Haotianzong main hall, haotiandian.

When Su Xun and Bing Yuyan came together, many people in the hall looked strange.

The four forces are trying to win over Xiao Yun. Is it the ice sparrow family that succeeded?

But what moved Xiao Yun?

"Master Xiao, Binghuang, it's just the two of you. Come in and take a seat."

Zhou Yuanhong broke the silence with a few laughs.

Bingyu Yan said with a smile: "I ran into Lord Xiao on the way. I had a good talk with him, but I came late."

"Sorry to have kept you waiting so long." Su Xun also showed an apologetic expression.

Then he sat side by side with bingyuyan. On his right hand side was Qin Yanzheng, the leader of Lihen sect.

Xiangxun, the leader of the eternal life sect, looked at Su Xun and said with a smile, "master Xiao is really a talented man. My family is light and has no such fortune."

"Raised to the door Lord, Xiao Mou hasn't found the idea of the way partner now." Since Xiang Xun never mentioned the immortal son, Su Xun was very polite.

Chou yuan hung picked his eyebrows and said, "it doesn't conflict to find a Taoist partner and practice. A hero matches a beauty. A hero is lonely, but there is no beauty around him. How can he do that?"

"Ha ha ha, master Zhou is right." Qin Yanzheng laughed a few times and agreed with him. Then he looked at Su Xun in a twinkling of an eye and said, "my disciple Ziyuan, master Xiao has seen him. I don't know what master Xiao thinks?"

Zhou Yuanhong secretly scolds a son of a bitch. Lao Tzu said this in order to attract my daughter. I didn't expect to be preempted by you.

He immediately refused to fall behind and said with a smile, "my family Su Qing has a good sense of master Xiao. When master Xiao is young, my family Su Qing should have a better temperament."

The implication is that Mo Ziyuan's character is not suitable for you. Choose my daughter.

The leaders of the other ten second rate forces looked at each other and drank tea, pretending not to hear.

In Su Xun's heart, ten thousand grass mud horses raced by. Was this a collective blind date meeting?

So I'm already so hot?

Hiss - ah ~ is it time to float?

"I can't be trusted by the two elders. I really don't have this idea now." Su Xun refused with a bitter smile.

Xiang Xun's face immediately showed a smile, fortunately, not only my family was rejected, balanced.

Ice jade Yan not salty not bland teasing way: "you call us here is for this matter?"

"Of course not. It's just that I happened to mention it casually." Zhou Yuanhong was not surprised. He looked at Su Xun and said, "the immortal road is long. There will always be a lonely day. We will talk about it later."

It means that he has not given up, but he has identified Xiao Yun (Su Xun) as his son-in-law.

"I think so, too." Qin Yanzheng nodded.

As soon as Zhou Yuanhong's face turns black, you are also a hammer. You can think what I think. I want to jump up and slap you in the face.

Ma De, Qin Yanzheng was also a gentle gentleman when he was young.

Since the hurt, now is more and more don't force face, but also upright, a pair of magnanimous appearance.

It can only be said that, sure enough, only women can change a man as quickly as possible.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of calling you here today is also stated in the invitation. Let's discuss a constitution."

Zhou Yuanhong finally talked about the business. Everyone was relieved. That's what they're here for today, not to see you rob your son-in-law.

What's more, they can only watch, but they are not qualified to snatch. How bad it is to step on horses_ ←。

Qin Yanzheng chuckled: "articles of association? What else do you need? It's just a bigger ant. Just press it to death. "

"Ha ha, Lord Qin is really a master of Arts. This ant in your mouth is the same as all of us here in Taiyi cultivation." Zhou Yuanhong, who had long been unhappy with him, made a sarcastic remark.

Qin Yanzheng's face was stiff. He said that intentionally just to improve his morale. How could he have thought that Zhou Yuanhong would give him a back stab?


Qin Yanzheng just woke up to speak, but Zhou Yuanhong didn't say anything to him: "the key to the problem now is that he can't be found in a short time. Someone must be responsible for it."

"I think Lord Xiao is good. He and the president of Dawning society are both arrogant. One mountain can't tolerate two tigers. It's time to share the victory with him." Xiang Xun said.

Other people's eyes were subconsciously looking at Su Xun, and then nodded in recognition.

The main reason is that they don't want to waste their energy on it.

If someone is willing to take the lead, then they must have money to pay, someone to pay, and fully cooperate.

"I also agree to let Lord Xiao take charge of this. I can go to his hands to hear the order from the holy daughter of the hate sect." Qin Yanzheng said with a very serious look.

All the people secretly scolded him for being shameless.

Zhou Yuanhong said: "my daughter Suqing should also make some contribution to help Xiao Zongzhu.""Ha ha ha, are you both so sincere? Then I can only let the saint of immortality do her part. " Xiang Xun laughs and says that he hasn't given up yet. After all, what is the simplest way to win over than marriage?

In fact, their idea is very simple. I can't get him, but I can't let you succeed. That's enough.

Ice jade Yan didn't mix in, lightly said: "ice sparrow clan is willing to give a gold immortal friar."

She didn't have to give her daughter away.

Su Xun got up, glanced at all the people, and said calmly, "since all of you are so proud of me, I won't let you take this matter. It's just that I also want to see the Tianjiao of Gaiya star, and see if he is better or I am better."

Except for me, no one else can find the right leader for this task!

"Well, since that's the case, it's settled. I wish Lord Xiao success here!"

Zhou Yuanhong, as the initiator of this gathering, made a decision without any objection.

There were 14 families present. Each family had to send a person to changshengzong in three days. This person would have high status or strength.

Only in this way can we express our sincerity. Don't try to fool anyone.

In this way, Su Xun became the team leader of the "own" team.

At the end of the discussion, Zhou Yuanhong said, "you have come all the way. I have asked you to prepare a banquet. Please follow me and drink today."

Then they came to another hall, where tables, wine and food had been set up.

After dinner, Zhou Yuanhong still wants to keep Su Xun, but he politely refuses.

After leaving haotianzong, Su Xun met bingyuyan and Qin Yanzheng in a wine shop thousands of miles away.

Qin Yanzheng is Bingyu Yan about, is to tell him the identity of Lin Wanrou.

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