"You..." Mo Ziyuan is short of breath.

Su Xun snorted coldly, and his eyes swept over everyone: "I'll say it again, don't make trouble."

The voice falls, the step goes.

They all followed, and no one looked at Mo Ziyuan more. They were a little more awed by Su Xun.

"How did you taste that day? The slap doesn't hurt, but it really hurts to lose face. "

When Xu Qinghao passed by Mo Ziyuan, he gloated, and then sent out a string of silver bell like laughter to follow him.

Mo Ziyuan's face was so gloomy that she raised her hand and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

Xiao Yun, you are so rampant and unscrupulous.

This time, you are bound to lose to that person, and you may pay a heavy price for it.

You'll regret it.

"Master Xiao, why do we come to the city?" Zhou Suqing asked Su Xun.

Others looked at him curiously.

Su Xun said, "because I want to live in the city, is that enough?"

All of you

"Enough That's enough. " Zhou Suqing talks.

"You take a break. I'll go out and check the news."

Let the party arrange in the hotel, so Xun left.

He relieved the technique of changing appearance and went back to Wen Yan: "this time Xiao Yun brought people to gai Yaxing, the purpose is to get rid of me."

"What do you need me to do?" Wen Yan asked.

In fact, he wants to laugh. Do you know that Xiao Yun and their enemies are friends?

Su Xun asked, "do you feel like laughing?"

"Pardon the president." Wen Yan admitted.

Su Xun gave a little smile, changed himself, and changed into Xiao Yun with the technique of changing face: "now, is it funny?"

"This This! President, you... "

Wen Yan's eyes stare like a copper bell, and his whole body is in a mess. His mind is blank, and his breathing becomes urgent.

Su Xun changed back to his original appearance and nodded: "yes, you see that. I'm Su Xun and Xiao Yun."

"This It's incredible. " Wen Yan was so shocked that he almost doubted his life.

No wonder changshengzong helped dawning society selflessly.

No wonder Xiao Yun and Su Xun never appeared at the same time.

No wonder

All the things I couldn't think of before can be figured out now.

Su Xun said: "Xiao Yun is dead. I killed him. It happened that I would use his identity because I can't see through his magic power."

"I don't think so." Wen Yan is very curious now. What's the expression of those people if they know the truth?

The undercover, who has become the boss, is on an equal footing with another group of bosses, and is regarded as a rare pride in the vast world for thousands of years.

It's too ironic, too dramatic.

Su Xun restrained his smile and said, "to get down to business, I need you to play Xiao Yun at a certain time, so as to avoid my lack of skills."

"But at the president's command." Wen Yan said.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I'll let you know then."

In the next few days, they stayed in the hotel, because Su Xun didn't come back.

"Why hasn't lord Xiao come back? He won't go to work by himself. Leave us here."

Ice Yunhao face anxious, impatient said.

Mo Ziyuan sneered: "it's really possible that master Xiao gave up his personality."

"Sister Ziyuan never forgot that slap." Xu said jokingly.

Zhou Suqing said faintly: "no matter what, just wait here according to his orders."

As soon as she spoke, the door was pushed open.

Su Xun came in.

"Master Xiao." The crowd rose one after another.

Su Xun glanced at them and said lightly, "I've found the area where he recently appeared. I'll start tonight to see if I can meet him."


For several days, everyone was excited and ready to fight.

Only Mo Ziyuan is calm, because she doesn't think Xiao Yun will be the opponent of Dawning society. How can he find the trace so easily.

It's probably nothing tonight.

Soon, as night fell, Xiao Yun took them to a deep mountain and said, "spread out and search. If there is any danger, report it quickly."

When they heard the order, they scattered, and then the divine consciousness searched every inch of the land like a radar.

However, looking for a whole hour, Fang Yuanbai you searched all over, but no harvest.

"Master Xiao, I didn't find the thief.""I can't find it here either."

"I don't have..."

Everyone has begun to doubt whether Xiao Yun has found out.

Mo Ziyuan smiles coldly, she knows that the other side is so cautious, how can Xiao Yun find the flaw so easily?

"No way. My information can't be wrong. Keep looking. Expand the scope. I'll ask again."

Su Xun's voice fell, and he disappeared in the sky.

"Ha ha, come on, I don't think we need to change it. There must be something wrong with the wallet. Haven't you seen our Lord Xiao go to settle accounts with each other?"

Xu light sneer, not Yin and Yang said.

Everyone is indifferent, because they can see that Xiao Yun's face is obviously not good-looking when he leaves.

The reason why they know that there is no such thing as the president of Dawning society here, and they continue to look for it is just to maintain their face.

At this time, a calm voice suddenly sounded, into the public ears.

"The eyesore is gone at last."

All people are stiff, and then look at each other, looking for fame.

This is a white robe. Is standing not far away, smiling at him.

This man is not Su Xun, and who is he?

This is the real Su Xun. He just left on the pretext, and then he relieved the disguise. He changed his clothes and returned to the scene.

Young man, I'm standing in front of you. You see, I'm kind of like before.

Xiao Yun and others didn't find the information here, but they didn't find it.

Now that Xiao Yun is gone, they are in danger.

"It's a long night and I don't want to sleep. Please sleep here tonight."

Su Xun's voice fell, and he sacrificed his black jade sword and chopped it with one sword.

Dozens of swords roared away.


I don't know who yelled, the first reaction is to run, no one will be stupid face to face.

Because Jinxian peak is not Taiyi Jinxian full shot thing, ten of the enemy, not to mention them, lucky words can run away.

If you stay and fight head-on, you'll die.

"Want to run? Can you run away? "

Su Xun grinned. In the dark, the smile was a bit ferocious and cruel, which opened the hunting mode.

Like a wolf, chasing a group of sheep.

Every time he makes a move, someone will fall down, or be injured, or die.

The higher the accomplishments are, the greater the gap between each small step will be. The difference between a big realm is even more different.

At this point, this is no longer a weakness that can be made up by magic weapon or skill.

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