Then it fell into a period of stability.

The four major forces in the vast world are busy taking over the assets and resources of those second rate sects, so they have no time to pay attention to the complicated affairs on Gaiya.

As long as the dawn will not provoke them, let them jump for a while.

It's not too late for them to clean up the dawning meeting when they make room in the vast sea.

Su Xun is shut up to go, he wants to use the ice sparrow family sent the ice spirit fruit impact.

It's time for the world to come to an end. After all, I've been here for nearly half a year.

It's the longest world he's been in.

At the same time when Su Xun closed the door, Yang En's injuries had already been healed, and he still stayed in Gaiya star.

Without Su Xun's command, they did not dare to go back to the vast sea without permission.

Otherwise, let alone the four forces, even Su Xun would not let them go.

After all, life and death are beyond his hands. Five people dare not make fun of their own lives.

In this way, two months passed quickly, and Su Xun was in the middle of the pass.

According to the time on earth, it has been a week since the midway, so we can extract new identities.

This is the first time that Su Xun missed the extraction of his identity, because he was in the closed door without any distractions. At this moment, he could not be distracted, otherwise he would fall short.

In the third month of Su Xun's seclusion, he was finally about to make a breakthrough.


Over changshengzong, there was thunder in the clear sky. Large dark clouds rolled in, and thunder and lightning flashed in the clouds, as if the sky was about to collapse.

An arrogant momentum from the direction of Su Xun's seclusion skyrocketed phase II, abruptly tearing the gray sky open, let the sun shine.

"It's a breakthrough!"

"The Lord will surely succeed!"

"We're going to have Da Luo Jinxian, too..."

All the people of changshengzong were staring at the direction of susian's seclusion. They were excited and prayed that susian would succeed.


All the dishes were sliced down from the sky by lightning.

The dark clouds are getting thicker and thicker, the thunder and lightning in the clouds are roaring wildly, and the gale is sweeping the whole changshengzong.

"Get out of my seat!"

A roar of rage rang through the sky.

The next second, people just feel a huge hatred and murderous atmosphere. At this moment, everyone's heart is full of hatred, and the hatred for someone or something is magnified infinitely.

Three hate sword meaning, the first sword, hate heaven.

A sword rose to the sky, abruptly cut away the dark clouds gathered together and reappeared the clear sky.

The next second, Su Xun got up and couldn't help laughing.

Daluo Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi are two levels.

Only when you step into the real immortal can you be regarded as seeking the immortal.

It's only when you step into Daluo that you can seek the way.

"Congratulations to you, master, for a long time!"

All of them knelt down to worship Su Xun.

"Congratulations to you, master, for a long time!"

"Congratulations to you, master, for a long time!"

"I'll wait..."

Sound after sound like torrents, wave after wave, drowning changshengzong.

"Everyone, please."

Su Xun's voice fell, and all the people in changshengzong felt a gentle force to lift themselves up.

Su Xun ordered: "we can't disclose the breakthrough of Dalai. We will send an invitation to the leaders of the four forces to come to changshengzong for a while."

He flashed a touch of fun, everything can be over.

"Yes, Lord."

After giving a series of orders, Su Xun waved his hand and directly tore a hole in the space in front of him. Then he stepped out, disappeared in the same place and closed the hole again.

By the time he shows up again, it's on Gaia.

This is Darrow. It can tear down the space barrier.

Although Da Luo and Tai Yi are only one step apart, their strength is more than several times stronger.

When you return to the earth after this identity mission, maybe you can try to enter the Changbai Mountain passage and take a risk.

That is to say, if you can't return to the opposite road, you can seal it.


Gaiyasing, a resort.

Yang En, Yan Hua, Shi Jian, Bai Xiaotian and Qiu Tian are fishing around a pool, which means they are going to retire in advance.

Suddenly, a man appeared in front of them.

"Su Xun!"

See this person, five people are instant dropped the fishing rod in the hand.

"Hum!" Su Xun gave a cold hum.

Five people only feel deafening, chest stuffy, almost a mouthful of blood spit out.

It's unbelievable. Look at Su Xun.

"Big DarrowThey didn't expect that in just three months, Su Xun really broke through. He broke through Da Luo.

For a moment, they were shocked, envied and wanted to vomit blood.

They practiced all their life before they reached Taiyi.

But what about Su Xun?

He broke through the big Luo when he was young, which made them feel that they were really practicing on dogs.

Su Xun said faintly, "did you call Su Xun?"

"Lord." Five people are sensible and clever.

Su Xun nodded with satisfaction: "I get the news that Xiao Yun will invite Zhou Yuanhong to get together in recent days. That's a good opportunity for us to do it."

"Yes, Lord!"

They were all very excited.

Xiao Yun!

You must be desperate to kill you in your eternal life.

Ha ha ha ha

"Lord, the four ancestors of the four forces..." Yang En is more rational.

Although Su Xun broke through the big Luo, he had four big Luo.

Su Xun didn't agree: "don't worry, these old guys and the disciples of the current generation have been separated for many generations, and they have no feelings to speak of. Besides, for them, seeking Tao is more important than anything, and they don't want to work hard with me."

"The Lord is wise." Five people complimented in unison.


Two days later, the vast sea, changshengzong.

Hall of longevity.

Su Xun was sitting in the upper position.

Below are Zhou Yuanhong, Xiang Xun, Bing Yuyan and Qin Yanzheng.

Qin Yanzheng asked: "Xiao Yun, haven't you been closed all the time? Why did you leave the customs suddenly? Why do you want us to come here for a while? "

Changshengzong has done a good job in keeping confidential information. They don't know about Xiao Yun's breakthrough in Daluo.

"It's nothing. I just want to introduce some old friends to you." Su Xun said lightly.

Four people looked at each other, puzzled looking at Su Xun: "old friend?"

As soon as he spoke, there was a roar from outside.

"Xiao Yun! Qin Yanzheng, Zhou Yuanhong, Bing Yuyan, Xiang Xun, you all come out to die! "

"No, here comes my old friend." Su Xun showed a smile and flew out.

Qin Yanzheng exchanged his eyes, and then followed closely.

Flying out of the hall, one eye saw Yang En five people hanging in the sky.

"It's you?"

Xiang Xun's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect that these people would dare to come back for revenge.

If you think about Xiao Yungang again, it seems that he is in control of all this.

Think of here, to train four people to see to Yang En five people's eyes become pity again.

Poor guy, I'm afraid I don't know yet. They have been calculated by Xiao Yun.

However, the four of them were also calculated.

So don't think others are stupid, because maybe you are stupid too.

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