"What do you mean, my younger martial sister has children?"

After hearing bingyuyan's words, Qin Yanzheng suddenly stood up and stared at her and Su Xun in disbelief.

Bingyuyan nodded: "yes, my sister-in-law did give birth to a daughter. By chance, she was accepted as a disciple by Lord Xiao."

"Great, younger martial sister and children. Where is the child? I want to see her." Qin Yanzheng's tone was rapid.

Su Xun smacked his tongue to himself. As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew he was an expert. He was a dog.

Bingyu Yan said with a smile: "the child is in master Xiao's place. You can see him at any time. Why is master Qin so anxious? The three of us are all related to the child. It can be seen that it's fate. How about we form an offensive and defensive alliance in the future? "

That's her real purpose.

"Why not?" This is beneficial to the three parties. Qin Yanzheng agreed and looked at Su Xun again: "Xiao Yun, my apprentice Ziyuan is the best match."

Su Xun just shook his head with a smile. Jiapei?

He's laughing.

As a veteran of yuenu, he can see what kind of person Mo Ziyuan is.

Arrogant personality, a little selfish, self righteous, and a little bit of their own calculations.

He's too lazy to talk to such a woman.

"It's still a long time. You'll know when you get there." He was inexplicably confident in his apprentice.

Su Xun said faintly: "master Qin, in my opinion, Liao Siqiu, the son of Guizong, has some meaning for Mo Ziyuan."

The implication is, are you not afraid that what happened to you will happen again?

Now Liao Siqiu is the original Qin Yanzheng?

Qin Yanzheng was stunned, and then shook his head: "Ziyuan is just his elder brother. It's his business that he likes Ziyuan, but it doesn't stipulate that Ziyuan must accept it..."

At this point, he stopped for a moment, and then continued to say: "just like me, Ziyuan, if you really become a Taoist partner, Siqiu will be sad, but will only bury his feelings in the bottom of his heart, will not disturb her, will not hate her, will not hate you."

Bingyuyan is a little speechless. Is it your tradition to step on horses?

It's true that he left his family to hate him.

"Let's talk about it later." Su Xun ended the topic. Madder was confused.

At the thought of a licking dog staring at Mo Ziyuan, Su Xun had no intention of her.

After a conversation, the three dispersed.


Qin Yanzheng returns to lihenzong, shouts Mo Ziyuan, and directly asks how to marry her to Su Xun.

"Please forgive me, master. I can't accept it." Mo Ziyuan directly knelt on the ground and refused.

Qin Yanzheng asked, "why? What's wrong with Xiao Yun's outstanding talent and young ambition? "

"But in the eyes of the disciples, he did not last long." Mo Ziyuan is very calm, and then said: "wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it, he is arrogant, one day he will fall, maybe this time."

"You think he's going to lose to the dawning President?" Qin Yanzheng recognized what she meant.

Mo Ziyuan nodded: "yes, master, the dawn society has hidden so deep before. We can see that Xiao Yun is more resourceful, patient and gifted than Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun is likely to be planted in his hands."

If Su Xun heard this, he was afraid that he would burst out with a mouthful of old blood.

Will I plant myself?

"Your idea is up to you, but this time you go to Xiao Yun's seat to listen to orders, and get to know him by the way. Think about it carefully." Qin Yanzheng sighed in his heart and felt that his apprentice was too one-sided.

Yes, the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

But haven't you ever thought that as long as the tree grows high enough, even the wind can't blow?

Xiao Yun is such a tree.

He is crazy because he has capital and confidence.

He even began to think that it was right for Xiao Yun to refuse him. His disciple was too self righteous to be worthy of Xiao Yun.

"Yes, master, I will leave."

Mo Ziyuan can never marry Xiao Yun, because she believes that her speculation is absolutely correct.


Three days later, all the people selected by the fourteen sects have arrived at changshengzong.

In addition to haotianzong, lihatzong and yongshengmen, they are the saints in fairyland.

The other eleven sects all sent the golden fairyland. The highest thing of cultivation is the late golden fairyland. The rest are the early and middle stages.

To his surprise, bingyuyan sent the prince of the ice sparrow family.

Bing Yunhao, in the early days of Jinxian, was the strongest in the younger generation before Su Xun appeared.

"Since you are temporarily assigned by us, we will not be polite. I hope you will do your best to kill the madman as soon as possible."

Su Xun sat on the chair and looked at the fourteen people standing below.It's a pity that they are not my people. Instead, they will be my enemies in the future.

In that case, I can only pit you to death.

"Yes." The crowd responded.

Su Xun got up and said, "let's go, target, Gaiya star, and try to get rid of him in a month."

It won't take you a month.

Zhou Suqing and other three saints and the prince of the ice sparrow family can't die for the time being, otherwise something big will happen.

These people are the geniuses of the four forces, the pillars of the future, and of great symbolic significance.

Death of an ordinary master will be angry, but death of a son or daughter, that is the fury.

For the time being, Su Xun did not have the strength to resist the four forces, or even a big Luo.

He can't hide, but what if these people go crazy and slaughter Gaia?

In this way, Su Xun came to Gaiya star with a group of people.

"Look at these Untouchables of Gaia. They are muddled and submissive. What's the difference between them and Jurassic?"

Floating over the city, ice Yunhao scornfully mocked.

The rest of us just smile.

Su Xun's eyes flashed a touch of cold light, but on the surface, he said quietly: "try not to make trouble. Our purpose is not to care with these ordinary people."

Then he landed in the city with the crowd.

"Damn it Mo Ziyuan gave a cold drink and shot away at a middle-aged man holding a child.

"Ah The middle-aged man was shocked and turned around subconsciously to protect the child in his arms.

As soon as Su Mang's sword was about to go into his back, he scattered.


The next second, Su Xun raised his hand and slapped Mo Ziyuan in the face.

Mo Ziyuan's mouth brimmed with blood.

All of them were startled by the sudden slap, as quiet as a cicada.

Mo Xun Leng said, "don't you look at me coldly?"

"But he's just a Gaia pig. He dares to look me in the eye. He should be damned!" Mo Ziyuan forced to bear the anger in his heart and growled.

Su Xun said without expression: "I'm looking directly at you, too. Are you going to kill me?"

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