"No matter how smart you are, if you don't give us an explanation today, don't blame us for being rude!"

Relying on a large number of people, the cultivation is high, but they are not ready to continue to fight, gun.

Direct pressure.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Su Xun began to laugh. After a while, he stopped: "you're welcome? With such a big voice, have you prepared the coffin for yourself when you come here? "

"Xiao Yun, I admit that you have outstanding talent, but before you are completely independent of the world, I advise you to keep your temper. Today, I will teach you how to be a man!"

The old man with white hair, who had been choked and speechless by the search, gave a cold drink, and then killed Su Xun directly.

"Lao Zamao, an old man, is not afraid to break his waist when he talks big."

Without fear, Su Xun took a step forward, and his momentum suddenly rose from the sky.


Taiyi's accomplishments in the middle period were not concealed.


Everyone's face has changed.

I didn't expect Xiao Yun to break through from the initial stage to the middle stage so soon.

You should know that cultivation is more and more difficult. Some people may be stuck in a small step for hundreds of years.

And Xiao Yun is a monster.

He was also surprised at the old man with white hair who Su Xun shot. He regretted his recklessness. He was just in the early stage of Taiyi.

But now he retreated, which was too humiliating. He could only bite his teeth and continue to fight Su Xun.

To be exact, it's a kick.

He swept out with one foot, and a huge blue sole fell to the sky and stepped on Su Xun.

"Go away!"

Su Xun clapped it with one hand.


The huge sole of the foot is directly smashed by a slap, and the strength produced is as sharp as a blade.

"What The old man with white hair looked surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that the other side would break his move so easily.

"I like to use my feet, don't I? Then I'll teach you. "

Su Xun gave a grim smile, and then he suddenly raised himself by ten feet. He was dressed in a divine robe, just like a giant overlooking heaven and earth.

As his accomplishments become higher and higher, the effect of using magic power against the enemy will be doubled, bringing double happiness to the enemy.

He raised his foot and fell to the old man with white hair.

The old man with white hair wanted to escape, but he was locked by an air engine. But it was this area that Su Xun's feet were about to fall.

The old man with white hair has red eyes.

"No! Come on

Other people see, are a face change, and then want to help.

One by one, they sacrificed magic weapons to attack Su Xun.


However, as soon as the weapon was flying, it was stopped by a sword that came through the air.

"Three hate sword meaning!"

Everyone was horrified.

"It's not proper for a group of old guys to bully a young man."

With a calm voice, their guess became a fact, Qin Yanzheng came.

"Clank -"

a piercing bird's song cut through the sky, and Bing Yuyan stepped on the back of a big blue bird.

She and Qin Yanzheng stop the people who want to save the old man with white hair.

"Lord Qin, Binghuang, what do you want to do?"

Everyone's face became very ugly, but the heart was more angry.

They dare not fight against the four forces, so they join hands to bully Xiao Yun, a soft persimmon.

But now I didn't expect that all the four forces came to the platform for Xiao Yun.

"We don't care about one-on-one, but if you want to rely on more people, that won't work." Bingyuyan said.

The master of liehuozong stared at Qin Yanzheng, his face was gloomy and terrible: "master Qin, you killed my apprentice, you said you didn't do it. Do you think I can still believe it now?"

"Believe it or not, it's your business. What does it have to do with you?" Qin Yanzheng said lightly.

But the four forces have been paying close attention to the trend of the top ten second rate sects.

When they learned that they were going to changshengzong, Qin Yanzheng and Bing Yuyan came to help as allies. After all, this was the first time that they had made an alliance with Xiao Yun.

If we can't provide timely and firm support even this time, the three man alliance will be broken up.


A scream, let everyone is suddenly go.

At this time, the old man with white hair was dressed in rags, bloody and seriously injured.

It's not easy to survive until now.

"Old man, it doesn't matter if you don't have a coffin. I'll give you one when you leave."

Su Xun's eyes were cold, his wrist turned, and the black jade sword appeared in his hand.

"Stop it

See this scene, all people are panicked and yelled to stop."Xiao Yun!"

Bingyuyan and Qin Yanzheng also changed their faces.

After all, the death of a Taiyi, it can be really bitter knot deep.

At least the remaining nine second rate goalkeepers will be hostile to them for a long time.

However, Su Xun didn't care. He wanted to intensify the conflict. Of course, he had to die.


The sword roared down.

"Pooh -"

the body of the old man with white hair was cut into two parts. The spirit wanted to escape and was smashed with one blow.

The whole process is between lightning and flint.

Bingyuyan and Qin Yanzheng are stunned. They think Xiao Yun is too impulsive and reckless.

"Son of a bitch! Xiao Yun! I am equal to you

"Qin Yanzheng, bingyuyan, in this case, we have done one today!"

"You've been deceiving people too much..."

Everyone in the second rate sect was blown up, their eyes were red, and their whole body was full of fighting spirit.

Because they and the old man with white hair are a whole. If they don't stand up today, they may be killed one by one.

So in any case, posture must be taken out to stabilize people's hearts and warm them together.

"In that case, let's fight."

Qin Yanzheng said that he was the first to take the lead, because he had already had a life lawsuit between renhen sect and liehuo sect.

To tell you the truth, even he himself is not sure whether the pro disciples of the leader of liehuo sect were killed by the people of Lihen sect. He just denied it subconsciously.

Xiao Yun, Qin Yanzheng, and Bing Yuyan fought with more than a dozen people at the same time, making a world shaking battle.

"Ha ha, ha ha, how can we do without one of my week's

"And I, Xiang Xun, although my eternal life gate is called the magic gate, it also talks about gratitude. Master Xiao saved lightness, and this kindness must be rewarded."

Zhou Yuanhong and Xiang Xun arrived in time and joined the regiment without hesitation, which immediately relieved Su Xun's pressure.

The two of them came only after receiving the news of Qin Yanzheng and Bing YuYan's attack. Otherwise, even if Xiao Yun was kind to them, they would not come.

After all, the interests of the clan should be the first.

In addition to Daluo, today's changshengzong Mountain Gate can be said to be a group of people with the highest strength and status in the vast sea.

Although the fight was fierce, except for Xiao Yun, others kept their hands, at least they didn't hurt their lives.

A big scuffle ended with a slightly dramatic result. They were all injured, but not seriously.

The second rate sect and the four first-class forces both expressed their attitude and maintained their face.

If there is no accident, the balance and calm will be maintained for a long time.

However, Su Xun's existence is specialized in making accidents.

He wanted the four first-class forces and the remaining nine second-class sects to fight each other.

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