It is the people of Yuntai sect who surround the headquarters of Dawning society.

Ever since I decided to fight dawn.

I've been sorting out their information, finding the secret headquarters, and then taking advantage of their meeting tonight, the high-level gathered together and made a move at one stroke.

There is already a sense of extermination in the headquarters.

Just after receiving the news of being surrounded, people were still a little alarmed.

But now it's calming down.

The big deal is to fight to death. It seems that there is nothing to be afraid of.

The only regret is that he died too early to see the day when the invaders were driven out.

"They surrounded but did not attack. I'm afraid they wanted to capture us alive." Yao Kun said in a deep voice.

An elder sneered: "then we will not give them the chance to catch them alive. We will kill them. If they are caught, we will commit suicide."

"Well said! Our country is never short of backbone people. It was not short of backbone people before, it is not short of backbone people now, and it will never be short of backbone people in the future. This is the war of forgetting the race and exterminating the species. We will not disgrace our ancestors! "

"Get out! It's enough to kill one, but it's enough to kill two. I lost my head. It's just a big scar! "

"President Wen, order..."

All of them expressed their views one after another, one by one fierce and full of fighting spirit.

President Wen shook his head: "to kill must be to kill out, can't be caught, but if it is caught, there is no need to commit suicide."

"As long as we live, there is still hope, and there is also hope to see the sun again and continue to fight against the invaders in the vast sea. Even if it is very slim, we can't give up. We are better off alive than dead."

When people heard this, they were a little indifferent. The dawn will develop to today, and it will be the largest and most powerful of all the resistance forces.

If they all die, the rebels will lose momentum and even despair.


Wen Yan raised his voice and glanced coldly over everyone: "everyone has the heart to live in a muddle, but I don't want someone to betray the president who is in danger and other compatriots in the vast sea. If we die unfortunately, they will still be here, the dawn will still be there!"

All are one God.

Wen Yan breathed out a breath and said calmly:

"send out all the stored pills and give orders. Half an hour later, if the people outside don't attack, then we will take the initiative to fight!"

As time goes on, people below will be more scared.

So the people of Yuntai sect outside can endure.

But they can't afford it.

No matter how hard it is, people will be broken.



The young man in black robe has passed through two channels and entered the vast sea.

After landing on the ground for some inquiry, he knew the direction of changshengzong, and immediately drove the mana to fly with all his strength.

Come on, a little faster.

He hates his inferior cultivation very much now. If he is a little stronger, his speed will be faster.

His eyes were red, and he roared wildly in his heart:

"hurry up! Hurry up


"Hurry up, all hurry up, all keep up."

Wen Yan, Yao Kun and other senior leaders led all the members of the headquarters to prepare for the war.


With Wen Yan's command, dozens of people rushed out without hesitation.

There are not many people staying in the headquarters, so they are not as good as yuntaizong in terms of high-level strength or low-level strength tonight.

"Kill! Kill

"Kill all these bastards who have ruined our homeland!"

The five elders of Yuntai sect gave a cold smile and said, "try to live it."

As his voice fell, the disciples of Yuntai sect rushed out.

The two sides were at war in an instant.

Look down from the sky.

There are dozens of people in the vast world, which are very few compared with those in Yuntai sect.

"Ah!!! Gentlemen, kill the enemy with me

Because of the attention of yuntaizong to capture alive, some of them tied their hands and gave them a chance.

But that's all.

In the absolute strength of the crush, Wen Yan although they killed some people, but can not control the overall situation.

In the end, half of them were killed in the fighting, and the rest, such as Wen Yan, were arrested.

"Come on, take it back and announce it. Tomorrow afternoon, Yuntai sect will be executed publicly. Dawning will rebel. The first Wen said that he will be executed with a thousand cuts!"

In order to cover Su Xun in the vast sea, after being arrested, Wen Yan admits that he is the president of the dawn society.

They have been taken away. In this case, we should sacrifice ourselves to the maximum extent and keep our compatriots and comrades in arms in the vast sea.


At daybreak, the young man in black robe, who ran wildly all night, consumed his mana twice and swallowed the elixir to accumulate power, finally arrived at changshengzong."Who's coming?"

"I want to see your Lord."

Said the young man in black with red eyes.

As a core member of Dawning society, he naturally knows these secrets.

The patriarch of Changsheng sect is a friend of his own president. Only through him can he get in touch with him.


The disciple guarding the Mountain Gate dropped two words and then sent out a letter with flying sword.

This letter will fall into the hands of the disciples on the mountain. After reporting it to the Lord, the Lord will decide whether to see it or not.

"I'm in a hurry!" The young man in black roared anxiously.

However, the guard was indifferent: "even if it's a big thing, you have to wait, that's the rule!"

Although they are only transforming the divine realm, they are always living behind them, so they dare to speak to an anti void realm like this.

That's the advantage of having a big tree behind it.

Soon, a flying sword letter fell into one of them's hands. After reading it, he said to the young man in black robe, "come with me, Lord, I agree with you."


As soon as he came to the hall of longevity, he saw Xiao Yun (Su Xun) standing high above him. The black robed youth knelt down and said, "please take me to see the president."

He knew that as long as he said this, the other party would know where he came from.

When Su Xun saw this, he could guess in an instant that something must have happened at dawn.

"If you have something to tell me, it's the same. I'll tell Su Xun."

The young man in black robe didn't hesitate to hear the speech, because he couldn't afford it any more. He was about to say it again.

After hearing this, Su Xun's heart was full of murders.

But on the surface, it was silent: "well, I'll go to find Su Xun now. You can have a good rest here. The sky can't break down."

"Somebody." Su Xun called in a disciple and said, "take him down to be a good host."

Voice down, the figure disappeared in place.

A few steps out, the body has been thousands of miles away, between a few breathing came to the two boundary channel.

This is the strength of Taiyi Jinxian. During this period, he has broken through the medium term.

So it's safer to use Su Xun's Vest this time. After all, it's well known that Xiao Yun, the leader of Changsheng sect in Haohai Kingdom, was in the early days of Taiyi Jinxian.

No one can associate his two identities with the difference of cultivation.

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