible for the daily operation of Tianhua city.

In order to please tianshengzong, but also to deter those who call him a running dog of the people, he used high-pressure means to treat his compatriots.

More than dozens of people have died in his hands. In Tianhua City, he is the first person under tianshengzong. He can do whatever he wants.

This is not, at this time, he is humming a little song, calmly to the same villa area to live in another villa feeling home.

After the destruction of order, dogs like him, with the support of their owners, do everything aboveboard.

The whole villa is like his harem.

He bullies men and women, and goes to any house he wants to spend the night with, while some women follow him voluntarily for the sake of vanity and superior oppression.

For example, she is such a woman who takes the initiative to follow him.

"Dong Dong..."

Came to the villa door, he knocked on the door: "baby, I'm coming, open the door quickly."

But there was no movement.

"What's the matter? Not at home? "

Without any doubt, Wang Hongyuan took out the key and was ready to open the door by himself.

The reason why he is so unprepared is that he is used to it. In this villa area, no one dares to do anything to him.

What's more, he was rewarded by those old men of tianshengzong. His strength is stronger than ordinary people.

With the mud legs in the villa area, can they still be his opponents?

With the key to open the door, Wang Hongyuan went in, with the help of the moonlight outside the window, he saw a figure on the sofa.

And according to the figure, I recognized that this figure was his love.

"I know, Xiao Sao, you want to give me a surprise, play with a hazy feeling, right? Roar, roar, my little baby, dad is here, you are so happy tonight."

Wang Hongyuan roared with a smile. Then he threw himself at the figure on the sofa, hugged him, and swam into his skirt.

"Baby, wait a minute. I've lost so much that it's all on my legs It's not right

Soon he found something wrong, that is, the person in his arms not only did not respond, did not breathe, and then quickly picked up the remote control on the table and turned on the chandelier.


The whole living room was lit up like day.

And then he saw the person in his arms.


With a cry of surprise, he let go of the man in his arms and suddenly got up and took a step back.

That's really his feeling.

It's just that he's dead by now.

The blood has been flowing on his legs. No wonder it smells so fishy just now. He thought it was

"Go on, I'm still waiting to see. Give me a performance while it's still hot and cold."

A careless voice came into his ears, and Wang Hongyuan suddenly turned his head.

It was found that a young man in a black robe was sitting at the table of the dining room.

Wang Hongyuan was startled at first, and then he was a little worried and flattered, showing a smile: "it turned out that it was the Grand Master of the vast world. I don't know which clan the grand master belonged to, and whether the grand master came to play. This little bitch didn't cooperate with the grand master? damn! Damn it

Preconceived, looking at each other dressed like an ancient costume, he thought he was a person in the vast world.

Since he is the master of the vast world, there must be no mistake. What's wrong is his own feelings and people.

It must be her ignorance that annoys the old man in front of her. She deserves to be killed.

That's the attitude of being a good dog.

"Ha ha, what a good dog." The young man in black robe does not smile.

Wang Hongyuan licked his face: "thank you for your praise. It's a blessing to be a dog for Haohai."

But the next sentence of the black robed youth made him fall into the ice.

"It's a pity that I'm not from the vast world. I'm from the dawn society."


Wang Hongyuan's brain exploded, his whole brain was blank, his face turned white, and he exuded a lot of sweat.

He also heard that many people who knew current affairs as well as himself were killed by dawning club.

But subconsciously feel far away from their own, but in any case did not expect to meet tonight, the heart is filled with panic and fear.Then he stammered: "dawning will be good, Dawning will be good, I finally wait until you come, in fact, I have been bearing humiliation, waiting for dawning to be an insider, although I am in tianshengzong, but my heart is filled with Gaiya star!"

"I have to say that your acting is really awkward and extremely stupid." The young man in Black said coldly, and his figure flashed in front of him.


Wang Hongyuan exclaimed, and his eyes were shocked. The next second, the young man in black robe held his neck directly.

"Let me go. Please let me go. I'm forced to be helpless. I don't want to. I'm willing to give you all my money. Please..."

Wang Hongyuan felt the fear of death, and his mouth kept begging for mercy. Douda's cold sweat slipped from his face.

"Go to hell with your money."


With a crisp voice, Wang Hongyuan's neck was pinched off and his head drooped to one side.


Drop the body on the ground.

This year, heipao wrote several bright red characters on the white walls of the villa with their blood:

Betrayer! It will pay the price of bleeding! The dawn of hope will come!

Immediately, he quickly left the villa and flew to the headquarters.

He is aboveboard flying, because furtive but easy to let the vast sea of people suspect.

Only fair and aboveboard, in order to better impersonate the world of people.

When he came to the outside of the headquarters, his face suddenly changed and he stopped at a distance.

Because he saw a group of unified costumes in the vast sea, and some forces surrounded the headquarters.

Obviously, the other side has found out the situation and is ready to root out the dawning meeting.

The black robed youth's eyes glared and his fists were tightly clenched. He forcibly restrained the impulse to rush out to fight with his comrades in arms, and then turned and left.

It's useless for him to rush out now. It's just that he'll have another life.

He may be the only core member who missed the net because he went out on a mission tonight.

So he wants to go to haohaijie. Only when he tells president Yu about it, President Wen, will they have a chance to survive.

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