Su Xun just left.

A figure hidden for a long time in the periphery of changshengzong turned into streamer and escaped into changshengzong.

This figure is the middle cultivation of Jinxian.

It is the person sent by bingyuyan.

But Su Xun had been in the sect, so she didn't dare to do it rashly. She didn't seize the opportunity until now.

Entering changshengzong, she went straight to xuanyuefeng.

These days, I've been waiting for a lot of useful information.

Without Su Xun, the cultivation of his golden immortal was rampant in changshengzong. An easy job to do is to avoid all the eye lines and the magic array to reach the peak of


At a glance, I saw a white girl sitting cross legged on a huge stone under a peach blossom tree on the edge of the cliff.

She felt a throb in her heart. It was obvious that there was the blood of the ice sparrow family in her body.

Lin Wanrou, who is practicing, also feels something and opens her eyes.

Subconsciously want to look back, and then did not see, people fainted.

The figure quickly came forward to hold her, took a drop of blood from her fingertips, bottled it in jade, then put it on the stone and turned to leave.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry, in addition to Lin Wanrou himself, no one found outsiders enter.

This is the weakness of changshengzong. There is a fault in the middle. Once Su Xun leaves, there will be no top friars to live in.

Elder Liu and elder Ma are both at the peak of fairyland. They are closing the gate to attack Jinxian, but they have been closed for so long, and nothing has happened.

Let the whole family worry about whether they failed.

But there is no more danger than the first one.



Yuntai is outside the clan.

The arrested Wen Yan and others are tied to the temporary shelf.

All around, there are a lot of cameras in front of them, and they are broadcasting live.

The purpose of Yuntai sect is to use Gaiya's scientific and technological equipment to spread the images of execution and deter those who are ready to move in Gaiya.

"Everyone open your eyes to see clearly for me. The one tied on it is the rebel member of Dawning society. He is chairman Wen Yan!"

"Today, all people here will be cut to pieces. This is the end of rebellion. Put away your ignorance and careful thinking. Your power is like ants. We can destroy it by backhand!"

The execution was presided over by a core disciple of Yuntai sect, who was speaking some warning words to the camera.

At this time, I don't know how many TV, computer, mobile phone behind, countless Gaiya people are filled with righteous indignation, anger, abuse, curse.

But more is helpless, sad, fear.

Even the strongest light will come to this end.

Do they really have no hope for Gaia?

"Time is up! Execution

With a sneer on his face, the core disciple gave an order, and then came to Wen Yan with a knife: "as for you, I'll do it myself."

"He, tui!".

"To die!" The core disciple was furious and gave a water control formula to wash his face. Then he was ready to start with a knife.

"Stab -"

at this moment, a sword came through the air.

"Puyi -"

the core disciple's head flew high, and the body slowly fell to the ground.

This sudden scene stunned both the people on the scene and the people watching the live broadcast.

Su Xun stepped into the air and said, "did the person who killed me ask me?"

"The president!" Wen Yan and others are very excited.

Su Xun lifted the shackles on them and said, "follow me to kill these thieves."

Voice down, step out.


A dragon chant rang through the sky and the earth. A virtual shadow of a five clawed Golden Dragon appeared behind Su Xun, wrapped around his body, and then rushed out.


There was a big explosion at the Mountain Gate of the branch of Yuntai sect, and countless disciples died on the spot.


Seeing this scene, the audience in the studio were shocked, and then they all applauded one after another.

In my heart, I have confidence in resisting the vast sea.

One by one, they were so excited that many people started to cry.

"How could that be! Damn, dawn will, no, Gaia star how can have such a strong

"This is Jinxian!"

The head of the branch of Yuntai sect, the elder of fairyland and the two elder of fairyland, were frightened and pale.They really can't figure out where Gaia star came from.

"Run! Run separately

The elder's voice fell and his figure rose to the sky.

The other two also followed, escaping in different directions.

"Want to run? It's ridiculous. "

Su Xun's eyes were taunting, and the void caught hold of it. The wreckage of Yuntai Mountain Gate flew up and condensed into three identical stone swords. With the wave of Su Xun's sleeve gun, they shot out in three directions.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Accompanied by three explosions, the three people did not turn up a spray, so they died.

Between the fingers, it's like killing three ants.

After ransacking the resources of the Mountain Gate of Yuntai sect, Su Xun left with Wen Yan and others.

But the impact he brought was enormous.

All Gaia people are excited.

"That's our senior friar of Gaia!"

"We still have hope! We can't give up! "

The people in the world of Haohai showed their dignified color and sent the matter back to the headquarters of Haohai.

The speculation of Su Xun's cultivation in different schools is also different.

But they all started in the early days of Jinxian, and the heads of the four first-class forces in Gaiya Star Branch made the speculation in the early days of Taiyi.

Because they are all Jinxian, we can be sure that Su Xun's strength is not only Jinxian, but also Taiyi.

Everyone has shown unprecedented importance.

Because Gaiya star has been revived for more than ten years!

It's amazing that such a powerful practitioner has appeared. When he grows up thoroughly, what's wrong?

At that time, they will face a crazy counterattack, so they can't ignore it.

The only way is to send the friars of taiyijing to kill them completely.


"Recently, you'd better find a place to hide, don't make a sudden appearance, and practice at ease, so that other members of the dawning society will be quiet first. Otherwise, once you make a sudden appearance, you'll face the fighting of various schools."

Su Xun said to Wen Yan. He sighed in his heart. Wen Yan was still too weak.

Wen Yan also understood this truth, some shame, nodded: "yes, president."

"Resources will be sent regularly. Without my orders, the dawning society will not act rashly."

After Gaiya had made some arrangements, Su Xun went back to the vast sea.

Because he finished the play temporarily.

But we have to go to the other side of the market.

As a movie king, I'm too busy. I'm constantly engaged in plays.

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