Rumors are spreading wildly and fermenting.

Although rumors stop with wise men.

But when the rumor seems to be full of credibility, and the "wise man" is already resentful, the rumor will not stop.

It's not limited, but uneven.

All the golden immortals sent out by the ten second rate sects died, but there was only one.

Now dead, although there is still Taiyi in town, but no less than a broken arm.

But the people of the four first-class forces are alive and well. Can they balance themselves?

In fact, when the rumor came out, it didn't matter what the truth was. The important thing was that the rumor was in line with the mood of the ten second rate sects.

Their emotions need to be released.

The upper class could restrain themselves, but the disciples under each sect could not restrain themselves. They were all young and vigorous.

In just a few days, there were several conflicts between the disciples below and the disciples of haotianzong and changshengzong.

These frictions were initiated by the disciples of the ten second rate sects.

It's just that both sides are controlled within a certain degree, and no one has been killed yet.

The second rate sect of the ten schools acquiesced to the behavior of their disciples. They also knew that as long as no one was killed, the four forces would step back.

Just wait for the disciples to release their emotions.

But there are always accidents.

On this day, something happened.

A second rate sect leader's disciple named liehuozong went out to work with some of his classmates. On the way, he met a disciple of Lihen sect and challenged him. He didn't want to be killed by the disciple of Lihen sect.

This disciple of Lihen sect was naturally Su Xun's temporary new vest (σ≥ ∀≤).

News back to the fire, fire shock, an uncontrollable anger poured into my heart.

Even if he knew that there was a great ancestor in Lihen Zong, the leader of liehuo Zong also sent a book to question Lihen Zong.

Because his own disciple died, how sad and angry he was would not be mentioned. If he did not let Lihen sect explain to him, the hearts of liehuo sect would be broken.

But Li hen Zong wrote back, saying that it was not the disciples of his sect who said that they would not admit it.

The fire clan was furious and clamored for revenge.

But although the leader of the fire sect was also extremely angry, he didn't lose his mind, so he calmed down the emotion in the sect for the time being.

Then, at the same time, the disciples of changshengzong also changed their normal state. In the face of other second rate sect's provocations, they no longer forbeared, but began to fight back.

The first move is to kill. Many disciples of all schools died in changshengzong's hands.

The next ten second rate sects are all angry!

At the beginning, you only saved the people of the four forces, but you didn't save our people, and they all fell down. Can't you let our disciples vent?

But now, the disciples of your changshengzong and Lihen Zong are killing people.

You didn't collude with each other before. Who believes that?

If you have fire in your heart, you will be angry.

But choose the right person to be angry.

Persimmon to pick soft pinch, the four forces they can not pinch, it can only pinch changshengzong.

At the same time, they also set an example to the four forces to let them know that they are not easy to provoke.

So the ten second rate sects gathered together to discuss in the alliance of liehuozong, the biggest sufferer.


If the four disciples of Sao Zong had been fighting back for a long time, they would not have been able to harm each other

"Good! Changshengzong is the most arrogant. Xiao Yun is so unscrupulous now. In the future, he will get it. Is there a place for us to live? "

"That's right. We have to give color back. I suggest we start with changshengzong first!"

Although it is said to start with changshengzong, everyone knows that it can only end here.

Because in addition to changshengzong, the other four can't be provoked, they can't fight.

In this way, the ten princes gathered to discuss Xiao.

But as everyone knows, their every move is in accordance with the rhythm arranged by Su Xun.

The distance from the pit is getting closer and closer. If you take a few more steps, you will fall down completely and die.



Su Xun was waiting. He was tired of waiting for those people to come.

It's always someone else waiting for him.

When did he have to wait for someone else?

"Master, you are restless." Lin Wanrou put down a black chess and said with her mouth.

Su Xun's absent-minded playing chess with her made her feel despised.

The key is that she couldn't even get rid of Su Xun who was absent-minded.

Su Xun said with a smile: "it's Wanrou who is good at chess. As a teacher, I'm thinking about how to go next."In the past few days, bingyuyan has come to changshengzong to recognize her parents, but Lin Wanrou's reaction is very insipid.

Think about it, the ice sparrow family did not raise her, strictly speaking, also forced her parents to death.

Even if not hate, but also absolutely not pro.

"Master is a liar." Lin Wanrou turned her lips and then got up: "master, what's bothering you? If you don't let Wanrou rub your head for you, it will be better."

"You are filial. If my daughter can be as obedient as you, I will be happy." Su Xun joked, then leaned back.

Lin Wanrou went over and gently massaged his temple: "master can treat me as a daughter. I'm willing to serve master all my life."

All of a sudden, Su Xun opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, and he got up.

His divine consciousness was open to the outside world, and he felt several Tongjing breath approaching changshengzong quickly.

"I've been waiting for my liver to ache. You've come."

Su Xun gave a smile, then flew out of the hall, and disappeared in the same place.

Lin Wanrou left a face muddled force, and then reaction, quickly also chase out.

"You are all here today. I don't know why you are here?"

Outside the gate of Changsheng mountain, in the sky, Su Xun stood with a negative hand and looked at the people in front of him with a smile.

"Xiao Yun! You know it! You changshengzong disciples killed many of our disciples today. You have to give us an account today! "

"Good! Otherwise, we will never stop! "

A group of people yelled.

Su Xun sneered and said with disdain, "is it your disciples who challenge my changshengzong first? I've endured it a few days ago. Since you don't want to be shameful, do you have to endure it all the time? "

"Son of a bitch! If you didn't save our elders, how could your disciples challenge your changshengzong? " An old man glaring.

Su Xun sneered and looked at him with silly eyes: "don't say I didn't mean to save, even if I didn't save, what can you do? I'm not their father. Why do I have to save them? "

"You You... "

Hearing this, everyone was so angry that one Buddha came out of his body and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and his anger filled his chest.

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