The news of Gaia has been sent back to the vast sea.

All schools were shocked.

They all have the same attitude.

It must be stifled.

"I didn't expect Gaiya star to be so arrogant. Its hero and our enemy must be killed!"

"Although Gaiya star has such a genius, our vast world is not bad, isn't there Xiao Yun?"

"Yes, this may be the coming of the great world. There is a peerless arrogance on both sides."

"I just don't know who is strong and who is weak..."

This kind of discussion often happens among monks in the vast world, comparing Xiao Yun with the real president of Dawning society.

But what they don't know is.

The pride in their eyes and the great enemy in their eyes are actually the same person.

At this time, Su Xun was furious in changshengzong, and his face was gloomy and terrible.

Lin Wanrou has told him about the invasion of an outsider, who made her dizzy and took blood.

If you want to successfully sneak into changshengzong, you need at least the cultivation of golden Wonderland.

Lin Wanrou was just a little monk who refined Qi. She would not attract Jinxian.

So there are very few suspects.

Either the ice sparrow family or the Lihen clan.

The purpose of blood collection must be to identify Lin Wanrou.

But the reason for Su Xun's anger was not like this. He was angry that his base camp was treated as a public place and left as soon as he wanted.

This time it's just for blood, but next time it's for killing.

As a master, you can't even protect your only apprentice. What qualifications do you have to be a master?

At the root of the problem, the emperor is still too weak!

"Master, you drink tea to calm down."

Lin Wanrou cleverly served a cup of tea.

"Next time, master won't put you in danger." Su Xun took the cup and said to Lin Wanrou.

Lin Wanrou said with a smile, "master has something important to do. There's no reason to put your mind on me all day long. It's because my apprentice is not striving for success and his cultivation is too weak. It's blocking up for master."

"The apprentice was meant to block the master." Su Xun laughed and pinched her face.

After practicing, Lin Wanrou's skin became better, white, smooth and tender, and her figure developed rapidly. She was once small in scale, but now she is mature.

Lin Wanrou was a little embarrassed. She blushed and said, "master, you hate it. You pinch me again and make people's faces bigger."

After getting along with Su Xun for such a long time, the relationship between them is much closer, and she can be coquetry to Su Xun.


At this time, two momentum suddenly from changshengzong in different directions.

Su Xun's face was beaming. He threw down his tea and took Lin Wanrou's waist and flew out.

"Let's go. Let's go and congratulate the two elders for their breakthrough. I have two more golden immortals in changshengzong!"

Being held in his arms by Su Xun, Lin Wanrou is a little absent-minded. A touch of rosy clouds appears on her pretty face, forcing her heart to move on.

Lin Wanrou, Lin Wanrou, he has accepted you as his disciple. How can you not be satisfied?

However, Su Xun had nothing different. After he flew out, he put Lin Wanrou aside.

At the same time, all the monks of the whole clan noticed this and gathered in the hall one after another.

Elder Liu and Mr. Ma flew over in high spirits, with a smile on their faces.

"I'm glad to see you, my Lord."

The two of them bowed down to salute Su Xun.

"Congratulations to the two elders. Since then, there have been two more golden immortals in our changshengzong. They are also the mainstay of the second rate forces. Ha ha ha..."

Su Xun was really happy. After a few words, he burst out laughing.

I don't have to worry about what happened to Wanrou just now.

"Pass on the order to celebrate the two elders' breakthrough in Jinxian. The whole clan will hold a banquet tonight, and the disciples of the clan will celebrate together!"

"Yes, Lord."


Ice finches.

"If it's my brother's daughter, my niece!"

Bingyuyan is very excited. According to the drop of blood, she can confirm that Lin Wanrou is definitely her big brother.

She's going to get ready to marry.

His niece is Xiao Yun's Apprentice. Is there a better way to win over Xiao Yun?

It's a natural bond.

Besides, he can also drag in Li hen Zong. Now the patriarch, however, has been thinking about his sister-in-law all the time. He is sure to love her.

Lin Wanrou alone can promote the cooperation among the three forces, and her alliance will be the most powerful and potential one in the vast world.


One day later.Su Xun received an invitation.

It's said that not only Zong Hao has received the invitation, but also Er Liu has sent it to him.

Well, there are only ten second rate forces in the world of Haohai. Plus Su Xun, there are eleven Taiyi friars.

Then the four first-class forces add up to five Taiyi golden immortals, because there are two immortals.

A total of 16 Taiyi golden immortals, this is the number on the surface of the vast sea.

The content of the invitation is to invite him to haotianzong to discuss how to deal with the president of Dawning society.

Since the dawn of the second day, the name of the society no longer appears.

Haotianzong felt that he could not wait for the other party to continue to develop, so he invited first-class forces and second-class forces to discuss.

This is not a fuss, but the president is too terrible, talent is more terrible than Xiao Yun.

After all, as we all know, Xiao Yun is in his twenties. He grew up in changshengzong since he was a child. He has been practicing for at least 20 years.

What about the president of Dawning? Gaiya star's aura has only been revived for more than ten years, that is to say, he has only practiced for more than ten years at most.

If you don't kill him earlier, who knows what cultivation he will be next time.

Su Xun's mood was complicated. He was invited to discuss how to destroy himself.

Can this mood not be complicated? (๑ั็็ั๑)

"what do you think?" Then he threw the invitation aside, and Su Xun looked at the elders below.

Two golden fairyland, ten Heavenly fairyland, this is the high level of changshengzong.

Elder Ma said: "in any case, the patriarch will go. No matter what the patriarch's attitude towards Gai Yaxing is, if he doesn't go, he won't give haotianzong face."

Now the whole clan knows that Gai Yaxing is one of the sect's disciples. Naturally, they know what their leader's attitude is. They just know it by heart.

Anyway, they are unswervingly following the steps of the patriarch.

"I think most of them will recommend the suzerain leader this time. Maybe one person from each family will let you be in charge of the other party, the president of Dawning society." Elder Liu said.

Su Xun blinked: "let me take charge?"

"It's the same as the supreme leader." Elder Liu said yes.

Su Xun said with a smile: "in that case, I'll go there, and the clan will be handed over to you for the time being."

Let me lead the team and kill myself. If so, it's really interesting.

"Please don't worry."

Inside the hall, people got up one after another, went to the middle of the hall and cried out.

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